Packers suspend Jaire Alexander one game for conduct detrimental to the team

Alexander's pregame actions during the coin toss couid have cost the Packers. 

The Packers have suspended Jaire Alexander for one game.

From Brian Gutekunst: "The decision to suspend a player is never easy and not one we take lightly. Unfortunately, Jaire's actions prior to the game in Carolina led us to take this step."

Alexander went out for the coin toss on Sunday even though he was not a captain and took over the proceedings. After he successfully won the coin toss for the Packers, Alexander told the referees that he wanted the Green Bay’s defense to come out onto the field, rather than saying the team wanted to defer.

Had he not clarified, the Packers would’ve forgone the opportunity to receive the kick at the start of the second half.




6 points

Comments (96)

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WD's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:07 pm

Huh? I thought we were in the playoff hunt? This makes no sense at all unless we are hoping to improve the draft picks. I am all for team discipline; but not when it hurts the whole team. Surely there were other ways of handling this.

-14 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:09 pm

In many businesses insubordination gets you fired….

8 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:54 pm

It hurts the team to have him out there
Didn’t you see him play last week or not play I mean 🤷🏼

7 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:58 pm

Yea, he's either not healthy, or got his payday and no longer gives a crap.

2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:38 pm

100% correct. The Minnesota game earlier in the year was a joke. I’ll take Valentine and move on. Too bad Stokes didn’t go out there with him!

0 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:21 pm

He checked out a long time ago. Apparently, your paycheck doesn't mean a pinch of shit.

6 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:57 pm

Jaire has an attitude problem. When he has played this year, he hasn't been good. I suspect there's more to this than just the coin flip fiasco.

7 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:55 pm

Agree—there is something else ongoing behind the curtain.

1 points
WD's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:30 pm

I think a substantial fine would have sent a better message without possibly hurting the team.. One thing is likely. This will not help morale on the defense.

-4 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:41 pm

No I don’t think they lose anything with Valentine. Jaire has under performed this season. We played our best football this year with 35 & 37… not 23 & 21.

2 points
TKWorldWide's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:17 pm

What would the dead cap hit be?

1 points
packerbackerjim's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:24 pm

Still has trade value. His agent will be showing the Vikes game last year highlighting his shutdown of Justin Jefferson.

2 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:00 pm

He might bring a 7th round pick. Who wants a guy with a big salary who's a head case and is no longer an elite player?

-1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:44 pm

Hopefully they won’t see his effort THIS year against Minnesota. It wasn’t pretty. He got smoked for over 100 by a rookie.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

December 28, 2023 at 10:29 am

Hate to ask, but, was his domination of Jefferson in the second game vs Minnesota MAINLY due to JJ just wearing the wrong cleats??
The reason I “hate to ask” is it would really diminish his value. I want 23’s value sky high. Either he flourishes under a new DC next year or he brings a lot in a trade.

1 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:38 pm

Per it looks to be 27m trade pre June 1 and 11m post June 1. Take it for what it’s worth…

0 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:47 pm

Sorry, 27/11

0 points
ricky's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:44 pm

This is all too reminiscent of the Mike McKenzie situation back in 2002. This seems to add fuel to something I have been thinking about for a while. That there are defensive players who are tired of being misused by Barry's defensive schemes. LaFleur bringing Barry back must have been a major topic of conversation among the defensive players during the off-season. They play their best, and Barry gets retained because he showed growth/changed. Nope. Once he had another chance, he returned to his instincts: ignore the run, when there is a lead, go into extremely soft coverage to prevent long gains; give up long gains as a result. This sort of thing might work when the other team needs a TD, and the opposition is forced to try "Hail Mary's" on several plays. The only question being, will MLF be retained? Because ultimately, he is the one tolerating sub-par coaching/lack of responsibility. He may very well be a very good OC, but as a HC, he lacks the grit to hold people accountable, and replace them when necessary.

0 points
TKWorldWide's picture

December 28, 2023 at 10:30 am

I was thinking the exact same thing!
(Okay, quick, what number am I thinking of?)

