Gut Reactions: Packers out-coached, out-hit and out-hearted

Aaron gives his gut reactions to the Packers loss to the Jets. 


  • Another week of watching LaFleur and Barry get out-coached. 
  • Worse than that, the Packers looked like a team with absolutely no heart.
  • The lack of energy and purpose from the Packers today was alarming. 
  • The offensive line played like blocking was a suggestion more than a job requirement. 
  • That said, they held up much better in the second half. 
  • Which gave Rodgers plenty of time to hold the ball and ignore the checkdown until it was too late. 
  • Speaking of the $50 million man, he still has flashes, like the play where he escaped instant pressure and delivered a strike to Tonyan on the sideline while getting hit. But those flashes are few and far between.
  • Mostly, Rodgers just looked old. 
  • Can't believe we saw special team block up a punt, get nothing from it on offense then give up a blocked punt of their own to give up seven. Truly magical. 
  • Shout out to the defense for one decent half of football. 
  • The defense couldn't get off a block in the second half and couldn't tackle. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
  • Matt LaFleur has lost consecutive regular season games for the first time. 
  • Going to be a fun week. 




13 points

Comments (261)

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Bearmeat's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:20 pm

This team sucks. Time to call the fat lady from her warm up room and look towards 2023. Bench Aaron Rodgers and hope he does us a massive solid and retires. Or, perhaps someone will swoop in and give us SOMETHING for him? I'd take a 5th right now. Seriously.

Many of us here (more than on other sites) were excoriating the Packers for not moving on. The real head scratcher was those who thought we should go all in to try and out score teams like it was 2011.

The entire GB FO, Mark Murphy and coaching staff should be fired for looking to the past and bringing back 12. Instead of having some balls, looking to the future, and trading him in the offseason.

I'm not looking forward to watching the 80s Packers again, but that looks like a distinct possibility right now.

0 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:26 pm

Time for some changes, indeed, but whatever we do, let's not give up on this season.
We're still 3-3, with 11 games left, and with a lot of talent -- so let's still shoot for the playoffs, whoever is playing, whoever is coaching.
Urgency, but no panic!

-4 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:54 pm

So, at least two downvoters here want the Packers to quit for this season?
Anyone upvoting a determination to keep fighting?

-4 points
cpabandit's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:39 pm

Have you seen the Packers' schedule? They still have to play the Bills, Cowboys, Eagles and Dolphines. They barely beat the Pats and have lost to the Giants and Jets ugly. Yes, time to pack it in.

1 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:31 pm

I'd take a six-pack of Spotted C... hell, make it Falstaff or Coors LIght - for him.

As for the 80s Packers, as you may remember, they generally had a good offense, unlike this team.

5 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:36 pm

More like the 1970s Packers.

4 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:54 pm

Yep. 1976 is calling and wants its team back. It liked the ugly all-green uniforms, though, so that's something.

4 points
edp1959's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:37 pm

You got what you wanted. Ohh how great the defensive picks were and they they are going to be elite. Ignorance is bliss.

2 points
Bearmeat's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:46 pm

LOL. No, I didn't get what I wanted. I wanted 12 gone and his massive contract given to a few free agents to help Love and massive draft capital.

Try again.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:51 pm

Well, this will get the job done. The only question is whether the organization will fight or just let it play out with LaFleur.

This is a very expensive transition year as it has turned out. We would not be materially worse with Love at this point. Regardless of whether and to what extent Rodgers may be part of the problem or a victim of it, that’s just a bad deal.

This coaching staff is failing from the top down. The one good thing is that LaFleur has been unequivocally exposed as having nothing to bring to the table. That’s a very expensive (now and in future) dose of reality Murphy will close his eyes to.

I expected more of the same on O. I got that in spades. It started when they again. Left Toure inactive and went with the conservative option of Winfree. It continued in the non use of Jones and even Cobb in the first half. We saw vanilla formations, minimal receiver routes and then wonder why they are covered. I’m not going to go on, it’s just evidence that there’s no grasp of the problem. We don’t help our OL, a mess from left to right, we instead invite it to be attacked …

Fire LaFleur: he’s got no strategy and has no idea how to proceed. Alternatively, just watch the inevitable slide into irrelevance and rancor.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:26 pm

Hello darkness, my old friend?

1 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:59 pm

Have you seen how defenses have played Rodgers in the past couple years? They don’t respect him. And if DCs don’t respect him, would GMs really offer “massive draft capital” in return for his services? What the Seahorks got from Denver for another overrated QB isn’t necessarily what the Packers would have received. Rodgers is older and likes his time away from the gridiron. He is not a guy like Brady. who lives, eats and breathes football 24/7/365.

All that is to say it’s possible they got lowballed for Rodgers and felt that they were stuck with him.

1 points
Guam's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:48 pm

An interior O-line that is bad, not one receiver that can beat man coverage, an aging QB1 that looks old, and a defense that can't hold an edge and can't tackle a running back. And then we can talk about the coaching staff......

It is going to be a long season Bearmeat. Gute definitely should have taken Denver's offer for Rodgers.........

3 points
NickPerry's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:30 pm

IMO (and it's only my opinion or feeling) that was ALL on Mark Murphy. As was the MLF hire.

8 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:03 pm

Correct as usual Nick. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:10 pm

and the MLF hire is starting to look NOT GOOD!

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:53 pm

Starting? The LaFleur hire has stunk for a while. Ever since the inexperience excuse became indefensible as we repeated the same mistakes and outcome.

2 points
Azblonguy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:54 pm

A bit irrational... Packers been great many years. No GM is going to pass on a quarterback that won the MVP 2 years in a row. Roger's still out played Brady 2 years ago. The weather ruined the championship game last year. Few more lucky bounces in Packers favor they be in the superbowls. Packers had to go in this season w Rogers. NFC is still wide open.

-3 points
Fubared's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:15 pm

No Rodgers went into his shell, all but two passes to Adams when guys were wide open. Rodgers lost those games

4 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:28 pm


1 points
Fubared's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:12 pm

I want two fifths and a case of miller

0 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:21 pm

The sky has fallen.

5 points
Wenis's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:21 pm

Agreed on all points.

Food for thought. The Jets hadn't converted a 3rd down until their last drive and still curb stomped the Packers.

I just watched a team doing nothing more than going thru the motions.

21 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:21 pm

Well, two burning questions: Do we need to ditch the uniforms from the 1950s, and do we need to fire Aaron Rodgers as offensive coordinator and assistant GM?

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:24 pm

Give them 1980s uniforms. That’s more realistic

4 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:26 pm

1980's Packers had prolific offense.

4 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:32 pm

"Way to go, Dickey!"

My Father-in-Law, after Dickey had taken another sack. But yes, you're right about the offense of those days.

2 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:30 pm

Ah, it does bring back a strange nostalgia of painful memories when I was living in the Chicago suburbs and William "The Refrigerator" Perry was scoring touchdowns against the Packers. At least I was young then.

-1 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:35 pm

Given the offense we just saw, 1976 would be more realistic (23rd in Offense in a 28 team league).

2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:57 pm

We are stuck with the 50s uniforms for several more years contractually.. the are appropriate as this unit plays like a Scooter MacLean team.

4 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:21 pm

The team last lost the will to fight. I have lost the will to fight for the team. The offense looks lost, the defense shows up for 30 minutes and disappears and the special teams are who we thought they were. It's a sad day to claim GB as my team.

10 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:27 pm

I hear Minnesota is accepting band wagoneers. The door is that way.

Go Pack.

-3 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:30 pm

That's not what I meant and you know it.

5 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:44 pm

Toughen up, Sally.
It's easy being a fan when the wins are coming easy.

-6 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:48 pm

I've been a fan of this team for 22 years. I've seen some all around bad teams. This is one of the most pathetic. Rodgers is lost and playing his own game out there while the rest of the offense is left to pick up the pieces. The defense is only able to function for 30 minutes at a time. The special teams are still a disaster. I've seen teams with struggling offenses. I've seen teams with Struggling defenses. When you don't have any functional part of your team with multiple All-Pro and pro bowl players on both sides of the ball, something is seriously wrong. It's not losing. It's the lack of heart. It's the lack of effort. They're all just running through the motions. THAT'S what makes it hard.

7 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:57 pm

The packers teams of the last 30 years have all been above average teams save for the 4-12 team and the year Rodgers decided to rebel against any attempts of MM coaching him.

This team has all the heart of their QB right now. They're fierce when they're winning, and sulk and point fingers when they face real adversity.

