The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Packers vs Bears

Aaron gives out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Green Bay Packers Week 1 win over the Chicago Bears.




6 points

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TheKanataThrilla's picture

September 10, 2023 at 09:04 pm

I will try and go elsewhere than your picks Aaron:

The Good: Aaron Jones. I know the economics of the running back position has taken a beating lately, but it is hard not to want this guy on your team for as long as he can suit up. He is a difference maker and our best offensive player.

The Bad: The penalties. Some penalties are hard to avoid, but seeing dumb personal foul penalties drive me nuts.

The Ugly: Clock management at the end of the first half. We were lucky we managed not to run out of time and Carlson kicked us some points. Bizarre that this is constantly an issue with this team.

Go Pack Go!!!! There was so much more positives than negatives today. Rookies played way above expectation.

12 points
oneleven's picture

September 10, 2023 at 09:04 pm

Agreed with your Good and Ugly. But for bad, I turn to the inimitable Dave Chapelle.

Di-llon Di-llon Di-llon.

I, too, love to imagine him trucking defenders in Lambeau in December and January. I've seen the same glimpses you have. In theory, I know he's a great compliment to Aaron Jones, who is electric but not built to handle the workload of an every-down RB.

But the talent gap between Jones and Dillon at this point is so massive that every time Dillon is on the field, it feels like we're just (literally) punting on that drive.

7 points
TKWorldWide's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:39 am

I am still shocked that 28 had a faster 40 time than 33.
I think all of our eyeballs would agree that the figures lie in this case.

6 points
A New Era's picture

September 10, 2023 at 09:17 pm

The Good: Total enjoyment for Packer fans watching this refreshing new product.

The Bad: Temporary but periodic lapses in execution that prevented this game from being even more of a blowout.

The Ugly: The fact that the Chicago Bears have become a rat infested dwelling in a slum neighborhood diminishes the value of our ownership.

8 points
Leatherhead's picture

September 10, 2023 at 09:21 pm

The really good: I always think it starts with the offense, and that means the blocking, and we obviously got these guys blocked. Kudos to the Oline. Love didn't get hit or hurried very often, and his 15 completions were...well done,IMO. He didn't turn it over, neither did Jones or Dillon or anybody else he gave it to. A solid, conservative, Bart Starr-like execution of the offense.

The Bad. Well, the injuries. That's about it.

The Ugly. None. I'll take 4 TDs and a couple of big plays on defense every week.

I think we had a game against one of the most explosive offensive players in the league, and we did a real good job of containing him. I don't expect we'll see this every week.

5 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

September 10, 2023 at 09:30 pm

Good: Aaron Jones, Jordan Love, the rookie receivers (especially without Watson and the rookie TE's played a role today) Jaire Alexander for helping keep D.J. Moore in check and let's not forget EVERY SINGLE member of the defensive front. They played out of their MINDS today.

Had: A few drops and miscommunications could've REALLY altered the outcome of this game, but a W is a W.

Ugly: The Bears, the Bears fans (especially guy after alllllll the talking they did this off-season) and obviously the injuries. Why does everyone get hurt constantly at Chicago? Hopefully the injury to Jones was actually nothing.

5 points
packerfanroy's picture

September 11, 2023 at 12:27 am

The Good - JLove in situational football and the execution on that fade route TD by JLove and Doubs.

The Bad - Rudy Ford's tackling... All the football IQ in the world isnt gonna help much if Ford lacks the physicality to bring guys down. Ford needs to have a bounce back game tackling wise or the Packers need to start planning ahead to see what plan B might look like. Its the first game but it popped up a few times.

The Ugly - The Bears. We might have to change our slogan for this year from the Bears Still Suck to The Bears Are Worst Than They Have Ever Been. That was a bad team that played a really bad game. Thats the ugly part of this win, it wasnt against a great team that had a bad game or good team that we beat in a close game. That team was bad. It ran bad plays, it had stupid penalties, it had bad ball bounces and made big mistakes. I don't blame Bears fans for booing.

On a side note I see Minnesota lost to it looks like fair weather fans of the Minnesota variety will be conducting their annual migration to hockey and basketball games a little early this year. So if you spot this particular form of wildlife in your backyard remember that they are probably a little tuckered out from all the flip-flopping opinions and constant changing of jerseys. Expect them to be more irritated than usual but remember that this is a normal event for these critters, much like the migrations of geese or salmon.

