NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Clears Roethlisberger to Return to Practice

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has been told by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodel that he is clear to return to off-season practices next week, NFL spokesman Greg Aiello announced on Twitter.

Here's a compilation of 140-character missives sent out by Aeillo this evening. (I've corrected spelling errors and

"Commissioner's decision based on reports & recommendations of medical experts working with Ben. Commish w/continue to monitor his progress and commissioner will meet with Ben again at appropriate time. No decision has been made on any modification to length of his suspension.

Roethlisberger is suspended without pay for first 6 games of regular season. Commish will review progress prior to start of regular season and consider whether to reduce suspension to 4 games. Failure to cooperate & follow plan could result in longer suspension."

Goodell suspended Roethlisberger on April 21.

The Steelers have five "Organized Team Activity" sessions remaining this off-season, with sessions scheduled from June 1-3, and two more on June 7-8.

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