What's wrong is Rodgers. Your mileage may vary. He's been a cancer since 2016.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:00 pm

The last year of MM had a pretty poor roster. This team should be a lot better than that.

5 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:09 pm

Plus, Rodgers played hurt for the entire 2018 season after being injured against the Bears in the first game of the season. He could have sat out but he played through 2 serious injuries even when the team had nothing to play for. Thanks, Since '61

5 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:13 pm

and thats all on the coach...this kid MLF should be head coaching in Div II and learning the ropes...just the look on his face tells the team "I aint got a clue" adjustments by our coaches..

6 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:34 pm

We may need to avert our gaze from the Packers, we may even need a small vacation from the Packers, but let's not stop fighting for the Packers.
There's still time to turn the season around, if there's truly the will to turn the season around.

-5 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:33 am

They never had the will to fight. They even tried to give back the bears game🤢 they are not well coached. ML has no idea how to pull them out of this. He kept Kevin king on the roster, and wouldn’t fire Drayton until they lost the season

-2 points
Lare's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:21 pm

Probably the worst Packers team I've ever seen, MLF won't make any changes though, he doesn't have the balls to do that.

10 points
Wenis's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:25 pm

He stands on the sidelines with that "poopy in my pants" look from start to finish.

4 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:29 pm

Nobody cares that Rodgers does that every game where he's down so much as a single point.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:27 pm

He is a coach who has never won a game Rodgers wouldn’t have. Out coached again. He has no strategy for the rookies we are now just playing Lazard ball. Bankrupt. As long as LaFleur is here it will not improve. It’s team wide under performance by coaches and most players and a QB still refusing to face reality.

Just listening to him, he’s got no answers or ideas and no control.

15 points
Bure9620's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:40 pm

Yeah, with MLF and Rodgers this team will only get worse, not better.

5 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:38 pm

You nailed it once again my friend an amazing display of uninspired play coaching,effort. You name it. Pure garbage

Just kills me how stupid they are each week. Even before Cobb went down, weeks ago they should have brought up and played Toure. But No, they finally make a token effort activating Winfrey this week and don't even play him at all really after Cobb exits with an injury!

There is no plan and it is galling to hear Rodgers cite Winfree's training camp performances while ignoring that the best was Toure and Doubs as well, is mind boggling bs. I simply can not stomach his or MLFs drivel any longer.

It's still too early to throw in the towel, but this ship looks like it's sinking and I just don't see any indication that they have the ability to right any of this anymore than I have faith that they ability to manage an entire game, all four quarters.

I no longer can take them seriously without first seeing a seismic shift and attitude adjustment on the field, I don't see that coming anytime soon either and probably not even this year. Yeah there may be a season ending flourish, but that too in the end, will be a mirage. Rebuild. From Murphy on down, but keep Gute and Bisaccia.

1 points
egbertsouse's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:28 pm

You must be too young to remember Dan Devine.

11 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:15 pm

haha, not me, I remember...horrible stuff!!

2 points
egbertsouse's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:31 pm

You must

2 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:36 pm

You must be young; I've seen FAR WORSE Packers teams. But this one seems to be doing the least with the most of any team in the last 50+ years.

7 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:48 pm

jurp -- as you say, the least with the most -- that's the difference between now and any time in the past, isn't it?
That's why it hurts more!

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:56 pm

Fair point.

1 points
Todd's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:03 pm

Worst you’ve EVER seen?

0 points
Fubared's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:18 pm

I don't think he has the power. He gives Barry the boot it's telling gutt you picked the wrong dude. He knows who writes his checks. Le flower is a lousy coach who inherited a great qb.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

October 17, 2022 at 01:48 am

Once great QB!

0 points
TarynsEyes's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:23 pm

There is nothing else that can be said from start to finish about this game. Nothing. Not a single solitary good thing. Not the pass to Lazard. Not the Gary sack. Nothing.

It seems this team, while on that 'slippery slope' was able to do one thing today, find the tree and crash into it, before Buf, Dal and Phil murder us.

10 points
NickPerry's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:33 pm

"Not a single solitary good thing."

I beg to differ... I think this week, well probably last week, was the beginning of securing a top 10 draft pick...Hell, maybe top 5.

2 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:05 pm

Oh yippee, another shitty DB. Let’s make it a safety.

That’ll really help.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:40 pm


1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:37 pm

Love this. Tree found!

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:38 am

The Green Bay Sonny Bono's?

1 points
gkarl's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:25 pm

The defense can't cover crossers and it appears the OL can't either. The coaching staff should know what to expect next week in Washington. That was just UGLY.

10 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:25 pm

It's always darkest right before it goes absolutely pitch black.

A Lambeau leap by an opposing player, and opposing fans at the rail doing their teams' cheer with the players. Hmm, that scene seems familiar, doesn't it?

That was sad and sickening to watch. Like Nags said, no heart. To physically get your ass kicked after not showing up in London. At home. Shake my head.

20 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:30 pm

This is what happens when your head coach is clueless

9 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:37 pm


Oh, wait, wrong team.

Never mind.

2 points
GBPDAN1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:27 pm

Packers should have traded Rodgers after back to back MVP seasons. I wonder how bad the games are going to be when we play a really good team? Are we in total blow up mode, starting from all management on down? I don't want to be an over reaction type, but, without any elite receivers, and the way the rest of the team is playing, is this going to get any better? I sure hope so, but I'm not going to hold my breath

9 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:40 pm

"Packers should have traded Rodgers after back to back MVP seasons. "

As Bearmeat, Coldworld and others would say: "No shit." An absolutely abysmal display of fiduciary responsibility by Murphy. He shouldn't only be fired, he should be fired, stripped of any pension, tarred, feathered, and run out of Green Bay - hell, out of Wisconsin - on a rail. His tenure with the team should be reduced to a "We don't talk about this asshole becuase he fucked over the team for at least five years." plaque in the Packers HOF.

And abso-fucking-lutely nothing will bad will happen to him. Failure without consequences; a hallmark of modern executive life.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:58 pm

Murphy caused the wastage of the late teens allowing Ball to try out for GM during TTs decline. That should have got him fired. He then “saved the day” by hiring LaFleur single handed and messing with the Harlen/Wolf structure. Yes. He should be fired, as he should have been before, but since he controls Board nomination, fat chance.

2 points
Go_Pack1265's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:13 pm

I do not believe that any other team wanted to mortgage their future for a 38 year old QB. The Packers were never offered anything for him, that they were will to accept. They were stuck with him.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:22 pm

Yes, Denver hired Hackett and co just to look pretty. Then signed Wilson at great cost. I think you are wrong. Very wrong because we had a team openly looking at doing the irrational.

-1 points
stockholder's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:28 pm

This OL needs a Enema! Jenkins has lost it. Newman can’t block. And This OL was dominated. It’s Broken.
And they should fire the OL coach now. The only way to fix it: is move Jenkins to LG and Leave him there.

11 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:34 pm

I'm just glad the Royce Newman and Jake Hanson experiments have ended. Get Tom out there, he can't be any worse.

3 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:20 pm

It seems clear we need to move Jenkins to guard, especially as he's not likely to fully recover from his surgery until next season.
It seems clear Nijman should be starting as a blocker somewhere on the offensive line.
Let's start there, build off of that, and see if we can't get a consistent set of starters blocking for the Packers offense for the rest of the season.
We can still make the playoffs!

2 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:21 pm

Maybe. Or, perhaps, they could get an RG that actually can play and not leave Jenkins up to block the ends AND the tackles when they inevitably run through #70 and #62. I don't know if Nijman would be a better RT than Jenkins, but I know one thing. You can't play RG much worse than the two aforementioned. Give Tom his chance.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:38 pm

Nah, you can bet we will see more of them!

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:41 pm

Butkus looks like a disaster. Not one OL was good. Part of that is the risible threat from our passing game, but they aren’t playing well or as a unit.

Stenavich appears to be no more impress as an OC. The coaches are looking like a sub par group in the image of their leader.

It’s just time to stop it. The rot is deep. Continue with Rodgers or not, but LaFleur should be gone before next week if there is to be any hope of turning this around. Honestly I think the coaching staff is largely too diluted, but it’s worth a try. It starts with recognizing that we need a whole new attitude on O. Rodgers can chose to get on board or not, but it’s a move that is desperately needed.

6 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:43 pm

I don't disagree, but whom do you replace MLF with? Maybe Bisaccia, but leaving the assistant coaches in place seems to be a recipe for the same level of play we've seen. I've heard that Paul Chryst is available (yes, this is meant as a [poor] joke).

