Pack-A-Day Podcast - Episode 2008 - Do the Packers Need a Number One Wide Receiver?!

On today's show, Justis & Andy break down the need for a number one wide receiver, the decision on Joe Barry, some key offseason questions, and so much more. Don't miss it!

On today's show, Justis & Andy break down the need for a number one wide receiver, the decision on Joe Barry, some key offseason questions, and so much more. Don't miss it!





Andy is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh and owns & operates the Pack-A-Day Podcast. Andy has taken multiple courses in NFL scouting and is an Editor for Packer Report. Andy grew up in Green Bay and is a lifelong season ticket holder - follow him on Twitter @AndyHermanNFL!


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2 points

Comments (17)

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CheesedDeadHead's picture

January 24, 2024 at 09:44 am

HELL NO!!!!!!

Today is the best I have felt 4 days after a tough playoff loss in my entire life. Let an offseason of joy begin!

3 points
Houndog's picture

January 24, 2024 at 12:22 pm

I'm with you DeadHead,
I wasn't expecting the Packers to beat the 9ers, but when it came down to 'they should have won' I felt cheated. The Barry firing has refreshed everything.
We know the offense can score, and another year in the true MLF system will only improve that.
The hope for next year is now off the charts!

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

January 24, 2024 at 11:16 am

If you measure things by stats and targets and yards/catch, etc., then I think you could make the case that we could use a legit #1....the straw that stirs the drink, so to speak.

But if you look at the bottom line....points....this group got into the endzone as often as any group of receivers in the league. If this group has an Alpha, he'll emerge in the natural course of events.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

January 24, 2024 at 04:51 pm

There are 2 reasons to have a number 1. Individual production and drawing coverage from others.

Individual Production means snaps and targets, I’d argue the variety we have is a strength. Whom would you remove or minimize snaps for? Reed, Doubs, Wicks, Watson, a TE?

I’ve seen all the above named players drawing double coverage. We can do that with what we have. What we have can get the yards. Even if none actually grow into a traditional 1, which is t a given, we are fine for production and we have the ability to exploit double coverage.

No, we don’t need a true number one really. If a truly elite player comes around, this is not an argument to ignore the chance to further improve, but saying we don’t have to go searching for a number 1 just because.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 24, 2024 at 07:04 pm

WR1 has already emerged: #11. I don't know how many games he played hurt or the extent of his injuries, but he gets open more often than anybody else. If JL looked to him first and targeted him if he was open, his numbers would certainly be higher. The offense would also be that much harder to stop.

With #11 and 9 both at 100% on the field at the same time? That's a nice problem to have ...

0 points
Houndog's picture

January 24, 2024 at 12:06 pm

I love it, but wait a minute, please. R-E-L-A-X!
For years Sterling Sharpe wouldn't speak to the Press because of how they beat him up as a rookie.
I personally suggested, along with many others, that Davante Adams 'couldn't catch a cold' in his early career.
Jordy Nelson, Donald Driver, Antonio Freeman, could any of them have been called a true #1? Maybe Jordy!
The entire receiving group just finished what has been called a "great year" for who and how young they are, the future looks very bright. I can easily see Reed (who might be under-sized), Doubs, Melton (big, with 4.35 speed), or Watson (if he can stay healthy) becoming a legitimate #1.
I know that's a bunch of "ifs', but let's build a winning defense first and give these guys at least a second year before we decide.
We're now getting a new DC, and thank God and MLF for that. That will have a huge affect on our draft.
We need a good "D" to win Superbowls,

2 points
13TimeChamps's picture

January 24, 2024 at 03:36 pm

"We're now getting a new DC, and thank God and MLF for that. "

We're also getting a new Strength & Conditioning coach. Chris Gizzi has been let go as well.

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 24, 2024 at 07:07 pm

Melton and Reed are both 5'11" and are listed as 2# apart.

