Let's Talk Football with Andy Herman: Missed opportunities

Aaron chats with Pack-A-Day podcast creator Andy Herman about the gut punch of a loss to the San Francisco 49ers in the Divisional round of the NFL playoffs.




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6 points

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mbpacker's picture

January 24, 2022 at 02:44 pm

Thank you young whipper snappers for your post-game insights! GPG!

3 points
BuckyBadger's picture

January 24, 2022 at 03:49 pm

One of the reasons you didn't see a ton of different motions or double RBs in the backfield is because they were never on the field long enough to get into anything. Too many 3 and outs for a team with that kind of money on offense.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

January 24, 2022 at 05:25 pm

Interesting point about the historic awfulness of the STs dating back to the Wolf era. It also reminded me of management's tendency to minimize the importance of the ILB for years. Gutekunst finally updated that line of thinking this year - with the acquisition of Campbell - although I think he was more lucky than prescient. If the Packers are going into re-tool/ re-build mode for next season - they may want to also update their Team Construction Manual.

Also if the NFC Divisional Championship was a horse race - I'm reasonably certain that the race stewards would have summoned #12 - so that he could explain both his actions and non-actions.

1 points
dblbogey's picture

January 24, 2022 at 09:29 pm

The article I'm waiting for is the Drayton gets fired article.

2 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 25, 2022 at 12:59 am

Myself as well. However this should've happened long before their playoff run. But in doing so, MLF and Gutekunst would have to accept failure in selecting Drayton and also accept the responsibility of Saturday nights loss. But that will never happen as they have successfully deflected this loss on onto #12. Let the kool-aid flow.

0 points
Oppy's picture

January 25, 2022 at 07:13 am

By saying "they successfully deflected this loss onto #12" you are suggesting they actively put the blame elsewhere?

ahhh, okay.

I haven't heard MLF or Gute say anything close to "Special teams was fine, they weren't a part of this loss. It was all Aaron Rodgers." I haven't heard fans say that, either.

What I have heard is a number of Packers fans saying "Aaron rodgers isn't a part of why we lost this game. It was all because of Special teams."

You tell me who is deflecting.

0 points
OldSchool69's picture

January 26, 2022 at 01:11 pm

MLF and Gutekunst’s failure to rectify the ST dysfunction, is the major reason why the Packers won’t be moving on. Not addressing this disaster, by those in charge, deems this to be a non-issue. Scrutiny now falls on our MVP QB to perform at the highest level possible. Did Rogers have a great game, absolutely not? Did he throw a pic, fumble the ball, rush for negative yardage, no he did not? Was his timing such that you questioned his on field presence, no. Did he give the impression that his competitive drive was done, no? Did he miss open targets, yes? Was he under pressure to read the field, yes? Was he ever sacked in this game, yes 6X? He did not have a good game….period! The failure to address an issue that has been present all season long gives the impression that nothing is wrong. So ignore such dysfunction, Special teams, you deflect and focus on a sub-par performance from Rogers, let the meat dangle. The fans are after his departure in a frenzied state. Read the comments on this site. The growing resentment of Rogers wearing the Green-n-Gold for next year is incredible. One such comment, in particular regarding our MVP QB Arron Rogers performance he ‘shit the bed’. Yah, that there is a diehard Packer Backer for ya, don’t cha no! I’ve lived thru the Packers dark ages, late 60s-80s…don’t think I’ve ever used that phrase on a player, least of all an MVP….quarter back!!
MLF and Gutekunst’s failure to address the ST mess has created this focused attention on Rogers' sub-par performance Saturday night. Oppy, that's why I deem this defection. You let something you’re in charge of go wrong for so long. When it ultimately fails, do ya step up and take the heat? Or do ya let someone else shoulder the load?

1 points
egbertsouse's picture

January 25, 2022 at 07:44 am

In his presser, La Flower said he needs to put even more starters on ST to fix the problem. How did that work out in this game, Mattie? Lancaster had a brain fart that led to a blocked FG and Dillon got injured and was out the 2nd half. And your answer is to put MORE starters on ST? I think the guy is in seriously over his head.

1 points
stormin's picture

January 24, 2022 at 08:56 pm

These two AH'S are bashing Rodgers, if it were not for him Packers wouldn't even get to the play offs every year !

-1 points
Oppy's picture

January 24, 2022 at 09:11 pm

Or- check this out- maybe they WOULD.

Boosh! Mind blown.

0 points