Packers - Bucs: It's Not About Revenge

A win Sunday wouldn't make up for 2021 -- but it sure would help.

On January 24, 2021, I was certain the Packers were going to the Super Bowl. Boasting the NFC's top seed, an MVP quarterback, potent offense and home-field advantage that forced a team from Florida with an aging quarterback through northern Wisconsin, it was a certainty. It was going to be the game that finally would provide some healing for the should-have-been in Seattle in 2014. I bought in completely to the Packers winning that game. And when they didn't... I had a tough time wondering if they'd ever do it again.

Aaron Rodgers gets sacked against the Buccaneers in the 2021 NFC Championship

Aaron Rodgers gets sacked against the Buccaneers in the 2021 NFC Championship


The common theme, especially these last two seasons, has been the toughness of the Packers. Even after they would land the first punch, the opponents would punch back forcing the Packers out of the rhythm they need to be successful. They seemingly would turn to "hero ball," which is the antithesis of what makes Matt LaFleur teams good. They'd so often get away from what works and it cost them each time. That Bucs team, in particular, were fighters. And they brought the fight to Green Bay and won. And then did the same thing to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. 

And that is what brings me to Sunday's game against Tampa Bay. While this is a new season, there are a lot of faces from that NFC Championship that will meet yet again. Of course, the graphics will all say Rodgers vs. Brady, and we'll see Brady's record against Rodgers-led Packers teams (because wins are not a QB stat). We'll see clips from the 2021 matchup, and Brady hoisting the Lombardi. It all sucks, but has no bearing on Sunday. None of it.

This is a different Packers team. This is one that feels like it's truly on its last breath with #12 at the helm. Sure, it felt that way at the time two seasons ago, but this time it feels even more dire. On the other side, it feels the same with their #12. These are two teams at a crossroads, both with uncertain futures, both with Super Bowl-caliber rosters, both teams ready to win now. While this Packers team seems built to win the game the 2020-2021 team lost, the Bucs still pose the same threats they did two seasons ago, even though some of Brady's go-to-guys may not suit up. That doesn't matter - when Tom Brady is back there, his team can win.

A loss to the Buccaneers on Sunday would be somewhat expected, and a 1-2 start even predicted by many. It wouldn't derail any of the Packers goals for this 2022 campaign. It's a long season, with so many twists and turns ahead, in a few months we'll hardly remember this game. It would bring forth the same doubt we had after Week 1 that will most likely be erased by Halloween.

But a win. A win on Sunday would go a long way in proving that this Packers team has the chops to take some punches and punch back. This Tampa Bay team throws fists, both literally and figuratively, and being able to knock down a team like that and put them on the canvas would speak volumes about the toughness of this Packers team, which has objectively lacked at times the last couple seasons. Winning on Sunday would be some proof the Packers can finally play like the teams who have eliminated them from the playoffs the last three seasons.

There is nothing that can make up for getting so close to glory and failing. And while a win Sunday would certainly not be revenge on Brady's Bucs, it would show us what we need to finally see from this team -- that they're the team doing the punching.




Tony Wilson takes pride in journalism training from 2/3 of directional-Michigan MAC schools. A former Sporting News writer, Tony now focuses on the Packers from his home in Toledo, OH. His beer of choice is a Miller Lite from the bottom of the cooler. You can find him on Twitter @GlassCityPack.


2 points

Comments (23)

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Leatherhead's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:22 pm

I'm not one to dwell on a bitter defeat. We've had our share. We've caused our share, which are always enjoyable. What we've done our last two times against Tampa is water under the bridge but Sunday is coming.

Our mission is to win the division, so that we qualify for the playoffs and can compete for the Super Bowl. Road games are harder to win in general and harder still against good teams, like Tampa Bay is. If we can win 3 or 4 on the road, that's probably good enough to accomplish our goal. This looks like one of our hardest road games, right up there with @Buffalo and @Miami.

On a scale of difficulty, this game is probably no lower than #3. On a scale of importance.....not higher than #12 or so.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:26 pm

I just like Brady losing. Always have and I’m due a few hundred to catch up.

3 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:51 pm

Right Coldworld—-me too.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:31 pm

Well—I believe you are absolutely wrong.
Am I the only person who who’s watched John,Wick movies—perhaps the Equalizer? Ever heard of Clint Eastwood? This is definitely about revenge; for the fans and the team. If the team is not inspired enough to take revenge, then they can’t be inspired.
Go to their leaky Pirate ship and kick their goofy Pirate A$$es—-YES—REVENGE!!!

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:38 pm

What Would Mr. Miyagi Say?

Revenge is a no good, Daniel san.

Revenge feels good, but it's bad for your karma. Focus on the present, what is past is past. Revenge is something that will blow up in your face before it sneaks around and bites you in the ass.

7 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 23, 2022 at 06:47 pm

Funny post LH—but wrong—revenge most definitely feels good. You need to speak with Liam Neeson—-lol!