1 points
msmeyer's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:18 pm

I think it's about time some discipline happened on this team. It should not matter what time of the season it is. He was totally wrong and now he has to pay the price. This should speak volumes to the other players. They should discipline players for stupid personal fouls as well. Just my mho.

15 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:35 pm

It also speaks volumes about the leadership of MLF and how that needs an overhaul. Interesting that the announcement comes from the GM, not the HC

2 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:00 am

The announcement came from Gute because Lafleur has to deal with Jaire on a day to day basis. Its a good cop bad cop type deal where Lafleur can play good cop and hopefully keep Jaire from jumping off the reservation completely.

0 points
CanPackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Then how do u discipline Barry? Stupid, undisciplined teams start and end with the HC...

-2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:28 pm

It’s apples and oranges. A player shows up the coach (and I hate MLF by the way) then jokes about it… then he’s gone. It’s not 2021, this Jaire Alexander doesn’t cover like the 21 version and his tackling makes Deion Sanders look like Ray Nitschke

3 points
Lphill's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:22 pm

can they suspend Barry for conduct detrimental to winning?

17 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:25 pm

Watch the tape of the Carolina game, and watch how he covered Justin Addison.. let’s not over state his absence. I’d rather have Valentine. Alexander is NOT interested in tackling any running backs, or receivers.

7 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:30 pm

Sand obviously I meant how he covered against Minnesota earlier in the year. He was a big reason why we lost

2 points
jhtobias's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:26 pm

They should have suspended joe berry for destroying are playoff chances or better yet suspend matt lafraud for hiring this clown coordinator and retaining him .

I side with jaire he knows more about defense than both those clowns. Hope his agent demands a trade or he just fakes injuries going foward if they wont so he still gets paid.

Jaire got more stones then lafraud and murphy combined calling out malpractice by these two clowns


-18 points
CanPackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Jaire won't have to worry. This "suspension" was just a cowardly way to tell Ja and his agent that he won't be back next season. Campbells' statements earlier will likely land him in the same boat.

-5 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:16 pm

Get rid of the quitters! There isn't one of those overpriced, underachieving sandbaggers that isn't replaceable. Barry needs to get the ax without a doubt, but you're not going to win shit with guys that aren't all in.
Just wait and see how healthy Bahk, JA, and Campbell are next year, when they're on new teams.

-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:38 pm

Jaire quit this team when Raul Douglas got traded. In my opinion, he doesn't get a pass because our DC sucks.

I think he has an even bigger issue with Gutekunst. There's more to this story, and it starts with that trade. Jaire was always a free spirit, but never a problem until they traded Douglas.

Question is, how deep does it go?

4 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 05:03 pm

Agree Marine—More to this story is absolutely right.

1 points
CanPackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Nothing surprises me from this mismanaged organization anymore!

Did Jaire do this on purpose? That should be the ONLY REASON for such a confusing management decision.

So if you make a big mistake you're suspended for a game in GB? Hmm. So how many games should Barry have been suspended for? I can't stop laughing over the Preston Smiith-Davante Adams coverage justification earlier in the season! Barry should have been suspended the rest of the season for that one!

But let's face it. There are 2 sets of rules in GB - one for incompetent coaches, the others for players. And LaFleur and Barry are most assuredly our sacred cows!

-12 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm

"There are 2 sets of rules in GB - one for incompetent coaches, the others for players."

Like for democrats and republicans?

2 points
CanPackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:45 pm

You said it, not me...

-2 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:59 pm

HA! You were thinking it too.

-4 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:19 pm

BINGO! Enough incompetence on both ends of the spectrum, to drive one to drink🍻

0 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:40 pm


0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:33 pm

Stand with Alexander and lose the team. Being a bad coach with a bad scheme is one thing. Having no backbone is another. Valentine is not even a drop off from what I’ve seen THIS YEAR. Which is the only year that counts.
In addition I would expect more from someone that recently received $88 million.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:46 pm

A mistake?? No that’s not a mistake. That’s a calculated insubordinate act. He acts like he tackles.. like a little bitch.