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:02 pm

The chances of success with the same coaches are limited, but the chances of success with the status quo are non-existent. So which is the better option?

I’d try persuading Peyton to see out the year and go from there.

3 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:07 pm

Hmm. I like that. But would he agree? And would he lose part of his payout from NO (assuming there was one) if he were to accept? I think AR would retire if Peyton were hired because I don't think SP would put up with AR's act. Not a bad result, come to think of it.

2 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:24 pm

If you change all of the coaches, but Rodgers stays the same in his attitude, then does it really matter?
Rodgers is still talented enough to lead a winning team; but it seems he's still arrogant enough to undermine a winning team.

2 points
4thand10's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:36 pm

Personally,from what i’ve seen…Rodgers was reluctant to be coached…then he was receptive and plays got more creative…then he wants more say in matters which is dumb. I couldn’t tell the difference between this offense and McCarthys today. That tells me Rodgers has too much imput and LaFluer caved in to a player. Bringing in an aging Randell Cobb who McCarthy used as a running back for too many hrs with his body used and abused was all Arron’s decision and a terrible idea.
Obviously Doubs, Toury can run routes….they did it all pre season Your telling me Amari Rodgers isn’t capable of running a reverse or having some backfield plays??? But Arron is having none of that shit and wants it his way and only throw to his guys instead of following a playbook. And for the first 3 yrs the playbook was good. Now,He’s over throwing deep balls, throwing low or just out of a receivers reach. The hallucination Tea clearly didn’t help him.
Think about it…LaFluer likes to run the ball and has good run schemes and misdirection but what we are seeing is totally different than the first few yrs. Which tells me AR has too much to say about the playbook. But either way, LaFluer has lost control of his QB. And that’s on him.
Realistically, I don’t think any teams put in an offer for Rodgers… cause they know they get a toxic, self absorbed player who can’t take coaching. He’s too absorbed in the past . His on the field antics with the new WRs doesn’t set an example and does nothing for their confidence. I liked him for a long time, but now after the “immunization “ BS, the eye rolls on the new kids starting out, the lack of energy and the hallucinating tea instead of getting to know his new WRs and setting an example….I’m done with AR. If I was the coach I would have made him play the preseason.Even if they start winning i’m done and mentally checked out with him.

-1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:39 pm

Oh please, let me wake up to that news!

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:18 pm

Sean Payton

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:10 pm

Butkus is a Trojan Horse! Just knew it!

0 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:03 pm

With all their injuries, this segmented squad has never been in synch and Rodgers missed a couple of practices. Rhyan was drafted to be a bruiser inside ,but has not been sniffed. Some of the deadwood should be moved by the trade deadline. I do not see Leadership.

3 points
brenner's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:24 pm

Completely agree about Jenkins going back to LG. let Nijman play RT and learn on the fly. Maybe give Tom a look at RG.. not sure Runyan has played well enough to remain on the field but Newman definitely shouldn't be out there.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:51 pm

I’m more and more concerned about Myers. He’s been bad two weeks in a row. Runyon is a weak link in the run game this year for some reason, but he’s good in pass pro mostly. I’m not sure I’d not move Jenkins to C. It’s probably the 3rd most important position. I have grave doubts about Tom’s strength at G, but at this point I’d say try it. Nijman has to be playing. He’s been our best OL this year when starting.

0 points
MooPack's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:28 pm

Deep, deep issues on both sides of the ball. Front office to coaching to players. Lot of searching for the soul of this team needed.

11 points
pacman's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:28 pm

I called it last week as the end of the MLF/AR era. MLF is not a good coach. He was good enough when he had better coaches under him and better players. But he just continually fails to get his team ready and almost always to play under their potential even when they won.

AR showed his age a few years ago (when they drafted Love) but then pulled himself out of it. I'm doubtful he could do it again and he doesn't have the players to help him. Give the Jets credit too but it is ridiculous how Packers could not come up with some plays to make things happen. Blame the O line, AR finger injury, whatever. Offense showed nothing today except for like 3 plays. Pretty pathetic. At least the D showed up for half the game.

In hindsight, of course, we should have traded AR but this kind of drop off in play by the team is all on MLF.

12 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:23 pm

truth spoken!! I say one more year and it will be new coach time....wish they'd can him tomorrow though...never did like the choice, everyone wanted to be like the Rams at the time he was hired...

2 points
NitschkeFromTheGrave's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:29 pm

"Out-coached, out-hit and out-hearted"

Hard to post anything that tops that !

15 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:52 pm

I’d only add.. again

1 points
dobber's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:29 pm

This has all the feel of a team circling the drain. Maybe they recover but, at this point, I don't see how.

13 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:44 pm

It's mostly up to Aaron Rodgers to be a leader and turn things around.
If he won't, then it's up to . . . whoever is in charge of the Packers to sit Rodgers and play Jordan Love.

1 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:08 pm

AR, a leader?


0 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:45 pm

Well, at least maybe we'll get a top 10 draft choice...

3 points
Bure9620's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:33 pm

This team is officially unwatchable. The O-line is a joke. Handing Rodgers that contract was a mistake as I knew it would be. Rodgers is an Old man now and we are now stuck with that atocious contract. Murphy should be forced into retirement. They need to BLOW IT UP. New Leadership, President, GM, New coach, new QB, unload the vets. It is over. I am not wasting time on this shit anymore....

12 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:46 pm

I'd keep Gute, because I think he's done a good job within the parameters he's had dictated to him. But Murply MUST GO NOW. And let Gute hire MLF's replacement.

0 points
Lare's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:36 pm

Will be the first losing season in a while.

0 points
PackfanNY's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:36 pm

My gut reaction: 🤢🤮🤢🤮

It is no longer just a thing or two wrong with the team Last year it was special teams and defense. Instead of getting better where we were weak we just added Offensive line, receivers, coaching and overall offense to the fire. Time to admit where we are at and start working on a true REBUILD.

Problem is, do we have faith in Gute at this point? He insisted Receivers were fine. They are NOT. He predicted Defense is solid. They are NOT. He used multiple assets on the O line. They stunk up the joint today. Lots of problems. Very few answers. Long season ahead.

11 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:41 pm

Gutekunst has been working on a true rebuild ever since.

Someone pulled the carpet out on him though, and dictated we re-sign Rodgers. Now a lot of the rebuild pieces will end up seeing the free market.

6 points
dobber's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:54 pm

I think we all know who that someone is.

1 points
KVP's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:18 pm

The love child of Howdy Doody and Alfred E Neuman...Mark Murphy, who needs Rodgers to keep interest in his Packer Park more than put a real winner on the field?

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:33 pm

Silage piling up @ the Sledding Hill...

3 points
dobber's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:48 am

I've pitched my share of silage over the years...

0 points
Lare's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:41 pm

Sure wish Gutekunst had done something to improve the WR position.

1 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:01 pm

J'Mon Moore (Yeah, he didn't work out), MVS, ESB, Amari Rodgers, Watson, Toure, Doubs..

The GM can't predict health, and he can't force the QB to throw to them. He has to own whiffs (Moore is the stand out whiff here).

I don't think it's fair or accurate to claim Gutekunst hasn't done anything to improve the WR position.

-2 points
Packerlifer's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:33 pm

It’s fair to say that what Gutey has done has not improved the wr position.

6 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:17 pm

I don't think that's true.

I think the Packers have had a good corps of receivers who have been under utilized and left undeveloped. But that's not on Gute.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:11 pm

It’s definitely been better than it was when he first drafted. This year it always looked sketchy. MVS wasn’t wanted by many and Adams wanted out and we couldn’t realistically afford him (though they tried to mortgage the future with him too.

Last year was seen as the last dance encore for a reason. This year was always going to depend on working with each of the rookies and Rodgers to develop a role and niche playlist that got them going. We never tried. Doubs sort of crashed the party that LaFleur and Rodgers saw as being for Cobb, Lazard and Watkins. This is where that kind of hubris gets a team.

1 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:43 pm

Gutey drafts haven't been great last few years but his Free Agency acquisition has been covering it up all this while.
Most of his Rd1's turned out to be just avg except for Ja and Gary rest all have been playing okish. He neglected the Wr and TE group too long.

1 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:02 pm

Please see my response to Lare in regards to neglecting WRs

-3 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:56 pm

I did see your Response and except for MVS none seemed or played that good. So in all these picks only one turned out good means something has to be wrong in terms of our Scouting team. After that 2018 season he drafted only one receiver till this year even when we clearly lacked a wr2 for all these years.
None of those picks are any good to be Wr2 let alone Wr1. BTW i am holding off on this years draft so far Doubs looking good and Watson being injured alot isn't helping much.