0 points
MitchAnthony's picture

January 24, 2024 at 12:48 pm

The only way you make that pick right now is if someone falls to you that is head and shoulders above anyone you have right now in that receiver room. That probably will not happen in the upcoming draft, they'll be gone. But if (big if) something like that happened then you have someone already in your unit that allows you trade capital for another need.
Right now the way the ball is being spread around, why upset the apple cart?

2 points
Lphill's picture

January 24, 2024 at 02:36 pm

NO , one will emerge from this group .

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

January 24, 2024 at 04:57 pm

I like the game planning difficulties opponents are faced with by not knowing who is the focus receiver from week to week.

1 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 24, 2024 at 05:19 pm

If I was going to add a WR early in this draft I would pick Johnny Wilson-Florida State if he makes it into the 3rd round. The Unicorn. 6'7 235lbs and 4.4 speed. How do you defend that. He could line up anywhere at WR or TE. There is nobody like him in the draft. He reminds me of the guy the Raiders drafted 5-6 years ago and made him a TE. This guy runs like a WR and blocks like a TE.

A guy I would take a late round flyer on is Josh Cephus-UTSA. Great stats for 4 years and catches everything. I like receivers that catch everything with their hands. No body catchers.

1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

January 24, 2024 at 07:11 pm

Great comment except what do you have against a QB hitting his target in the numbers?

0 points
4thand1's picture

January 24, 2024 at 09:17 pm

ML and Gute ain't fu kin around, heard they signed a kicker already

0 points
4thand1's picture

January 24, 2024 at 09:22 pm

Watson would be a true #1,if he could stay healthy. BPA with the 1st picks.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 25, 2024 at 10:08 am

Sic, I agree with you, there is nothing wrong with a QB hitting the WR between the numbers if he is standing still. Its just as important to have a QB who can throw a WR open, or drop it on a dime, or throwing to a spot accurately like on a back shoulder throw. We have been spoiled by Rodgers all these years and his one of a kind accuracy.

The good news is we saw alot of that with Loves improvement this year. He got better as the year went on and I won't hold the 4th quarter of the 49ers game against him as he was running for his life after Toms went out. And it was his first real test in playoff pressure.

I guess while I still like WRs that catch the ball with their hands, also route running, speed, ability to separate, and blocking are all close seconds. Like with all positions, availability every week is huge. I was thrilled when we took Watson in the draft, although I would have taken him with our second pick, Instead of Wyatt. My choice for D-line pick that year was Travis Jones-U-Conn, and we wouldn't have needed to waste a pick trading up. Plus he had a way better first year than Wyatt. Hindsight is always great, right?

Getting back to Johnny Wilson. He probably is gone by the time we pick in the 3rd anyway. And its a way lower need in the draft for GB anyway. I am just throwing it out there in case we score an extra high pick by moving back from #25 if we could find a partner. Since Safety is our clear #1 need now, and the top Safeties won't start coming off the board that early unless we pick one there. I am for moving back 10 or 12 spots if we can, and start selecting the top Safeties there. Hence scoring at least an extra higher pick that maybe we spend on a game-changer hybrid WR/TE who runs 4.4 and has good hands. A luxury pick that makes our passing game unstoppable.

The other guy Cephus is 6'3, skinny, but has some of the best hands in the draft this side of Marvin Harrison. He has a lot of production in college, no off years at all. I always look for a sleeper guy at different positions and he is my WR pick for 7th round or UFDA. Catches everything and a QBs best friend. Similar to Dubose ot Toure, but with better stats.
2020 57 catches for 542 and 5 tds
2021 72 for 799 and 6 tds
2022 86 for 973 and 6 tds
2023 82 for 1029 and 9 tds
Better every year

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

January 25, 2024 at 10:17 am

Thinking outside the box, Jerry Rice's son Brendon from USC, is a big fast WR. Probably a 3rd or 4th rounder. Think of the advise and tips/coaching we could get from Jerry for our young guys if we picked his kid. He is 6'3 210lbs and runs 4.3s. Faster than dad.

0 points