3 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:36 pm

I've never heard of this happening before. I've never even considered it.

For his part, maybe he thought we'd be better off starting on defense both 1/2s because they were going to do so good and could generate better field position for the O?

-6 points
cheesehead1's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Good, no player is above the team.

12 points
dobber's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Packers choose not to send a message by changing DCs, but rather by "suspending" a player who came back from injury with a bum arm and can't tackle.

-8 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:22 pm

He's been milking his "injury" for weeks! I figured he'd healed up fast after the two big wins, but no, he wants out.

-3 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:45 pm

dobber, don't you find it suspicious that Jaire's return happened to coincide with him being from Charlotte? I wonder if he would have played if the game was in Green Bay?

3 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 05:05 pm

I wondered the same thing.

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:36 pm

Dobber, what was hurting him when he got lit up by a rookie against Minnesota?
I think he’s nowhere near the player he was in ‘21.
From the interview I saw , he doesn’t seem to be repentant… or that bright for that matter.

1 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:27 pm

you forgot to mention that his best game is talking shit, he should play half that good and he'd go to the HOF.

0 points
Qoojo's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:42 pm

This is just bizarre. Not the suspension, the behavior. Next tier headcase behavior. I know CBs need to be built special mentally and have a short memory + swagger, but this was quite childish.

12 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 05:54 pm

Hard to believe he has a college degree. Must be a Harvard man.

2 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:00 pm

With pay or without pay?

1 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:21 pm

This is off the internet: "When a player is suspended, they are not paid for the games that they miss, and they lose the game checks for those games. Game checks are the weekly salaries that NFL players receive during the season.Nov 29, 2011"

4 points
217Packer's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:02 pm

I am not sure what the message sends by holding players more accountable than coaches. This hurts the team more than Jaire, and the other 51 guys put in too much work to have our best corner sit out because he "broke a rule" in a game that we won.

-13 points
MainePackFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:57 pm

I suppose if Barry was from Charlotte and took it on himself to run on the field to incorrectly call the coin flip, he probably would have been suspended and then been fired for being a detriment to the team, AND a shitty DC. I wish he had : )

Your "best" corner? Not right now.

0 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:05 pm

With pay is a slap on the wrist without pay is a good deserved kick in the nuts

5 points
LambeauPlain's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:47 pm

The Alexander the Malcontent's berries are the only Barry's getting kicked anywhere.

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:08 pm

About time they hold someone accountable around that organization.

3 points
217Packer's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:46 pm

always good to hold the players to a higher standard than coaches

-4 points
vin0770's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:47 pm

Accountable? Hmmm…acts like a nut job coin flip captain almost cost them a possession after winning the coin flip….

And then plays the WHOLE Game? How about go to the locker and get the hell out of here!

1 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:59 pm

Should have been Barry and we all know it so this is smoke screen to take the noise off him. They could have suspended him from the panthers game is they were that upset.

-2 points
jhtobias's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:11 pm

I thought a little kid hearing my dad trashing the packers in 80's about how mismanaged they were was interesting since I was way to young to understand him .

Hearing my 10 yeard old daughter agreeing with her grandfather who is 87 laughing at the coaching staff today is truley a time travel experieince.

Clown show with lafraud Murphy and Gute is in full effect. At least Lynn Dickey had a sweet perm

-4 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:05 pm

Lynn Dickey had a sweet arm too, and with Lofton, John Jefferson and Coffman they had an amazing offense. The defense was the same as it is today, putrid.

4 points
NJ-RICK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:18 pm

Its Mutiny in Packer land... J Alexander is just another reason why the veterans on this team have had enough... D Campbell has had enough also and wants out. Front office MGT is failing, its long over due its time to clean house in the front office. Very sad what's going on in Packer Land...

-10 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:07 pm

Notice that both Jaire and Campbell have played very poorly this year? Maybe they should be gone just based on their lousy play and attitude.