5 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:17 pm

How good can you be when the QB won't utilize you.

-1 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:49 pm

Without utilizing packer's didn't produce so many pro bowlers from thin air till 2019. Even with his drops davante produced 500 yds. Both EQ and mvs produced 300+ yds each their first season.

0 points
fordguy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:34 pm

"I don't think it's fair or accurate to claim Gutekunst hasn't done anything to improve the WR position."

Who in the hell else should anyone point the finger at than him? Undrafted Tonyan, undrafted Lizard. 6th round Winfree, 4th Doubs, 80year old Lewis. Are you really going to say that he's not responsible for that dumpster fire on the field?

0 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:22 pm

There's nothing wrong with Tonyun, there's nothing wrong with Lazard. There was nothing wrong with MVS. There was nothing wrong with ESB. J'mon Moore? Complete bust. Is there anything wrong with Doubs? Toure? Watson's health issue is unfortunate. Sammy Watkins? Yeah, the health sucks. but it was an improvement.

-3 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:51 pm

Yes nothing wrong but nothing great or good either to be a team's top Wr1 or Top TE in the league.

1 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:48 pm

How many teams run the elusive "multiple #1 WRs" formation?

Also, before the injury, Tonyan was certainly catching TDs like a #1 TE.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:47 pm

Agreed. LaFleur’s incompetence has led to a light weight coaching staff just as much as his tactical naivety has been repeatedly exposed.

As to Gute, this team may be good in a couple of years. To be good this year, incorporating rookies was obviously essential from day one of the off season if we were to have a chance. We did nothing, and play as if we were the team last year.

This isn’t the first game, it’s just accelerating as teams figure out they can have their way with our O. Thus won’t stop with this coach. We could be a lot better with this roster. At this point, the only hope is a swift and decisive change at the top.

3 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:54 pm

You’ve been saying nothing but this for two straight weeks. Why don’t you name who you think the head coach should be?

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:28 pm

I’d try for Peyton, cost not an issue. It’s not like I’ve not said that before. If he refuses, at this point I’d take what Bisaccia did last year. At this point the key is not LaFleur. It may not succeed but it’s a whole lot better than just waiting to sink

2 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:17 pm

You write ALOT of posts. I don’t read them all. If you said that before, my apologies.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:15 pm

There is not a lot of choice. Peyton is the ideal guy. Rodgers respects him and he need take no BS. But the greatest benefit might just be basic competence.

0 points
dobber's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:49 am

They won't go outside the team midseason...and Payton is supposedly coveting a couple jobs with young QBs.

0 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:01 pm

I think they did except for Toure. But watson getting injured most of the camp and also 2 times in 3 weeks made it worse i guess. Doubs has been getting targetted well more than the other rookies who have been drafted way above him( skyy moore, pierce and pickens)/.

1 points
jlc1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:06 pm

Good news for you PackfanNY along with me and all the other Pack fans in the area. The team has played their way off any discretionary national broadcasts. We have finished our two NY games. So we have just a few, I hope maybe as few as two, games when we might have this god awful football team broadcast in our area.
They are so soft. Soft like McCarthy team soft. The O got punched in the mouth the first two drives and cowered from there on out. The D got punched in the mouth early in the 3rd quarter and waved the white flag.

3 points
Packerlifer's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:18 pm

Gotta admit,tho, our big men on both fronts are cuddly gentle giants.

3 points
barutanseijin's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:32 pm

I took a walk along the Brooklyn side of the Narrows after the game and took in the fall color and sunshine. As i strolled along, that very thought came to me, too. “Oh well, more time to enjoy good food, family, music, the arts, all that life has to offer.”

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:54 pm

We will lose to all 3 NY teams this year.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:45 pm

Players are not this bad. They didn't decline this far overnight , well maybe ARod buts It's the coaching and what they and Rodgers does with them.

0 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:37 pm

The funny thing is, I still fully expect this team to finish 11-6, 10-7. They do have talent, they need to pull it together.

A week ago I told you I was more concerned about offense than defense. I'm still standing on that sentiment. The good news is, al the offense needs to get a bump in output is a QB who is willing to execute the offense and quit worrying about the names on the jerseys. Throw the ball to the open WR in progression.

-11 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:41 pm

Good stuff, Oppy,
Instead of throwing in the towel, let's try some things that are new.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:53 pm

We could go with Love and maybe he’d use what tools he has. Maybe that wins us 5. If they keep this up I don’t think they get close to that. Cobb, Lazard and the odd Doubs are not getting it done. Lazard and Doubs won’t. No WR coming in will change things that much.

Rodgers speaking—most worried about “wobbling” by teammates. Letting the cat out of the bag that all us not well. He’s also seemingly criticizing LaFleur and the coaches by calling in them to simplify everything.

0 points
jurp's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:58 pm

AR tantrums to passive-agressively start... 5. 4. 3. 2, 1...,

I think Tuesday.

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:07 pm

He’s basically talking like the thought police. I don’t that helps.

-1 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:05 pm

Oh, I'm shocked that AR is laying blame at the coaching staff and seemingly calling out the commitment of his team mates.. He's never done that before (insert sarcastic eye roll emoji here).

-3 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:05 pm

There's open targets on the field. Just not Rodgers' favored targets.

Get the ball out and good things start happening.

2 points
jlc1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:07 pm

Ok then Oppy, what games on the schedule get this team to that record?

0 points
Trapped-in-MN-BUT-GB-fan's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:13 pm

I'm not sure how they will do. But I sure would like to know what their offensive and defensive identity is. I see nothing that tells me what they are doing other doing the same things all the time that don't work. Seem to have offensive plays that don't ever change and are easily anticipated by the other teams. The defense seems to have only 2 or 3 players who know what they are doing and generally most of the defense doesn't speak the same language. Cause-players? Coaches? Front Office?
Yes to all three.
I'll still cheer for them no matter what but will have my hopes so much lower. GPG.

1 points
Fubared's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:26 pm

My take is Rodgers will get some ailment and not play against the better teams coming up. Dallas, eagles, bills will eat this team alive.

0 points
Wilment's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:37 pm

For these of us here on CHTV, they are who we thought they were. No premiere wide receiver, and now Cobb looks to be gone too. The offensive line looked....offensive. they looked slow, confused, and seem unable or unwilling to block anything. The defense again is gassed by the second half yet again, and once again there was no stopping the run. Then there is AR, who keep dropping back to throw deep to a wide receiver who doesnt exist. He looks older, slower, and the more hits he takes, the worse its going to get The coaching staff should be embarrassed by the past two efforts, and I dont want to scare anyone, they have three straight road games, and could very well be 3-6 when McCarthy and the cowboys come to town. The next three games will tell how much heart this club has. GO PACK!!

10 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:53 pm

Guess the exciting part will be guessing which game that we actually show up for. Got to figure it is possible that they will at least once this year. Hmmm,. Which One?

0 points
packerbackerjim's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:38 pm

Bakhtiari was the only on the OL who showed up. Stenavich has to coach em up. Until then, AR needs to take 7-step drops. Barry needs to go. No contain, non-existent tackling. I trust Bisaccia will kick ass and take names.

9 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:56 pm

Bakh wasn’t great. They can’t run left at all either.

1 points
packerbackerjim's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:47 pm

Not great, just didn’t give up a sack, keep pressures to a minimum from his guy,

1 points
dobber's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:02 pm

How many touches did 33 get?
[the answer is 12--9 carries and 3 catches]
I never heard anything about him being hurt or in the locker room, but he seemed to be on the sideline a lot.
Right now, he's the most dynamic playmaker they have...and he got 12 touches.

5 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:46 pm

" Therein lies the rub"

0 points
Oppy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:24 pm

Or, I dunno, don't hold the ball forever.

1 points
coolhand's picture

October 17, 2022 at 09:43 am

AR seems to lock in on 1 guy and he waits and waits for him to get open and then gets sacked.

1 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 09:25 pm

Isn't that the opposite of what you teach a QB to do.

0 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:38 pm

Hey, I've been warning about the arrogance of Rodgers sinking the Packers for a long time -- with only a small measure of appreciated support -- but I'm not giving up on this season -- whoever is coaching, whoever is playing.
Let's stop the panic; let's keep up the fight.
Changes, yes; surrender, no!

-6 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:13 pm

Easy, Braveheart.

4 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:32 pm

Instead of belittling me, maybe you should be listening to me as one of the fans who have been on target in realistic analysis, instead of complacent about arrogant Rodgers.
Listen to me about the past instead of sneering; listen to me about not giving up on the Packers this season instead of quitting.

