Will Aaron Rodgers See the Light In the Darkness?

The latest chapter in the ongoing Aaron Rodgers saga was announced earlier this week during one of the quarterback’s frequent appearances on “The Pat McAfee Show.” The Green Bay Packers signal caller explained that shortly after the Super Bowl he would be heading to a four-night “sensory-deprivation isolation retreat” and that his experience there may help him decide his football future.

“It’s a darkness retreat,” Rodgers said. “And I’ve had a number of friends who’ve done it and had some profound experiences, and it’s something that’s been on my radar for a few years now. I felt like it’d be awesome to do regardless of where I was leaning after this season, so it’s been on the calendar for months and months and it’s coming up in a couple weeks.”

The experience is a simple one. “It’s not like you bring a journal or you bring music or anything,” Rodgers added. “There’s no sounds. It’s just sitting in isolation, meditation, dealing with your thoughts. It stimulates DMT so there can be some hallucinations in there but it’s just kind of sitting in silence, which most of us never do. We rarely even turn our phone off or put the blinds down to sleep in darkness. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Critics are coming out of the woodwork on social media wondering what this treatment is going to do for and to Rodgers. But let’s look at it from a practical standpoint. Is this unusual? Perhaps. It’s not something the typical American does on a regular basis.

But what’s the problem with it? Nobody is going to be hurt by this experience except possibly Rodgers himself and the quarterback can leave at any time if the experience isn’t working for him. It certainly isn’t against any laws that I’m aware of.

Rodgers is a wealthy celebrity who can afford whatever it costs to undergo this experience. It may not be a common thing in our culture, but it has its roots in some eastern religions and traditions and if Rodgers wants to explore that or finds fulfillment in it, he’s not hurting anybody else so why not?


If you put yourself in Rodgers’ shoes and think about a celebrity who is noticed and asked questions nearly every time he steps out of his house, the idea of getting away from everything for a few days to commune with your thoughts isn’t an absurd one.

In a Tweet, Rodgers responded to criticism from former NFL player Mitchell Schwartz by saying, “Be curious, not judgmental. We are all on our own path, and doing things like this helps me find a greater sense of peace and love for life. Love and respect to you.”

Rodgers appears to be a man on a journey of discovery in his life and he’s willing to try unconventional means to try to find what he’s looking for on a spiritual and emotional level. He has admitted to using the psychoactive brew Ayahuasca in the past and said that helped him find some inner peace.

As Packers fans, Rodgers search for self-enlightenment should not be a concern as long as he’s not breaking any laws or hurting anybody. Perhaps as fans, we might get concerned if there was some connection to this search and a drastic drop in his play on the field, but he won two NFL MVP awards in 2020 and 2021 after using the Ayahuasca over the offseason. Many fans may not be able to relate to what Rodgers is doing and may not be interested in trying it themselves but that doesn’t mean there’s a good reason to condemn it.

We still don’t know what AR-12 will decide. Will he opt to continue his NFL career next season or is he willing to walk away from $59 million guaranteed and begin his life after football?

If he does choose to continue his football career, will he and the Packers agree to re-work his contract to give the team more flexibility under the cap or will the team and their star player decide it’s time to part ways and begin the post-Rodgers Era in Green Bay while Rodgers concludes his football career in Las Vegas or New York or somewhere other than Minnesota?

Many fans are tired of waiting for the third consecutive offseason but this year, all indications are the wait won’t be long.

One thing Rodgers indicated to McAfee was that “After that [the darkness retreat] I feel like I’ll be a lot closer to a final, final decision.”

What that decision will be is what matters most to Packers fans. As for Aaron Rodgers’ search for spiritual growth and enlightenment, we all wish him well.  




You can follow Gil Martin on Twitter @GilPackers


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6 points

Comments (44)

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PackEyedOptimist's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:22 pm

I agree with everything you’ve said here, Gil.

5 points
GilMartin's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:32 pm

Thanks, PackEyedOptimist. I appreciate it.

2 points
mnbadger's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:28 pm

I can't disagree with Gil either, but I can add a bit.
this is really a continuation of the past 2 to 3 years as he's moved through life and his playing time with his head so far up his arse no light dare enter those depths.
Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
Peace and joy to you my friend ar12.
I hope the packers fo trades you for one or two veteran players at positions of need and 2 or 3 day one or day two draft picks in this years draft.
I came to that enlightenment all on my own. Confession - a couple of fingers of Redbreast 15YO Irish Whiskey helped a bit too.

0 points
ricky's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:31 pm

A fresh perspective, full of acceptance and understanding. On the internet. Rare, indeed, but also very welcome.