6 points
TKWorldWide's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:45 am

Missed tackles are very frustrating! However, I think 20 is pretty rugged, but to get trucked like that sucks. Is it his technique? Not getting low enough? Being off balance? How realistic is it to think that his tackling can improve much? With the way practices are structured, I’m really not sure.
Savage sure looked better than he has in a long time though.

6 points
mrtundra's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:54 am

"On a side note I see Minnesota lost to it looks like fair weather fans of the Minnesota variety will be conducting their annual migration to hockey and basketball games a little early this year. So if you spot this particular form of wildlife in your backyard remember that they are probably a little tuckered out from all the flip-flopping opinions and constant changing of jerseys. Expect them to be more irritated than usual but remember that this is a normal event for these critters, much like the migrations of geese or salmon."
I love this post! Living in western Wisconsin and having to put up with purple BS, all the time, it is refreshing to hear some truth. It's always "on to the next sport" when things are going badly in minnesota. I hope that migration involves some flying into the glass panels of US Bank Stadium, where the pull tabs revenue is coming up short for repairs to that monstrosity.

3 points
packerfanroy's picture

September 12, 2023 at 01:37 am

I'm also in Western Wisco so I'm definitely speaking from experience LOL.

0 points
Minniman's picture

September 11, 2023 at 02:41 am

Whilst one week, does not a season make, hats off to Gute for assembling a team with experience in the right places.

Both Offensive and Defensive lines played well, and combined with the running game, kept the pressure off of Jordan Love.

Hats off to Rick Basaccia too - he's really lifted the play of each facet of special teams - And while I'm there, it was a good day for Anders Carlson - 5/5 PAT's and a decent 52 yarder FG.

It was good to see committed open field tackling again. Douglas, Alexander and Savage made some good open field tackles that either snuffed out a play, or ended in a tackle for loss.

It was interesting to see the difference between Love and Fields' philosophies - Fields was pressured more, but looked like he's going to have to fight hard to beat his natural inclination to run before fully going through his progressions. Love did miss a couple of throws and made one bad decision to hold on too long (and got sacked).

Maybe the Ugly was Musgrove throttling back late in the 2nd quarter when he'd beaten the safety - the ball overshot him. I can only imagine that Watson would have taken that one to the house (by staying in stride and having the ball land on him).

5 points
NickPerry's picture

September 11, 2023 at 06:21 am

The Good... Jordon Love obviously gets a vote. That first TD pass to Doubs was a really nice pass. A little side arm motion and boom, right on the money and perfectly placed.

Carlson... Hey the kid was AWESOME!

Aaron Jones...MAN, I hope Jonesy will be okay for next weekend vs Atlanta. During the Packers 2nd, 3rd, and IIRC 4th drive I was screaming where is Jones as I watched Dillon fall down every time he touched the ball.

The ENTIRE Defense. I'm telling you right now Wyatt is going to be a problem for opposing offenses all season long. He was constantly i n the Bears backfield harassing Fields or helping force a negative play. That kid is going to be a BEAST. I also thought Savage played a decent game which they'll need moving forward.

The Bad... The injuries. I'm sure it's an concussion for Walker, hopefully he gets cleared and will be okay. He got smoked scoring the TD...UGH...

The Ugly... The penalties AND CONTINUING to run AJ Dillon outside. Line him up 7 yards deep and run him UP THE MIDDLE!

The Bears Fans... On the Windy City Gridiron I was reading the posts about the Packers and Love after the game was well in hand and then when t was over. They ALL are saying Love isn't shit, the Packers aren't shit, and it's ONLY because the Bears suck so bad did the Packers and Love look so Good.

Well, at least they got half of it right...The Bears DO SUCK! A LOT!!

11 points
TKWorldWide's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:47 am

This offense NEEDS 33 badly!
And I can’t wait to see a stacked box with Watson on the field.

4 points
rstain99's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:09 am

One game does not make a season, bears still in rebuilding mode. There was good, bad and ugly.
The good obviously Jordan Love, but how about the two from Georgia, Wyatt, Walker sounds like a law firm. D line played well and backers too.

Good and great, Walker, Wyatt, Jones, Love, Doubs (toughed it out) O line, LVN even threw in a nice tackle welcome Rook

Bad Tackling Fields is hard to bring down no question,

Ugly still a team that has to put on their beer muscles in bad time situations. play the game and stop the chirping. going to cost you.

On to the Falcons

6 points
mrtundra's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:58 am

The Bears have been in rebuilding mode since 1985. They still suck.

