Packers Vs. Cowboys - 3 Plays That Make You Go Hmmm

Jersey Al picks out three thought-provoking plays from the Packers' last game.

After re-watching the Packers game, here are three plays that made me go hmmm, for various reasons.


Bunch of Goodness

This game brought back a better representation of what the LaFleur offense should look like. The running game was featured again, as it had been vs. Buffalo but then disappeared in the "Disaster in Detroit." The jet sweep action was back, even if it was never handed off, the threat was there, giving the defense another thing to worry about. In the second half, with the Packers down by two touchdowns, more of the LaFleur offense that had been incredulously tabled made an appearance. In several key situations, we didn't see the usual  "five wide, go get open" lack of creativity. Instead, we saw the return of the "elusive" bunch formation. It was only used twice by my count, but oh how beautiful it was to see, especially when it results in a play like this (here on a crucial fourth and seven). The design puts the poor DB in the predicament of having to try to stay with Christian Watson with 2/3 of the field to operate in. Good luck with that!


Crossed Up

Later in the fourth quarter, still down b y seven after the defense forced a Dallas punt, the Packers are faced with a third and two. Call this play what you want (even Kevin Olsen wasn't sure), a shallow cross, a rub route a drag route - I don't know which is most accurate. What I call it is a play that opposing offenses use all the time against the Packers with great success. "Why can't the Packers use such simple plays to get easy first downs in third and manageable situations," I would always ask myself (while rocking back and forth in my chair and pulling my hair out). Well eureka! This looks almost too easy, doesn't it? The first down keeps the drive going and they wouldn't face another third down on this drive that eventually ends with yet another Christian Watson touchdown.


This is Why You Run the Ball

Fast forward to the overtime. After the defense stops the Cowboys on downs, the Packers take over. After two Aaron Jones runs (sound familiar?), the Packers have a third and one on their own 44 yard line. The Cowboys have five players on the LOS, fully expecting a run. The CB (Kelvin Joseph) and the MLB (Vander Esch) are totally fooled by the fake handoff, leaving them stuck near the LOS. This creates a huge open hole in the middle of the Cowboys' secondary. Meanwhile, Lazard makes it look like he will blocking as well. Everything screams run - until it's not. 




"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


5 points

Comments (17)

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ricky's picture

November 15, 2022 at 03:43 pm

The big question what took so long? There had been a strong and consistent drumbeat of "run the ball more" for weeks. When the team finally does, good things happen. Was it the rag tag OL that held them back? If so, who was putting those underperforming players on the field, rather than trying new combinations? And no "bunch routes" until recently? I know you were asking about that several times. They do it, good things happen. You even asked whether the "run and get open" was on LaFleur or Rodgers? Meanwhile, after the game, Rodgers heaped praise on McCarthy, who was blamed for that particular tactic. My only comment on that little love-fest was a question for Rodgers. If you liked McCarthy so much, why did you effectively run him out of town? And now seem to be doing the same thing with LaFleur. Where will it stop?

-3 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 16, 2022 at 08:03 am

Good point!

0 points
splitpea1's picture

November 15, 2022 at 03:47 pm

Play 1: So many benefits to using bunch formations...the Packers should be using them much more often. On this particular play, Lazard was also open, but fortunately Rodgers chose the better option.

Play 2: About time they used the middle of the field!

Play 3: The offense executed more spectacular plays during the course of the game, but Lazard leaving the defender in the dust and finding this much space was just as beautiful. But I think most of us still weren't able to breathe a sigh of relief until the ball actually went through the uprights.

7 points
Since'61's picture

November 15, 2022 at 03:50 pm

I thought that the play to Lazard was the best play that the Packers ran in the entire game. It was the perfect call and perfect execution at the key point in the game. If Lazard had Watson's speed he may have ended the game with that play.

I don't know why we have not been using the second play chosen by AL all season. We can run that play with Watson, Lewis, Lazard, basically with any receiver.
My questions is, where have these plays been all season especially during the losing streak?

As for the Watson play Rodgers did a great job stepping up and threw a perfect strike to Watson. The rest is what speed can do for the team. You can't coach speed. Hopefully Watson remains healthy for the remainder of the season. Go Pack Go! Thanks, Since "61

10 points
jannes bjornson's picture

November 15, 2022 at 04:15 pm

Now for a little dash of Toure' into the stew.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 15, 2022 at 06:30 pm

"I don't know why we have not been using the second play chosen by AL all season. We can run that play with Watson, Lewis, Lazard, basically with any receiver."

In the 9 games that preceded this, Watson was Inactive in many of them and was limited by injury to only about 18 snaps or less in others. Lewis is a lot slower, so I wouldn't run this with him. It works because of the threat of this guy crashing down as a run blocker, and the more slender guys like Doubs and Toure are also not as well suited to this as Watson.