6 points
GilMartin's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:33 pm

Thanks, Ricky. I appreciate it.

2 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:31 pm

If he comes to the realization that you can throw to wide-open receivers in the middle of the field then it's a win for everyone. If not, at least he'll be the smartest person in the room.

15 points
splitpea1's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:37 pm

I can't believe you're analyzing this. But nobody should have a problem with it--to each his own.

But it's probably a whole lot easier to take a stroll around the block to collect your thoughts--even four times if that's what it takes; no mental rigmaroles involved. Or in Aaron's case, wandering around his beachfront estate in solitude for less than an hour should do the trick. Just psychologist Split Pea's prescription....and it didn't even cost a nickel.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:38 pm

For common folk - a stroll around the block is probably all that we can do or afford. However for prima donnas - restorative cures are always much more dramatic and expensive.

-1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:41 pm

I wish I could just get away for four days. I would love 4 days of nothing but darkness and silence. Something I have never had. I wish I could afford 4 days off, let alone paying for the opportunity. I commend him for trying to find inner peace. A friend of mine said there is no way he could do it, but I could easily spend 4 days in total darkness and silence.

My friend pointed out if AR12 couldn't handle it, he could walk out whenever he wants, but I would expect someone as competitive as AR12 is, he'd be more likely to stay 5 days and nights instead of walking out early.

I don't understand why anyone would suggest this darkness retreat is anything other than a man trying to find answers to his own questions. For thousands of years man has wondered what his reason for being is and I am very interested to hear what AR12 has to say about this experience after the fact.

People are going to find fault in anything he does. Haters going to hate.

I think personal reflection is instrumental for personal growth. I can't imagine a more effective way for personal reflection than spending 4 days and nights in total darkness with only your thoughts for company.

Spending 4 straight days with no distractions would be awesome, IMO.

4 points
PackyCheese500's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:42 pm

In my psychic crystal ball, I see the Jets as Rodgers' future

4 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 12:51 pm

Good for #12 for delving more into his thoughts. My only thought is, he could have done this without making it public.

There is much noise and light pollution where there wasn't years ago...it affects humans, plants and animals - not in a good way.

Let's not forget the forest (other Packer players, management) for the tree (#12)

Lovers gonna love!

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:07 pm

Learning of his retreat, other than by him before doing so, would have created a bigger media shitshow. It definitely would have been found out.

5 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:12 pm

I really don't think so Taryns...but I don't follow other outlets really. I could be wrong...

3 points
crayzpackfan's picture

February 09, 2023 at 03:40 pm

I agree. I don't think the media really cares anything about AR in terms of chasing him down if he goes silent for 4 days. They just circle like vultures waiting for him to willingly launch his attention seeking missiles so they have crap to talk about for a couple of days. The media has been conditioned by Him to just sit tight, as He will eventually pop up to get a hit off his "look at me pipe" doing all the work for them. In other words, if AR decided to just not be noticed, the media would completely stop noticing him.

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:02 pm

I had to go on a journey to find myself too. I pissed away my first year of college and didn’t know what to do with myself. Nine months near the DMZ and the song “I Gotta Get Out of This Place “ focused my mind and I got an early out and went back to college and made the dean’s list. I was 19. By the time I was 39, I had a wife and 2 kids and no time to go on retreats.

You’re almost 40. Figure it out, dude!

4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:41 pm

His only adversity in life has been a wicked pass rush... Since he was in his early 20s he hasn't had to worry about money one day in his life. As far as we know he's never been married, doesn't have kids, and has always focused on being the best NFL QB he can be 9 - 10 months a year...

When did he exactly have time to figure anything about real life out? His DMZ is 3rd and 10 with two minutes to go and no matter what happens it isn't life and death...

I think many young men would benefit from military service, but if that isn't an option, maybe a 4 day retreat would be in order.

Thank You for your service...

2 points
TarynsEyes's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:04 pm

Too many fans think Rodgers lives for them, and they have a right to know how he discovers and decides his path. You do not live in his world, even though you have had a small hand in creating it by being a paying fan, still, you don't. I don't really care how he finds what he's searching for. I just wait for his decision, which will require the FO their eventual decision, who by the way, don't really care what the fans think. Because the NFL has gotten too big to take the time to care, because you the fan have no choice but to accept whatever they decide. People have been indoctrinated to take the knee (obediently) with regard to near everything suggested, endeavored and engaged. It's petty to be upset how Rodgers finds his path for his future, and if that dictates yours, you have a bigger life issue than Rodgers.

7 points
RCPackerFan's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:08 pm

Great article.