-4 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:24 pm

I don't think Leotis meant it as a personal attack, I think it was intended as a humorous statement- no more, no less.

I could of course be wrong, but Leotis has never struck me as an abrasive commenter. He's certainly more light-hearted and less abrasive than I am.

0 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:56 pm

Go ahead and downvote me.
Even if I go away with my unpopular comments, they won't be any the less true.
Wherever I am, I'll still be rooting for the Packers to turn things around for the better right now this season -- as I have for more than a half century -- not pouting and giving up on them.

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:44 pm

There are a lot of people who are struggling to grasp that this is broader than a bad OL or a poor game plan or just a bad game. They don’t want to see that it’s actually just a logical extension of what’s been going on or they don’t want to give up on the season or the Rodgers era. It’s going to be vituperative, just as the Favre transition was, even though this is as much about the coaching and the decision to run with this roster and Rodgers without ensuring that he was on board with a concrete plan to make it work (impossible because LaFleur clearly didn’t see the need for one either). Thus organization has bought into its own hype for too long.

2 points
89Chewy's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:39 pm

LaFleur is in over his head. It showed in the playoffs and it's now showing again. He doesn't have the Rodgers/Adams connection to bail him out any longer. Wasn't his MO about designing plays to get wide receivers open? Our best option is that Aaron gets hurt and is out for the year, then let Love play and then we can see what we have in him. This year is deep at quarterback.

1 points
edp1959's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:45 pm

Wow, great Packer fan. Hoping that a player has a season ending injury. Purely pathetic.

3 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:32 pm

Hey EDP, I agree with 89Chewy.

Rodgers sustaining a career-ending injury sooner than later would be the best scenario for the long-term future of the Packers.

I don't wish it upon him, but if it happened this sunday, it'd be the best thing for the Packers in my opinion.

I don't see the Packers getting to another SB with Rodgers under center, and Love is an unknown commodity unless we get to see him play meaningful games for a duration.

Rodgers goes down, the Packers are free to play Love and see what they've got, then make an informed decision on his contract moving forward, while they also get to free themselves of an expensive, divisive aging QB and finally create cap space to advance the team roster.

It's the best case scenario for the Packers. Otherwise, they'll never bench Rodgers, we'll never get to SB with him at the helm, and we'll always be cash strapped and watching young talent walk in FA.

0 points
PDTPack's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:48 pm

If they weren't motivated enough this week what makes anyone think they will be more motivated next week. I know that ML would never bench AR but in this game when the OL could not protect why not try Love with younger legs and more mobile to beat the rush.

5 points
PDTPack's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:42 pm

Somebody please give me a reason to have hope in this team.

1 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:52 pm

We're still 3-3 with a lot of games left and a lot of talent.
It's not a matter of can the Packers win, but whether they really want to.
Are they willing to change the status quo in any meaningful way?

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:13 pm

Thou givest hope upon the one hand yet doth taketh it away with thine other.

0 points
Fubared's picture

October 17, 2022 at 08:57 am

Your hope is they probably can't play any worse then they did yesterday so maybe you've seen 5he bottom. Then again dalls, eagles, bills, vikes on still ahead

0 points
Thegravedigger's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:43 pm

newman and jenkins looked mentally challenged. the one play where jenkins blocked the corner and let vinny curry walk thru on his inside. peewee football says you block the inside rusher. zach tom has to play, or nijman, or both. the ol made it seem like the jets invented stunts.

10 points
Lare's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:46 pm

Yes, worst OL play I've seen in a a long, long time.

4 points
jlc1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:12 pm

I wonder if Stnovich moving up to OC from Oline coach has hurt the Oline. Sure seems to have. And at the same time Stnovich not being as good as Hackett at scheming also seems to be a big problem. Poorly considered coaching hires by MLF. He really is in the hot seat now as a head coach unlike he has ever been. Let's see if he is tough enough to show this team what toughness looks like.

6 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:52 pm

They're already running Hackett out of Denver.

1 points
splitpea1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:45 pm

The Jets are a tough, physical, hard-hitting team. The Packers? Definitely not enough in this game....Gary had a couple of nice plays, ditto for Jaire, and Enagbare got his first sack.

The Jets played like a young, hungry team; the Packers played like an old veteran team that has lost too many times in the playoffs.

Stop the Packers running game and you stop the Packers offense. The Jets DL and LBs did a great job. Our offensive line was downright pukey, and I believe that was a Jenkins penalty that cost us a big A. Jones gain in the first half.

Flashbacks of last season with the blocked kick and punt....but we got one of our own with Wilson. Bisaccia may want to keep going for those blocks, because we're going to need them the way our offense is playing.

Need more receiving options badly! That was even before Cobb left.

If a team is a reflection of its coaching staff, well, this is what you get.

9 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:47 pm

Gute went 0-5 on his OL expectations:

1. Thought Bakh would return and be good. Wrong.
2. Thought Jenkins would return & be good. Wrong.
3. Thought Myers would make a 2nd year jump. Wrong.
4. Thought Newman would make a 2nd year jump. Wrong.
5. Thought Runyan would be a solid RG. Wrong.

GMs have drafted 3rd round OL who played well right away.
GMs have drafted 4th round OL who played well right away.
Rare to get a 7th rounder to play well as a rookie, but it has happened.


3 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:51 pm

TV guys talking about getting a FA wide receiver. Gute should be looking for interior offensive linemen.

4 points
Lare's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:06 pm

The Packers can still win without a FA wide receiver, they will go nowhere with this OL.

4 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:29 pm

I should add that Gute's expectations might still turn out to be correct and might still even come in time to salvage this season. I'd be more optimistic if GB were 4-2, but it is still very possible to make the playoffs. I see the Giants beat the Ravens to get to 5-1.

2 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:35 pm

Who are the star receivers for the Giants?
Maybe we should be looking at the guy throwing the passes more than the guys trying to catch them.

4 points
dobber's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:05 pm

The guy throwing the passes looks disinterested--about like Roethlisberger a year ago.

3 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:55 pm

Agree Dobber except that the guy throwing the passes looks like he is getting pounded every time he drops back to pass. Our OL looks like the guys who are disinterested in blocking anybody whether it's a run or a pass.

Thanks, Since '61

5 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:15 pm

They don’t look disinterested. They look like they don’t know.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:05 pm

Don’t know possibly. It’s also possible that they do but don’t want to accept it. If I had to guess I’d say Rodgers is the latter, LaFleur the former.

1 points
PearlyBakerBest's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:23 pm

Don’t want to accept it? Not following? Are you still talking about the OL? I did not get the game so had to listen to it but watched the condensed afterwards. On many plays, there were multiple OL standing around looking for someone to block after the DL had whizzed by them already. Even Bahk on a couple plays. They just didn’t get off their initial block quick enough or at all to pick up the defender running past. But on a few plays they just got whipped too. Almost as if not knowing how to block.

5 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:35 pm

I'd probably get the ball out of my hands in under 3 seconds if I couldn't count on the OL.

It's amazing how smoothly this offense has operated when the QB gets the ball out on time.

Yeah, it's really that simple.

0 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:20 pm

What happened to the same guy these last 3 seasons. Jones has been playing good only when he got some good OL protection. Our oline is a mess as a result we are struggling.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:01 pm

He did come up with Nijman. Of course the coaches can’t find a way to get him on the field at present. I have to say that I’m becoming extremely dubious about Butkus and I don’t see what Stenavich is bringing as OC.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:52 pm

I concur.

0 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:41 pm

The team did pretty well in 2021 with the same (actually less) talent on the OL with the lone exception being Billy Turner.

I don't think Bakh is playing poorly, just not at up to Bakh standards yet.
I do agree that Jenkins is rough. I don't think playing him on the edge is helping him at all. That's a poor decision by the line coach IMO.

What this team needs to do is find a competent RT (either internally or brought in), move Jenkins back to LG (that should create a stable blind side), and see how Newman responds when a better RT is boxing him in. Should Newman still struggle, put Runyon or someone else at RG.

0 points
Cwilly's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:48 pm

Packers have no oline until they put nijman at right tackle and Jenkins at left guard. Can’t block and it’s obvious. Defense is being coached the same way capers coached soft and zone every play. No creativity with the defense and stop zoning very play or the rush defense may break capers record of most rushing yards in a single season. Plus you need a deep threat/ elite receiver. When you have that you won’t see 8 in the box every play. If your not gonna bring an elite receiver in then better fix your oline and be able to run the ball with 8 in the box. It’s only gonna get worse when you play the cowboys defense or the bills. It’s not a lost season yet but if you don’t actually bring in a free agent or change your personnel you have right now it will be. Don’t want to see Royce Newman play another down again and Jenkins at tackle when he just got back from an acl injury sooner then most for his size.

