Haynesworth: "I'm Not For Sale"

Washington Redskins defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth gave an exclusive interview to 106.7 The Fan in Washington, D.C. on Saturday afternoon.

During the interview, Haynesworth discussed the image of him standing alone on the sidelines during the season-opener, and in a quote that's sure to get columnists firing up their word processors for Monday, discussed his contract's affect on the battle of wills with head coach Mike Shanahan.

"Just because somebody pay you money don't mean they'll make you do whatever they want," Haynesworth said. "I mean, that means everything is for sale. I mean, I'm not for sale. Yeah, I signed the contract and got paid a lot of money, but just because, that don't mean I'm for sale or a slave or whatever."

Haynesworth also denied that he's a distraction in the locker room, and discussed how he purchased TVs for members of the Redskins' front office support staff.

"There is zero, zero distractions or animosity or anything in the locker room," Haynesworth said. "I mean, we're a team, we're family, we're brothers. We're always joking, always acting crazy and all that stuff. I mean, there's nothing from the locker room. Everything is outside. I can say that and put my hand on the Bible and everything. I promise you. There is nothing like that happening in the locker room. I mean, it's a perfect locker room. I mean, right up to the packages and stuff."

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