I wrote this yesterday on Confessions -
"Dark Days -
Its amazing how literally everything Rodgers does is criticized by people. You have people talk about players needing to make sure they keep their mental health in check. Rodgers does something that he feels is great for his mental health, and the pitchforks come out. I'm not referring to what Al wrote here, just with what I have seen on twitter. Rodgers does things that the majority of people likely wouldn't. And rather then understand why he is doing it or what he actually is doing, most just make fun of him about it. Look he can do whatever the hell he wants. He is a grown ass man that can do whatever he feels he needs to do. What he does in his life has no impact on mine. If he needs to go sit in the dark, then go sit in the dark."

You bring up a very good point in this about Rodgers being a wealthy celebrity. That is something I think a lot of people forget with him. That he isn't just a regular person like most of us. There are many things he deals with that we have no idea about. If he needs to take some time for himself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. There are a lot more evils in our world to deal with then to worry about how Rodgers is doing things that he feels he needs to in the offseason.

As far as playing/not playing, I'm sure they have a couple of plans already figured out for either way he goes. They will get this figured out within a month or so. Until then, there is the super bowl. Then an offseason that may drastically change the look of GB or may not change all that much. Lets all just enjoy the ride.

6 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:16 pm

RC, for sure!👌👍

"There are a lot more evils in our world to deal with then to worry about how Rodgers is doing things that he feels he needs to in the offseason".

1 points
T7Steve's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:09 pm

I've read it used to be a customary rite of passage in many Native American tribes for young men becoming adults to go on dream quests of fasting alone in the wilderness or sweat lodges to determine their path in life. Their medicine men or religious people and leaders did it whenever they needed to reach important decisions or to try to seak ways out of problems. Later people have tried this to success.

To each his own. I hope he finds what he's looking for even if that means just a relaxing few days.

Just because he keeps doing these types of things doesn't mean he's unbalanced or has problems. It probably just means he has time off and too much money to do what us with less would do on vacation.

If he stays with the Packers, I'd prefer he work on his leg and arm strength while he's in the dark contemplating things.

7 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:54 pm

A movie I liked growing up was Vision Quest. I loved the song "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider.

2 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:21 pm

Maybe he contacted the CIA for a dark ops site. Or a maximum security prison for solitary confinement. For the love of all, who cares anymore? Make up your mind and let us know when it’s done so we can all collectively move on out of this mass fan hysteria and exhaustion.

-1 points
OWarrior's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:34 pm

Good article - and I agree 100%. There's no need to make a big deal about this. Aaron, obviously, knows what he's doing - and he's always taken good care of himself.

5 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:36 pm

I hope he has a good time. Sitting in the dark by myself would not be my cup of tea, but I do like turning my phone off and just sitting outside.

Truthfully, I think the decision has already been made at 1265 that Love is ready and they're going with him, and that they're going to trade Rodgers to a place he'd like to go AND we're going to get a pretty good price for him. It might not be in this year's draft, but we'll get it.

We could fill needs at S, TE, WR, Edge, and OL with Top 100 prospects this year if we just trade down a little from #15.

5 points
MainePackFan's picture

February 09, 2023 at 03:21 pm

"Truthfully, I think the decision has already been made at 1265"

LH, I believe the Packers have a plan, but I think it's plan A or Plan B depending on how trade talks go. There are a lot of moving parts to this. I don't think it's as simple as the Packers made a decision, unless that decision is they are trading Love.

Rodgers holds the retirement card. That complicates things. That creates two parties who have to agree (3 if you count the team involved in an AR trade). Unless of course they are hoping to force AR into retirement, and there goes the picks everyone is dreaming of.

Not to mention the dead cap money.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 09, 2023 at 04:08 pm

He does hold the retirement card...if he's willing to retire. I'm assuming he doesn't want to retire and would prefer to play next year in some place he could enjoy while making $50 million /year for another year or two. Or three.

There would be no logical reason to "force" Rodgers into retirement. Much better to trade him to a team that he'd like to play for.

This Plan has been brewing since before we drafted Love. The Plan was to find a successor to Rodgers, to get a good prospect and develop him for a couple of years, and when he was ready, we'd move Rodgers or he'd retire. Love is ready now.

Had Love been a total bomb out of the box, we could just keep Rodgers and start over with another prospect. But Love looks like he's ready, according to the people who are there, so we'll just stick with the original plan that we've been on for years.....draft a replacement, develop him, start him when he's ready. Getting draft picks for Rodgers is a bonus we paid for by extending his contract instead of letting him leave in FA.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

February 09, 2023 at 06:30 pm

I think most people assume the Packers are moving on from Rodgers. That may be true. We have no way of knowing for sure. I am not doubting Love may be ready, he may be, but I put no stock in what the team or players are saying in public. They're not going to devalue a player or diss a teammate.