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:21 pm

On what team would it be okay for a player to appoint themselves Captain and participate in the coin toss to look good for hometown friends? More importantly, how much disregard and disrespect for leadership exists for *any* player to even think of doing something like that? It all starts with the HC. Good call by Gute on the suspension. LaFleur should have sat Ja immediately after the coin toss.

Look at this, ffs. How comfortable is this dude leading men?

7 points
marpag1's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:27 pm

I'm 100% agreed with this, except that maybe you suspend him for the last two games instead of just one. Jaire needs to pull his head out of his stupid a$$. You don't just announce yourself to be a captain, and then go out there and damn near screw everything up... especially when you haven't even been very valuable to the team at any time this season. Total bush league stuff. Hope he doesn't turn into a diva.

12 points
217Packer's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:48 pm

When he was walking out with the players, were the coaches just standing there looking at him? IF they truly didn't want him out there, why not run out there and get him back?

-5 points
marpag1's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:50 pm

LOL. Is this a serious comment??

4 points
Untylu1968's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:07 pm

Maybe they had other shit to do?

0 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:57 pm

Do anyone really think he gives a rats ass. He would be happy to sit out the Vikes game and miss being on the field and getting his ass kicked again. He cant cover Jefferson, Addison, any running backs or none of their tight ends. He is a total loser who has a big mouth and nothing to show for it.

0 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:33 pm

Unfortunately he's got $88m to show for it, and so far in '22 and '23 he's EARNED about 500 bucks!

0 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:55 pm

How much $ does he lose for being suspended 1 game if any?

0 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:03 pm

Found out gentlemen
Alexander, the highest-paid cornerback in the NFL at $21 million per season, will lose one week's pay. However, because most of his money came in signing and roster bonuses, his base salary is only $1.08 million, meaning he will lose only $60,000 (his weekly game check) plus the $38,235 he has in weekly roster bonuses if he's active.

2 points
dblbogey's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:10 pm

So it cost him about $100,000. He'll wish he had that when he's out of the league and broke in 5 years.

2 points
PackerBO's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:27 pm

What does Alexander and Barry have in common? Neither one tackles anyone on the field

0 points
Via.Lombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:52 pm


0 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:56 pm

with the huge contract extension Gutt gave him you couldnt get a bag of peanuts for him.

1 points
Via.Lombardi's picture

December 29, 2023 at 12:50 pm

Pete Dougherty agrees with me, according to his column on December 29, 2023.

1 points
Im Fubared's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:54 pm

Its not about him. Focus on the real problem. Gutt the genius picked this guy and he like Stokes have two things in common, both are dumber then a chia pet and neither likes contact of any kind. this isnt about Jairre this is about a GM who is fn making terrible decisions with good picks and not improving this team a lick. Gary at 15 when he was projected a mid second or early third round pick. Watson in the second round when he played at U never heard of U. Wyatt in the first when he wasnt even near the best player at GA.
Gutt totally fd up your football team. Giving the farm to Bakt when he was turning 31? Who the f does that?

-9 points
packer132's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:54 pm

Good move with the suspension. Alexander thinks rules don't apply to him and that he is above everyone else. It should have come from the head coach, not the GM though. LaFleur has no stones to confront anyone. We all know he was afraid of Rodgers. The last two years JA has been all mouth and no play. He is afraid to tackle and has quit the team. The young DBs are playing hard and aggressive when allowed to. Cut the dead wood from the team after the next two games, and that includes Bakhtiari. Hoping for all new coaching staff in 2024 to lead this young team with a lot of promise.

6 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:21 pm

Matt Lafraud same ole bullshit answers in his press conference and just won’t be truthful about his and his DC’s decisions

-7 points
BAMABADGER's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:22 pm

Elite DB players can cover and tackle consistently. Alexander is almost half elite. He is great at coverage when he feels like it. Never has been able to tackle properly nor with any consistency.

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:06 am

Thats not entirely true. He used to tackle pretty well before his shoulder injury in 2021. Then he got paid and now he doesnt tackle anymore.

0 points
BAMABADGER's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:25 pm

I’m sure someone has already mentioned it, but why didn’t MLF take action against Alexander??