I'd also say I like Watson's speed, but IMO, that long bomb into the endzone was more about his ability to play the ball in the air when he was still pretty tightly covered than it was about his speed.

All season, we've been throwing short and wide, but now we've served notice that you're going to have to stay back or we're going to throw it over your head. That's going to make it easier to gain yardage on the ground. I guard against premature optimism, but our offense could be set to have a good stretch, even if our opponents are pretty good.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

November 15, 2022 at 06:40 pm

Toure and Doubs ran that play a number of times in preseason, particularly Toure. I think they could manage it without too much risk.

One of the reasons that play vanished has been the stack of players within 10 yards. It’s designed to exploit teams dropping back and leaving space behind the line. For once this season we had actually forced the D to spread vertically.

6 points
Since'61's picture

November 15, 2022 at 08:07 pm

Excellent point Coldworld!. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Since'61's picture

November 15, 2022 at 08:27 pm

LH - you're correct on the long TD pass to Watson. But his speed made the difference on his second TD reception.

I think that if we can get Watson, Lazard and Doubs on the field together we will give the defense plenty of headaches especially when we are running the ball effectively. Not to mention that we can also throw to Jones, Dillon and Cobb depending on the personnel package, down distance, etc.

Hoping that the Packers can stay on track for this short week. It would be great to get past the Titans and have a long overdue mini-bye for this team. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

November 16, 2022 at 08:07 am

I agree Since. Only, I would prefere Toure over Cobb.

0 points
Rarescope's picture

November 15, 2022 at 04:27 pm

On Saturday I was watching a college game - can't be bothered to remember which one since I have the short term memory of a fruit fly, but I saw one of the offenses using a lot of bunch routes and was wondering why the Packers didn't try that. Lo and behold, it works!

2 points
T7Steve's picture

November 16, 2022 at 07:06 am

I think they had no choice but to try the bunch some more. It's been used effectively against the Packers since they played the Vikings and the NFL saw the D backs looking around at each other wondering what happened. It's a copycat league. You guys on CHTV have been asking for it to be used more since that first game. With Watson in the formation, it becomes a more effective weapon. I'd like to see it with him, Lazard and Cobb. Gives the D long, flats and mid crossing to cover that the Packers haven't been able to cover this year, but I think the ILBs are getting better at it now and think they were the ones hung out to dry the most at first except the time it left Preston Smith alone on the other end trying to cover Jefferson.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 15, 2022 at 06:05 pm

The play the Has No Name, the little underneath crosser, is what I always called the Renegade. My version would sell the run to the left, but after he got "beaten" as a blocker, the TE would slip loose and run a shallow crosser to the right. Meanwhile, the two WRs run across the field to the left and try to bump off anybody who might be covering the TE. The QB then pivots and rolls right and he can run, throw it away, or hit the wide open TE coming across.

The overtime winner on 3rd and 1 was kind of inevitable. The Cowboys had given up over 200 yards on the ground and if they gave up one more, the Packers would have a fresh set of downs and would be getting closer to FG range. So it was all hands on deck against the run. Lazard comes charging off the line like a formidable blocker, which he is, and then suddenly bursts past you.


I'm going to be Captain Obvious here, but I don't think it was a coincidence that our best offensive performance of the year came after we got the Oline sorted out AND our top offensive draft pick played. Leading up to this week, he was Inactive, targeted 18 times, 18 the next game, Inactive, 6 targets., 17, 23....before his 54 snap explosion this week. I hope he can play another 54 against Tennessee, along with Lazard.

Watson and Lazard are a pair of big, physical receivers and might be an effective combination for this team for a while.....if they can stay on the field.

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

November 15, 2022 at 08:42 pm

I don't know if this is true or not, I'm just passing it along. A lot of people, many, many people in many different circles say Mulehead Morales came up with the Renegade. It's just what I heard.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

November 16, 2022 at 08:10 am

I stole that play from him, I confess. Mulehead was no offensive genius, but he had some tried and true stuff. He was kind of a mentor my first couple of years.

1 points
coolhand's picture

November 16, 2022 at 09:42 am

When I was a kid playing football at a local park with friends, we would always play 3 completes a first, and I came up with the shallow cross when we needed the complete and we all called it "the cross country" It could not be stopped.

0 points
jlc1's picture

November 17, 2022 at 08:04 am

I would add the short kick off after the 2nd TD.

The Rodgers attitude improvement was seen not just with the OT block but earlier in the game he was coming in behind Jones looking for a block to make. If Savage were on the other side of the ball AR's blocking per PFF would be sky high.

0 points