We will know soon enough whether the FO is sold on Love. Their job is to put the best product on the field, now, and for the future. I trust they will do what is best for the Green Bay Packers.

My point is that this situation has more options than just trade Aaron Rodgers. Like it or not, we all should be aware of that. The FO certainly is.

1 points
HarryHodag's picture

February 09, 2023 at 01:49 pm

A point rarely made is Rodgers is a true master manipulator. Every time he opens his mouth it becomes fodder for the national sports media dopes and others. He keeps the 'Aaron Rodgers' brand in the public eye. He's learned that the sports media are addicted to gossip in any form.

He can't harm himself with this latest stunt, if he really does it at all. He could stay home for four days and tell everyone he did it. My belief is if he was truly committed to making himself better he wouldn't have to tell the planet about it. Does inner peace come from constantly being in the public?

Sorry to be a cynic yet another time, but His Highness really gives me a pain where there's darkness on me.

4 points
Packerpasty's picture

February 09, 2023 at 07:44 pm

So explain why its a "stunt"....its something he wants to do..you obviously don't like his lifestyle but the things he does aren't "stunts"...maybe you need something like this so you won't be so judgmental in your life..

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:08 pm

Wasn't Rodgers just on a 6 month "darkness" retreat with the Team?

It seems that fame, fortune and football is just not enough for Rodgers. So be it. But please release us (the fans) from all this on-field and off-field theatre. Extreme disinterest has set in due to redundancy.

11 points
Swisch's picture

February 09, 2023 at 05:01 pm

I'm wondering if Rodgers spent last season isolating himself from teammates, film study, and LaFleur's playbook. He does seem to like all the attention, though, from his remote vantage point of fame and fortune.
I'm wondering if his dedication to the craft of quarterback in all of its inconvenient details has been going down in proportion to his rising ego of domineering arrogance.
I'm wondering if his superficially-sophisticated melodrama seems more suited to glitzy and garish Las Vegas with the Raiders, or in an inscrutably self-important off-Broadway production with the Jets.

0 points
stockholder's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:14 pm

I say it's a nudist camp.

5 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:16 pm

If it's in darkness - wouldn't it defeat the purpose?

4 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:22 pm

Nope, in my case...it increases my odds of meeting a wholesome lass. (sparing me the giggles and 'I'm so sorry' looks)

1 points
RichBeckman's picture

February 11, 2023 at 12:32 pm

That depends on how crowded it is.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

February 09, 2023 at 02:48 pm

I have been the most ardent ARod apologist on this site, but 4-days sitting in the dark—huh?
Where the heck are we we headed as a society? Only pampered, fawned-over athletes and celebrities would embrace such therapy. It made think I should perhaps stare at the sun for a few days—maybe I’ll see Jim Morrison…
I heard a comedian explaining what his dad would have said had had told him, “I need to go find myself for a few days.” His dad would have said, “I found you, you’re right in front of me—now go mow the lawn.” Exactly—Lol!
I gotta go now, I have an appointment with my pet psychic.
Go Packers!!!

5 points
Swisch's picture

February 09, 2023 at 03:57 pm

Well, I just took a nap, and my realization is that Rodgers should come out of his retreat to learn he's been traded.
For three straight seasons, he's left us fans in the dark while going from hosting Jeopardy to a Hawaiian vacation with a starlet to hallucinating in South America on a psychedelic drug to golfing at Pebble Beach and now to maybe a weird and scary escape into sensory deprivation.
He sure is drawing a lot of attention to himself in supposedly wanting to be alone.
(Tony Kornheiser thinks Rodgers is really going to hang out with Pat McAfee and order Uber Eats, which gave me a laugh, and which seems a healthier alternative.)
Next, perhaps, he'll try being an actor in his own vanity project a la Bill Murray in "The Razor's Edge," or Krusty the Clown in "The Sands of Space."
It seems as though indulging Rodgers as an apparent dilettante and perpetual seeker is to lose one's dignity, which is a sorry state to be in for a noble Packers franchise and its fans.
I'd much rather be talking about Jordan Love and building a team around him for the future that is going to win a Super Bowl.
I'm sad about Rodgers not going out with the Packers on a high note, but angry that he's dragging the team down with all of his sour notes.
Rodgers is discord, and not only is it an unpleasant tune, but seemingly never-ending.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

February 09, 2023 at 05:57 pm

Swisch I would not begrudge anyone from seeking greater meaning and fulfillment in their life. I think most us attempt to do so - in different ways. However, with Rodgers there always seems to be an ulterior motive - particularly his need to publicize and advertise his "spirituality." You may recall the story of "Poor Little Rich Girl" - which were the stories of Barbara Hutton and Gloria Vanderbilt - women of great wealth and privilege but poor personal lives. Rodgers reminds me of "Poor Little Rich Boy."