4 points
iamiz's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:18 am

The Good: The rookies and second-year players. It appears the last two draft classes will more than make up for a dreadful 2021 class.

The Bad: Josh Meyers. Overall, the O-Line is a strength of our team, but Meyers stands out as the weak link.

The Ugly: The first half disappearance of Aaron Jones after the opening drive. No surprise that we pulled away in the second half when we used him again. I know he's 28, but we gotta rework that contract to be able to keep him - he shows no sign of slowing down.

6 points
mrtundra's picture

September 11, 2023 at 08:00 am

Myers tripped up the ball carrier early in the game, but after that, I felt he played well and especially so on the plays where he pulled out with Jenkins to set up a sweeping plow for the RB.

-1 points
TKWorldWide's picture

September 11, 2023 at 07:48 am

Love:totally poised. WooHoo!

4 points
KKB's picture

September 11, 2023 at 08:32 am

Good: Aaron Jones. Dude is the engine of the offense. Young guys showed promise. Van Ness, Doubs,....

Bad: Dillon. I just don't get it. Guy is huge, and just falls down. Love still has some accuracy issues - as many passes were either high, or a half-step beind his receivers. And maybe Myers - too many bad plays mixed in with the good.

Ugly: injuries. Jones - hammy. Walker - concussion?

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

September 11, 2023 at 08:41 am

Aaron, I would only want to add few good and bad to your "awards". Ugly? We knew it from the beginning - Bears and Bears fans...

In the good section I would like to add Jones, Tom, Reed, Doubs (played on the snap count injured), Taylor.

In the bad section I would add Dillon, Musgrave, Wicks and Heath (he was MA, just do not know if it is because of small snap count or he was invisible on field).

For bad section I want to add that Packers team was full of adrenaline, in the amount that was rocket high, and I believe first half mistakes were the result of that. So, it will be better every next game they will play this season.

1 points
Jeff Hayes's picture

September 11, 2023 at 08:43 am

The Good- It was a W
The bad- Tackling
The ugly- DaBears

0 points
greengold's picture

September 11, 2023 at 09:05 am

The Good: The Chicago Bears sidelines with 8:30 left in the 3rd Quarter, looking completely lost and dejected to a man, wholly defeated and being booed by their home crowd again. They were only down 17-6 at the time, but... they weren't wrong. Less than 90 seconds later, they were losing 24-6, and just 4 minutes after that 8:30 mark in Q3, they were down 31-6.


The Bad: The entire Packers TEAM. They are some BAAAAAAD MFs.

The Ugly: Chicago Sports radio this morning interviewing DJ Moore, asking him what makes his and Justin Fields' connection on the field so special... followed by them asking about his favorite restaurants in Chicago.

3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

September 11, 2023 at 09:16 am

It was especially fun seeing how Bears "fans" had emptied out the stadium early :)

2 points
mbpacker's picture

September 11, 2023 at 10:45 am

The Good_ A win; JLove; finally an aggressive/feisty defense; ST's, a great 2nd half.
The Bad: No Aaron Jones for most of the 1st half, and OL needs to do better with run blocking; Dillon looks slow.
The Ugly: Penalties - they helped the Bears out. And of course the Bears fans talking smack!

1 points
Via.Lombardi's picture

September 11, 2023 at 11:02 am

Music is too loud; drowns out Aaron's voice.

1 points
Since'61's picture

September 11, 2023 at 03:22 pm

The Good: Aaron Jones, Romeo Doubs, Jordan Love the OL and the DL.

The Bad: Penalties. Too many personal fouls. Need to clean that up. It's a young team so this will happen but the Packers need to learn that the good players walk away while the other team does stupid things.

The Ugly: Injuries. Hopefully Aaron Jones is not seriously hurt. Also, End of first half time management. The Packers had about 28 seconds left in the half which they allowed to run down to 4 seconds before they called time out and had Carlson key an FG. Fortunately he made the 52 yard FG. They could have run at least 2 plays with that much time left on the clock before kicking the FG. At the least they could have moved closer for Carlson. At the best they may have scored a TD. As it tuned out it didn't matter because of how the Packers dominated the second half. MLF needs to make better use of the time remaining going forward.

Good game and dominant second half for the Packers. Always great to get the first win if the season out of the way. On to Atlanta and Go Pack Go!
Thanks, Since '61

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

September 11, 2023 at 03:53 pm

Excellent comments ‘61

1 points
Since'61's picture

September 11, 2023 at 08:02 pm

Appreciatethe positive feedback Starrbrite. Thanks, Since '61

0 points