Man Convicted of Killing Darrent Williams Sentenced to Life in Prison

Willie Clark, the man convicted of killing Denver Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams, has been sentenced to life in prison without parole, the Denver Post reports.

Clark, 26, was also sentenced to 1,152 years in prison for 16 counts of attempted murder.

"Mr. Clark, I will simply say from where I sit, barring a retrial of this issue, you are spending your life in prison and you too can be a good person and make a change and make a difference with your life however it turns out," Judge Christina M. Habas said.

Clark was convicted on March 11 of first-degree murder and 16 counts of attempted first-degree murder for firing a gun into Williams' stretch Hummer outside a Denver nightclub in the early morning hours of January 1, 2007.

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