Shouldn’t the HC be a strong enough leader to suspend a player?

8 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:39 pm

Agreed, 100%, LaFlake should have sent him to the locker room when he came back off the field from the coin toss!
But then, we all know that MLF's balls are in his golf bag!

-1 points
buckyor's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:36 pm

I'm gonna need all of you who believe this is just about Jaire making himself a captain in Carolina and almost messing up the coin toss to be at my poker table this weekend. That is some prime level gullible shit.

-6 points
albert999's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:58 pm

Alexander should have been benched by lafraud immediately after coin toss and suspended

2 points
Jeff Hayes's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:47 pm

Well deserved! He isn't above the rules. The TEAM appointed 3 captains and he wasn't one so boohoo deal with it young man! His performance in the game should be an extra fine for not committing to a tackle or playing ten yards off a guy when it was man defense. Jaire is playing like he is better than the team. Maybe they should have traded him and kept Rasul

6 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:04 pm

He got toasted against Minnesota last time, and he didn’t look interested in making any physical contact against Carolina.
I’ll take Valentine over this overrated moron.

5 points
Lphill's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:21 pm

He’s not the same player anymore trade or cut him if possible.

0 points
MitchAnthony's picture

December 27, 2023 at 05:15 pm

If he wanted to show off so much to his family and friends in Carolina then by all means get the deal done and trade him, to Carolina. Carolina or some other bottom dwelling franchise who wants to "improve" their secondary. I don't think the rebuild will miss him all that much based on his current level of play. Shop him.
Coaches don't get paid anywhere near the amount of money that the star players get. Most players don't get paid the amount of money that star players get. Sometimes you have to crack the discipline for the greater good of the overall team. Something that comes with making millions is usually keeping one's mouth shut and trying not to do stupid shit. Leaders are supposed to set the example for the younger players to color within the lines, not to do what you want.
The DC will have his accountability reckoning day coming soon. But that problem is just one problem and should not be used as an excuse for other undesirable behavior(s) from subordinates. Clark, Gary, and P Smith are all paid very well as defensive players. So far, they get it. You don't get any of this stupid shit from them and the organization is probably happy with that.

4 points
Wilment's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:36 pm

Ok,, and this is from the mouth of LaFleur, he goes to the refs pregame and tells them exactly what he wants, which is why the ref corrected Alexander and asked if he didnt mean 'defer" Theres a bunch of irritated vets on the defensive side of the ball. We got a sound off from Douglas, and next thing, he shuffled off to Buffalo Then we have noise made by Campbell, and Alexander sits games after practicing the week before Now he is suspended for a mistake that wouldn't have mattered anyway, since the coach already told the refs what he wanted on the coin toss win Barry has lost control of this group, and though his ass backwards defensive schemes have cost us several games, he still has a job. GOPACKGO, SHOW BARRY THE 'DO.....

2 points
Irish_Cheesehead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:37 pm

Another player signs a fat contract and turns into a douche bag diva. Seems to be a trend.

2 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:03 pm

I'm good with the whole deal. Aren't the Captains voted on by the players?
If so, Alexander just walking out there after sitting on his ass for six weeks is an insult to his teammates, and he got what he deserved, or maybe not enough. Too bad they can't recover about 2/3 of the $22M (average) salary he's overpaid.
Last week it was Campbell and Savage, this week it's Alexander, there's something bigger than what we know going on. The players know what we know, that Barry just sucks, and I think they've just quit on him. I don't know that I could completely blame them.
Now IF LaFleur is able to save his job through all this, I hope he's learned from it. You can't keep horseshit coaches, and you NEVER, EVER throw your players under the bus. Duh!

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

December 28, 2023 at 10:58 am

What is it about Green Bay that guys have some success and make some money then promptly turn into selfish diva wackjobs? If Jaire isnt interested in being part of the solution, then hes part of the problem and should be shown the door at the earliest possible convenience.

0 points
Via.Lombardi's picture

December 29, 2023 at 12:51 pm

Pete Dougherty says the Packers should consider trading him, according to his column on December 29, 2023.

0 points