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

September 24, 2022 at 10:51 am

I do not agree. Expectation and realization of win vs Bucs means to fans much more as revenge, than it should or is for team. As is mention in article, this team does not have the same composition as team 2 years ago. So, this team is different one, so we can not talk of "straigth" revenge for past happenings.

Second, this season team should take motivation from this year plan, not from past failure. Living in the past will not bring you the success for the future. What you can take from the past failure is lessons you learn, and correct your outing, but success will lay in your present and future goals, not in the past.

Revenge is media PR to rise the interest and earn more money from the event.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 25, 2022 at 02:51 am

Is your real name Deepak Chopra—-? You make feel like I need to go to confession and I’m not even Catholic.

0 points
murf7777's picture

September 23, 2022 at 07:11 pm

Hey, whatever motivates you to win I’m all for it. If you don’t like the persons smirk and that does it, go for it. Just kick some Bucs ass.

4 points
4thand10's picture

September 23, 2022 at 09:46 pm

Now that they have the personal I say go 4-3 to stop Fornette and play man. Getting pressure on Brady is key. He will eat up zone or even a 2 high. Evens is out so put Jaier on their next best.

0 points
PackyCheese500's picture

September 23, 2022 at 10:42 pm

I agree - both teams are different now than they were then.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 23, 2022 at 10:54 pm

I agree it's not about revenge. That would be Seattle, nonetheless. It's been a long time since we've gone into Florida and played our A game or even close to it, so that I would be happy with. If our D plays a statement game, and we control the game and run even more along with some clutch WR plays I will be ecstatic. As long as we are making real progress, even a loss would be easier to take. We have to play with the big boys and might as well start proving that now

Either way, I'm enjoying this week . Looking forward to bringing along more of the new guys. Perhaps Toure this week?

Go Pack Go

1 points
PackyCheese500's picture

September 24, 2022 at 08:20 am

totally agree

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 24, 2022 at 01:56 am

…what is this, an episode of Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood—“we don’t want revenge”—What?? Why Not??
Am I the only person on this site who watched the warm weather Bucs travel to our stadium, with their smug, fawned-over QB, and beat us like a circus monkey on our frozen tundra, with a trip to the Super Bowl at stake.
And y’all want me/us to shrug it off and join a monastery or a yoga class…Wax on - Wax off!
Go Packers!!

-1 points
GregC's picture

September 24, 2022 at 05:53 am

The Packers need this win more than the Bucs do. A loss would mean that they are stuck in the same rut they've been in for a couple years now--a very good team that's not tough enough to win it all. This year's version of the Packers is supposed to be a good defensive team, and this is their chance to prove it. How about a couple of turnovers? They didn't get their first turnover until the end of the Bears game. They will probably need a couple to win this game. The win over the Bears was nice, but the Packers still need to get the bad taste out of their mouths from their poor performance in Minnesota.

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

September 24, 2022 at 09:11 am

Didn't they pick Brady off 3 times last time they played? The offense didn't take advantage.

For whatever reason, when the game is on the line in the playoffs the last few years, the offense can't step up and close the deal. And they've had their chances. They'll need to find a way to dig deeper this year, or the ending will be all too familiar.

A win on the road against Tampa and Brady could be a springboard to confidence and success for the rest of the season. When is the last time Rodgers has had a real signature win? Maybe tomorrow...

1 points
GregC's picture

September 24, 2022 at 09:27 am

I remember those three interceptions against Brady--all downfield with no big returns, essentially taking the place of punts. The offense still should've done more down the stretch, but a real field-flipping turnover makes a much bigger difference.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

September 24, 2022 at 10:00 am

It’s hard enough to get an interception, it’s just luck whether that can be done while on one’s feet and with room to run. One can’t fault a D for a lack of post interception yards.

1 points
GregC's picture

September 24, 2022 at 05:52 pm

Of course I was not faulting the D, but just pointing out that those turnovers did not really flip the field.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 24, 2022 at 04:58 pm

Yes—should have been four INT’s, but canoe-paddle hand’s Redmond dropped the easiest of all just before halftime and averting the unlikely Miller TD as the half ended.
But you’re right, the offense didn’t do their part.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

September 24, 2022 at 11:01 am

That should be the one of the right choices which should motivate team. Somehow I believe that injuries of Watkins, Watson and Cobb might be "blessing in disguise" of injuries. We all knows Aaron Rodgers were bringing his A1 game in hard times.

0 points
ricky's picture

September 24, 2022 at 10:04 am

The biggest difference in Sunday's game is that Brady is a winner in the post season. Rodgers isn't. Sure, 2010 was great, but that was 12 years ago. And, agreed, it's a team game, not an individual matchup. But if your life depended on a team winning a game, which QB would you want under center? I'd choose Brady. Rodgers is more talented, but Brady is a winner. Seven rings, and ten appearances in the SB are what counts.

0 points
Bearmeat's picture

September 24, 2022 at 11:27 am

Oh I think we're going to get absolutely destroyed, and that spike will be doubled because of all the NFC CG flashbacks.

Whatever. Nothing matters for this team except january.

1 points