3 points
Swisch's picture

February 09, 2023 at 06:32 pm

I think with all of us there is a temptation to be always seeking but never quite finding, because we're afraid of where it may lead and what we might have to leave behind.
Even though Rodgers does striking things in his search for meaning, it may be that they are still safe things as far as avoiding real commitment. He may be more of a dabbler.
I wonder if he's a person who claims to not want all of the attention, while at the same time courting and perhaps even craving it.
In any case, I wish and pray him all the best for deep and lasting happiness. I do care about the guy, and even find him somewhat likeable.
However, for fans of the Packers, at least some of us, it would be much better if his personal quests did not seem so much a part of his annual melodrama of holding us hostage.
He is welcome over to a more modest experience of talking life over a glass of scotch whiskey, or (now that I've moved from the West to the South) bourbon whiskey.
I alternate reading about European and American history, and how they have been impacted by religion as far as common culture and daily living, with relief in episodes of "The Simpsons" and "Pawn Stars," along with various Wisconsin sports.
As it is now with Rodgers, it would be a huge relief if he moved his ongoing act away from non-glamorous Green Bay (which is the way some of us like things to be) to a location more receptive to the heart-pounding suspense of his next dramatic episode of celebrity roaming.
I just hope he doesn't start dating a Kardashian.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

February 09, 2023 at 04:09 pm

Four days all alone in the dark. I wonder what he's going to play with?

1 points
pantz_bURp's picture

February 09, 2023 at 05:17 pm

It would be an awesome SuperBowl tv commercial, with #12 sticking his head out of the Darkness Room asking for his favorite _______.

Maybe, just maybe a beautiful setup.

Yip cabbage!,


-1 points
Since'61's picture

February 09, 2023 at 07:35 pm

Gil a very thoughtful and fair article. No judgements, no blaming Rodgers for everything, no whining about what he has done to the fans or the Packers. All of which is just speculation and over reaction to a person who literally has no impact on any fan individually. He hasn't 't committed any crime. If Rodgers behavior has been so hurtful and disturbing just shut him off and ignore him. No need for all this gnashing of teeth and dealing with him as if he is a criminal.

The Botton line is that whatever has happened with Rodgers and whatever will happen with Rodgers has been and will be a temporary situation. The day will come when he is no longer a Packer one way or the other. Either enjoy watching him play or just don't watch or move on to another team or another sport or form of entertainment. Again it's all temporary and he will move on. This too shall pass.

As for his four days in the darkness I say to him go for it. As long as he is not committing a crime and not hurting anyone he is free to do whatever he chooses.
This is the USA and he can spend his time and money anyway he wants within the law. In a way I respect what he is doing knowing full well that I could never do it. I spent enough time away from my family when I had to travel for business. Plus I am a reader. I read a book a day unless it is some huge book in which case it might take 2 or even 3 days, but otherwise my goal for most of my life has been a book a day. I couldn't make through one day without something torrid, never mind four days. I guess that is my version of going into the darkness although I see it as bringing in the light. "There's a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. That's how the light gets in." From Anthem by Leonard Cohen. My books are the crack that lets the light into every subject I read about.

As for AR, I hope that he finds whatever he is looking for and I hope that for his sake he decides to retire. I think he has reached the point in his career and in his life that it's best for him to move on. Either way I wish him the best. Thanks, Since '61

6 points
Packerpasty's picture

February 09, 2023 at 07:41 pm

once again Since '61 is the voice of reason...nice write up...I agree with it all..

2 points
4thand10's picture

February 10, 2023 at 10:24 pm

Yeah…I’ll judge him. This is a dude who had a lawyer put a gag order on his own family. Can’t keep a girlfriend, no kids at almost 40. Doesn’t talk to his parents anymore. Have you seen his mom and dad at games? No? Me neither. Nobody in the NFL wants to play with him. The whole “ immunization / Ivermectin BS. The on the field eyerolls, the antics ….the tea drinking crap. I was a Rodgers fan until the ivermectin game. Maybe while he’s in the dark room he can figure out how to be a leader and an example. Finding himself? Another team….This has Favre 2.0 written all over it. Does he give encouragement like other QBs….no, he shakes his head, eyerolls and then disappears onto the tablet with his position coach. I’ll root for my team…but i’m no longer in camp Rodgers.

-1 points