11 points
Packers1985's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:52 pm

Looking at the packer's opponents this yr it only going to get worse from here on. This is one of the toughest schedules we faced this season and with NFC east being the strongest and NFC north with viks leading i doubt even with 10 wins we'll make it to playoffs as we are going to see two nfc east teams in the Wild card spots. Then a big fight for the final spot.

3 points
jhtobias's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:53 pm

Well insanity again with expectations. Expecting Joe Barry to adjust is just silly either let him go or stop talking about him we know the results and what they will be . Lafluer is not capable of adjusting his game plan and this has been evident since he has been hired. Either get a play caller with the ability to adjust or let's stop talking about it .

9 points
Cwilly's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:04 pm

Your correct. But the zone every down is absolute insanity. When you have Alexander at corner why play zone all the time. And yes Stokes is fast but the nfl isn’t about being fast when your beat. He never follows the ball and it’s also getting old. And Savage must not understand his assignment or the coverage he’s suppose to be in cuz he always blows it. Zone isn’t working and even though it suits the weaker players the best it needs to be ditched or every team will run all over this defense.

6 points
dobber's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:08 pm

Packers didn't play nearly as much zone today as you seem to be implying.

7 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:58 pm

It looked to me like the Packers mostly played man this week. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:53 pm

This was the dagger in the Rodgers era. No word on Cobb but probably done for season/career given his reaction. QB1 looks old. No receiving corps to speak of. O-line is a sieve. D is soft. No coaching. Trade deadline coming. Time to stock up on picks. Sell off pieces, start Love and start the rebuild while hobbled by salary cap and dead money.

0 points
GregC's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:14 pm

Good news after the game. Cobb is not done for the season. He was afraid he had broken his ankle, but it was only a sprain.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:09 pm

Depending on its severity, IR is quite likely. Those can be short term or linger.

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:54 pm

I had posted last week that I thought that, based on how the season was unfolding, that this game might be the most important game of the season as far as identifying who this Packers team was. Win and get the season back on track after the London debacle or lose to this Jets team at home and realize this is not a playoff team. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we have our answer.

13 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 03:59 pm

Another bad loss! At Lambed no less. Defense played a great first half, then they disappeared in the second half along with the rest of the team for the second week in a row.

We can't say that Rodgers didn't run the MLF offense this week. They did and they stuck with the run game even after getting behind 17-3. The problem was that the OL was awful for the entire game. They were a little better in the second half but not by much. 4 sacks and I lost count of the number of hits on Rodgers but I'm pretty confident that it was double digits. The run game was stuffed for most of the game as well.

Special teams cost us 10 points just when I thought they were evolving into a solid unit. Pfft!! That's gone.

No energy, no emotion, and no effort from this team especially in the 2nd half. I don't know what our coaches are doing or more likely not doing but it is not working. We're taking bad penalties and we're being outcoached and outplayed on a weekly basis. Rodgers bailed this team out for years but he can't carry that load any more and if the OL does not play more effectively Jones and Dillon can't pick up any of the load.

I advocated for trading Rodgers during the offseason to get the rebuild in full swing which I think was the direction that Gute was trying to go. But Murphy intervened and here we are. Love would not be better but he would be learning and the team would be moving in the right direction.

It's too early to give up on the season but something needs to change and change quickly or the Packers will be out of it by their bye week. Thanks, Since '61


13 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:11 pm

I suppose it is early. But the trade deadline is November 1. So, I think the operative statement in your post is "something needs to change and change quickly....

Gute has to make some quick and accurate assessments about what this team's needs are and try to match the need or needs with the budget and what GB is willing to part with in terms of draft picks. I have the Packers cap space at around $6.7M, and that will decrease when they sign a 53rd player.

Still think GB should have generated cap space by restructuring Lowry and Lazard. Now we've paid them 6/18ths so there is less available at this date.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:17 pm

To be clear, I think GB has to hope and assume that one of Jenkins and Bakh will return to being excellent players. Pair that OT with Nijman at worst. Find an IOL who can play right away. If they want to take a swing at Brandin Cook, robbie Anderson, DJ Moore, or someone else despite the cost as Dobber mentioned while quoting Silverstein, perhaps, though I am not that keen on that move due to future cost.

This team loses in the trenches too much. Simple as that, IMO, but their only deep passing success involves an absolute dime from AR.

2 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:13 pm

TGR - I'm just not confident that the Packers can trade for an impact player at this point. It's too early in the season for a team to give up one of their key players. And as you correctly point out how much would Gutekunst be willing to give up in terms of draft picks.

Even if we did acquire a legit impact player it doesn't solve our coaching issues and it doesn't help the OL unless the Packers move Jenkins to LG, Runyon to RG and Nijman to RT. I don't usually advocate for making OL changes midseason but at this point what do the Packers have to lose? The season is on the brink.

I agree that we lose too often in the trenches and that includes the defense. We need leadership on both sides of the ball. Clark and Gary are great players but I don't see them as leaders as least not at this point.

My comment on something needs to change quickly was referring to this team needs a serious attitude adjustment for the coaches and the players. The coaches need to figure out what they're doing and they need to get this team motivated to play. The players need to decide that they've come to play and bring some heart with a nasty attitude. Talent makes a difference but you need the head and the heart to make it work.
Thanks, Since '61

4 points
Fabio's picture

October 17, 2022 at 08:09 am

Ciao Dal '61
La mancanza di energia nelle due linee è un problema che per me dura da alcuni anni ed' è una delle cause dei nostri ultimi fallimenti. Ieri è stato talmente evidente da diventare imbarazzante.
Per la seconda volta gli avversari hanno fatto 12 drive di sola correre e sono arrivati o a meta o alla nostra linea. Ma il vero problema è un altro ed è più serio. Questa squadra è stata costruita in attacco per correre, ma contro le migliori squadre o difese, la nostra linea non riesce a creare mai con costanza buchi da percorrere. Anche ieri sia Jones che Dillon non sono mai stati produttivi. In più non riusciamo a proteggere in modo almeno decente il nostro Q. Con questo, non vedo MLF capace di portare cambiamneti nell'esecuzione del gioco e nel tipo di passaggi che dovremmo effettuare .....
Per quanto riguarda la linea di D, credo che Lowry e Reed siano anelli troppo deboli per una squadra che ha aspirazioni di vincere un SB.
Walker poi si sta dimostrando un 2° Martinez (tutte le squadre lo stanno prendendo di mira con i blocchi che lui non riesce ad eludere).
Comunque .....
Da uomo di sport quale sono .... queste situazioni a me sono sempre piaciute perchè credo che in questi momenti si riesca a vedere veramente chi è uomo e chi no. Generalmente si deve arrivare ad un chiarimento all'interno dello spogliatoio (anche picchiandosi se c'è bisogno), ma dopo si deve cementare il gruppo per venirne fuori più forti di prima!!!
Vedremo se abbiamo una squadra di uomini o di figurine sopravvalutate!!!
Saluti dall'Italia

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 17, 2022 at 04:35 pm

Ciao Fabio!!! Good to hear from you. I understand enough of your post to agree with you. I will get some help with translation and respond more throughly. Abbraccio e stemmi bene, Since '61

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:48 pm

Ha ragione, Signore!.

0 points
CheesyTex's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:28 pm

IMO Christian McCaffrey would be worth a hard look -- He could be used primarily as a slot/gadget receiver. Believe his renegotiated contract fits Packers tight cap space.

1 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:21 pm

Our 3-3 season so far.

A win against the hapless Bears.
A 14-12 win against the Bucs, who were minus their top 3 receivers. Still a win against Brady on the road.
An OT home win against NE, who was playing their rookie 3rd string QB in his first NFL action (he has looked rather impressive since that game, to be honest)

A horrible overall performance against the Vikings.
A horrible 2nd half performance against the Giants in London.
Scoring 10 points against a Jets team, at home, to a team that was giving 29.5 ppg.

I'm not seeing a playoff, much less a Super Bowl, team here. I'd love to be proven wrong.

2 points
Fubared's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:37 pm

The d did not play a good first half. The jets play calling sucked and they looked worst then the pack.

0 points
Booner's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:03 pm

As they say in France we just hit the La Floor!

3 points
MikeS's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:05 pm

Sorry to say, but this team in its current state , will not make the playoffs.

