JaMarcus Russell Pleads Not Guilty

Free agent quarterback JaMarcus Russell plead not guilty to felony drug possession charges in Alabama this morning.

Free agent quarterback JaMarcus Russell plead not guilty to felony drug possession charges in Alabama this morning, WALA reports.

Russell was arrested at his home in Mobile, Alabama on July 5 and charged with possession of codeine syrup without a prescription. Russell's arrest was part of a two-month long narcotics investigation.

"He's upbeat," Donald Briskman, Russell's attorney, said. "He's looking forward to his day in court and getting this behind him."

"We fully expect he will be exonerated from these charges. That's exactly how I feel. I've had an opportunity within the last week to get some additional information which bolsters my feeling that he's ultimately going to be acquitted."

Russell has preliminary hearing set for August 11.

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