5 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:11 pm

Okay, enough with all of the negativity without putting forth ideas for positivity.
I can't hold back any longer: I told you so!
Arrogant Rodgers is the fault line around which the Packers crack under pressure. (A few people supported me, and I thank them.)
Keep MVS as the only wide receiver in his prime other than Lazard who knows the offense and has worked with Rodgers. (Maybe no one supported me, or just a couple of other fans.)
So, maybe stop the whining and the "woe is me" and look in the mirror as to why the Packers are pathetic.
Meanwhile, I'm still fighting for the Packers to make the playoffs.
It seems so much of this lamenting is as pathetic as the game today unless we're envisioning a way forward.
Let's start with some emphasis on character for the Packers to bring out all of our considerable talent.
Continue to snicker and sneer at the lessons of Bart Starr and the Lombardi Packers at your own peril.

-4 points
Cwilly's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:26 pm

Does he block and yes he’s not playing like an mvp either but this game isn’t on him. He has an awful oline and his defensive coordinator continues to use zone every play. Rodgers is at fault for always trying to go deep but his supporting cast outside his running backs is average. Love isn’t the answer either. Rodgers should have been traded and the packers should have used it on the offensive side of the ball in new playmakers and looking for his replacement. They didn’t so either they figure out how to block and use what they have or this is a lost season and will have ramifications in the future with their cap. That’s what will paralyze this franchise if this is the season they don’t reach the playoffs. They won’t have anything to rebuild on or money to spend for the inept decisions that have been made.

5 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:52 pm


0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:27 pm

Bart Starr and the Lombardi Packers had multiple HOFers on both offense and defense. Possibly more than any other team in history. This team doesn't. Please stop with the ridiculous comparisons.

3 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:45 pm

13TimeChamps, it seems there were lots of talented players on the Colts, Giants, Browns, Bears, and Lions in the Lombardi Era.
Leaders of character like Lombardi and Starr lift players to the fullness of their potential, and win championships.
Johnnie Unitas had a loaded roster with the Colts in the decade of the 1960s, but no championships; Bart Starr won five, including three in a row.
True teamwork finds ways to win!!!
If you don't get that by now -- and continue to put me down for saying it -- then you're the one being ridiculous.
Stats win individual awards; character wins titles.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:55 pm

So, if Aaron Rodgers could just, somehow, channel the character of Bart Starr, then magically this roster will be transformed into a bunch of HOFers, winning multiple championships.

I love your idealistic, though unrealistic, vision. Don't give it up.

1 points
Swisch's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:01 pm

I don't think it's ever wise to copy the past exactly; I do think it's always wise to learn from the past.
Rodgers should be Rodgers -- but with the humility to learn from his storied predecessor in Bart Starr, he would be a much better version of Rodgers.
It seems sad to dismiss what's worked in the past to such glory, and the people behind the success.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:13 pm

Yeah, if only Rodgers had Forrest Gregg, Jerry Kramer, Jim Ringo, Jim Taylor, Willie Wood, Herb Adderly, Willie Davis, Ray Nitschke and Vince Lombardi as his coach...I'm sure he would be a better version of himself.

3 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:31 am

Imagine Rodgers audibling out of Lombardi's plays all the time. Imagine Rodgers publicly criticizing Lombardi's offensive philosophy. Imagine Rodgers cracking jokes and trying to treat Lombardi like a peer rather than his boss. Then try to imagine Rodgers ever playing for this team ever again.

1 points
Since'61's picture

October 17, 2022 at 04:50 pm

Lombardi's QB always called their own plays even Zeke Bratkowski the backup QB for most of the Lombardi era so Starr or Rodgers would audible out of their own play calls. Starr actually audibled out of his original play call quite often during the 1966 and 1967 seasons. Most importantly playing behind Lombardi's OL would have enabled almost any legit NFL QB to play well. They were the best OL of all time, with 3 HOFers and after Horning and Taylor were gone they made Elijah Pitts, Donny Anderson, Jim Grabowski, Travis Williams, Chuck Mercein and Ben Wilson look like real NFL RBs. Pitts and Anderson were legit NFL players but the rest basically journeymen players but they were effective behind Lombardi's OL.

Rodgers would have no reason to crack jokes about Lombardi or treat him like a peer because Lombardi would actually be able to continually help Rodgers to improve and always have more to teach Rodgers or any other QB as he did with Starr. BTW Hornung and Max McGee regularly and publicly made jokes about Lombardi. Obviously you never heard the story of Lombardi starting a meeting by telling the team, "Gentlemen this is a football." And McGee responded with, "Hold on coach you're going too fast." Not to mention the numerous stories of Hornung and McGee sneaking out of camp or out of their rooms on the road to meet women.

The fact of the matter is that if you put Rodgers on the Lombardi Packers with his ability to throw on the run and his aversion to interceptions and his ability to read defenses the Lombardi Packers may have never lost a game.

Your post is indicative of the fact that what you don't know about the Lombardi Packers is plenty. My advice, don't go where you don't know why you're going there. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Oppy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:56 pm

To be fair, Rodgers could have never been Lombardi's QB, because Rodgers would have refused to run the Packers Sweep until the defense proved they could stop it.

He would audible out to some sort of HB pass all the time.

THat's the truth.

No one can deny Rodgers' talent. It's his ego that is the problem.

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 17, 2022 at 11:27 pm

Rodgers might have an ego problem but Lombardi would know how to handle him. Besides, no one had a bigger than Vince Lombardi. Ego is a good thing because it gives a person confidence. Combine confidence with smarts and hard work and you probably have very successful people like Lombardi and Rodgers.

Right now no one on the Packers including Rodgers appear to have very much confidence, that IMO is the problem. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 07:57 pm

Doubtful we have or ever will have players like those. But it pretty much validates why LaFleur is not the coach for this team. Move on quickly. Only a coach who Rodgers respects and deserves as well, will do

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:17 pm

That might possibly have some merit if applied over the last 3 years or so. No more though.

0 points
Since'61's picture

October 16, 2022 at 06:58 pm

Swisch - actually the Lions were terrible for most of the Lombardi era. The Giants were one of the worst teams in the league after the 1963 season. The same was true for the Bears but they drafted Gale Sayers and Dick Butkus in 1965 who were tow of the greatest NFL players ever but they were the only 2 players on the team.

The Colts had a great team but after the 1960 season they were outcoached by Lombardi versus Shula. Also Their defense was never as good as Lombardi's.

For the last 2-3 years you have been making basically the same post about Rodgers alleged lack of character. That's totally unreasonable. Rodgers has given the team everything he has on the field. He is very much like Starr in that he has rarely cost the team a game and very rarely hurts the team with bad decisions that result in turnovers. Also he has never had a coach who is anywhere close to Lombardi and he has never had a team around him that is anything close to the Lombardi teams.

Beyond that it is impossible for any player today to have the same character as Starr or Lombardi. First they are different people. But more importantly they come from very different eras. Lombardi was born early in the 20th century and lived through seeing his parents and other immigrant Italians deal with racism and discrimination which only created a determination in him to work harder and smarter than everyone else. With that came the old world value system of respecting everyone, at least until they give you a reason not to. I know what I speak of because I am the grandson of Italian immigrants who came to this country around the same time as Lombardi's family. His family ended up in Brooklyn, NYC and mine in the Bronx, NYC. Point is since my maternal grandparents lived with my parents, my brother and I. I heard all the stories of what it was like to be an Italian immigrant in the USA early in the 20th century. Like Lombardi I brought some of those lessons to my own life and career.

Starr was the son of a military family. He grew up moving all over the country and with a father who taught his children discipline and hard work are requirements for success. Starr began to thrive under Lombardi because Lombardi demanded discipline and excellence from his players. Combine that with Starr's worth ethic and he was very smart and you have the makings of a championship player. Surround that player with 11 HOFers and you have a championship dynasty.

I don't know much about Rodgers family but I'm fairly confident that Rodgers grew up in a different environment and an entirely different world than either Lombardi or Starr. The people and environment that have influenced Rodgers are very, if not completely, different than the forces that influenced Lombardi and Starr. To expect Rodgers to manifest the character of Starr or Lombardi in a way that we would recognize is very unfair to anyone in Rodgers age group. Your concept of character and being humble are likely very different from Rodger's concept of those characteristics. I would never expect my children to take on the characteristics of their grandparents so why would we expect that from Rodgers in terms of relating to Starr and Lombardi? It's just not fair to them or anyone else.

The question that you never address is that for all of Starr's character and leadership qualities where were they in 1968, '69 and '70? During those 3 seasons the Packers with Starr as their starting QB went 20-21-1 with no playoff appearances. Maybe it was because Hornung and Taylor were gone, Jordon and Kramer retired, Gregg and Adderly were traded, Wood retired, Lombardi went to Washington, Willie Davis retired. In fairness Starr was injured for parts of those seasons but he never missed an entire season. So what happened? What happened is that it's not only about leadership and character.

Swish I hope that you don't take this post as critical but rather as an alternative approach to thinking about Aaron Rodgers. Whatever his character flaws may be and his strange off field activities (which I don't condone) he has been a great player for the Packers and IMO we have been fortunate to have him play QB for the Packers. He bares some responsibility for Packer playoff failures but he does not bare it alone, no player does. To expect him to overcome the failures of his coaches and other players during the playoff losses is to expect him to play alone. And as we've seen that just doesn't work. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:17 pm

Hats off to you, '61, for as kind, thoughtful, and thorough response as I've seen in this neck of the woods.

1 points
Since'61's picture

October 17, 2022 at 10:57 am

Leotis thank you for taking the time to respond with your very generous comment. Your posts are always among the best here at CHTV and I look forward to reading them. Stay safe. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

October 17, 2022 at 10:04 am

That's why we love ya Since'61 :)

1 points
Since'61's picture

October 17, 2022 at 10:59 am

MainePackFan - I appreciate you taking the time to respond with your kind thought. Keep posting and Stay safe. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:12 pm

I’ve lowered my expectations and am no longer so sad. I enjoy good football and the Bills and Chiefs going at it is fun to watch and I don’t care who wins. This is quality football.

6 points
LeotisHarris's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:50 pm

This is a flashback to the 1970s. A time when nearly all games started at noon for Packers fans, and ended with a feeling like we have today. THEN, around 3 pm game between teams that could really play football were shown on TV. It was a remarkable transformation; as if we were watching an entirely different game or the picture had changed from black and white to color.

4 points
Tundraboy's picture

October 17, 2022 at 09:33 pm

Growing up in CT, the days of seeing them at all dwindled. 60s of course was different, but I learned to cherish every game on an affiliate station, because they almost never made in to the main NY network in the 70s.

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:26 pm

yes, this Bills Chiefs game is fun jealous, Packers are a long way from looking like either of those teams..a real long way...

1 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:21 pm

A couple quotes tell the tale of today:
1) Nagler: "Another week of watching LaFleur get out-coached"
2) Larry McCarren: "What a revoltin development" (twice!)
3) Wayne Larrivee: "...rings familiar, doesn't it, Packer fans."
Enough said.
The Szotman

1 points
Celise...'s picture

October 16, 2022 at 04:34 pm

i haved watched this team for over 50 years and this team for the last couple of years has appeared physically weak on both sides of the ball. they're offense line cannot move anyone and the defensive line gets pushed back to easily. watching our defense backpedal so much to avoid contact allows so many extra yards. until aaron is gone, we'll never know how many plays he changes at the line because he over thinks things. he may be smart, but only when given time to think things through, not on the fly.

4 points
Qoojo's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:05 pm

- Packers OL and ST appeared as if they had no idea what to do on basic stunts. That's coaching.
- Still early, but it looks like the game is too fast for AR or he seems more confused this year.
- If you want to build a team around a 40 yo QB, then you need to have a solid OL. AR isn't going to last the year.
- Stenovich needs to spend more time with OL.
- Jets looked excited to be playing. Packers looked like I do showing up for work on Monday.

1 points
lpirlot's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:13 pm

Wore the 50's uniform and played like a 50's team.

0 points
Packerpasty's picture

October 16, 2022 at 05:25 pm

This coaching staff is abysmal...MLF looks like he's completely lost out there, he certainly can't inspire a team thats for sure, and whats his love for Dillon anyway, how should he get more plays than a game breaker like Jones?? Even the announcers, every game, are asking, "wheres Jones"...he's on the bench where MLF wants him...this coaching staff has no idea how to make adjustments, that was clear the last six quarters of help for an aging QB, Rodgers won't have to retire he will probably be in a cast before too long with this O line and offensive scheme....sad stuff...go get Sean Payton or anyone else...

1 points
GregC's picture

October 16, 2022 at 07:25 pm

How weird was this game? They threw the ball to Amari Rodgers.

At this point there are plenty of people to blame, starting with the coaching staff. It is looking like the final days of the McCarthy era, but we're only six games into the season, and firing the coach is not really an option. The Packers have plenty of time to right the ship. It's just hard to see them doing that when they haven't done it already. They had their wake-up call last week, and they didn't wake up.

The defense played more aggressive, as Joe Barry said they would, and they had a good first half (and even a little ways into the third quarter), and then they collapsed. And this time it can't be blamed on a three-and-out by the offense. They had plenty of rest after a long TD drive by the offense, and THEN they collapsed. Go figure.

It was an oddly stress-free game to watch, because the Packers never looked like they were going to win. So strange that the offensive line is actually regressing as Bahktiari and Jenkins become fully integrated into the lineup.

2 points
Celise...'s picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:44 pm

jenkins looked lost today, as his name was called multiple times for holding and seeing him looking like he wasn't on the same page. from everything i've read, guard is his best position so i wonder why they wouldn't play him there and have nijman play the tackle position and run the ball more. the o-line is a mess right now and needs to be corrected before anything else on the offense can be addressed

1 points
GregC's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:27 pm

I wonder if Jenkins came back from his injury too early. He played well in his first game back, against the Bears, but he has declined since then. In the past, he has played left tackle adequately, so I think his poor play has more to do with his injury than the position he is playing. It would probably be easier for him to play guard, though. I agree that they should put Nijman at right tackle and move Jenkins back to guard.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:19 pm

He was genuinely good in London. Certainly our best OL.

0 points
coolhand's picture

October 17, 2022 at 10:08 am

This coaching staff really has no clue. Newman got hurt and comes out, and who do they send in? HANSON! He's even worse. So they send Newman back in there. I really have to question who is making these decisions.

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:51 pm

Aaron Nagler forgot a key word in the title of his post…. “Again”

1 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 16, 2022 at 08:58 pm

How appropriate are these 1950s uniforms. This team looks like a Scooter MacLean team of 58.

0 points
iamiz's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:10 pm

You can add "out-GM-ed" to your title. We had 4 picks in the first two rounds this year. We got a linebacker who isn't a play-maker, a DT who can't even get on the field, and a WR who can't get healthy.

Very disappointing haul with those picks.

2 points
Packers1985's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:16 am

Exactly my point gutey missed alot recentlly going by RAS and measurables. We should've had llyod instead.

0 points
Packers1985's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:18 am

Many guessed when we got the picks with Adams trade that it would either be a make or break depends on how good we pick. It should've been great but unfortunately so far okish.

0 points
Fubared's picture

October 17, 2022 at 09:02 am

The best ga player in the draft went just before gutt picked. One gm got it right the other missed on two so so players on the team. Gutt is the worst gm in football. Gary 2as not a 12 pick. Rated early second round. Watson hamstring issues throughout college years. Stokes couldn't cover in college and often got beat deep. Not highly rated. Love, no one knew who he was. Isn't a sleeper but alseep.

1 points
mbpacker's picture

October 16, 2022 at 09:21 pm


0 points
holmesmd's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:48 pm

Sauce Gardner is a young clown who disrespects teams after victory. If he would have done that silly crap in Cleveland or Phily, he would have got his skinny but kicked. What a clown🙄👎🏽

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:24 am

You know how you shut guys like that up? Win. What he did wasnt even close to as disgraceful as the pathetic performance the home team put forth in front of 100,000 paying fans.

2 points
Fubared's picture

October 17, 2022 at 09:04 am

To the victor goes the cheese heads

0 points
aberk's picture

October 16, 2022 at 10:55 pm

Question:. Couldn't Rodgers just retired last year if Gute tried to trade him to Denver?

0 points
Coldworld's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:20 pm

He could, though Denver has been a location he’s supposedly been willing to consider. Had he done so prior to the extension, we’d be much better off in cap terms.

0 points
aberk's picture

October 16, 2022 at 11:09 pm

Gute failed to select a top wide receiver 2 years ago in the Draft on Day 1.

0 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:23 am

Do you think Tee Higgins or Michael Pittman are superheroes or something? This team has much bigger problems than receiver. 5 davante adams wouldnt save this team. They have no heart and that starts with 12. Hes the leader and hes leading this team off a cliff.

-1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:20 am

I said it all week that things were about to get worse and sadly I was right. This is a broken team. But this is hardly surprising. The front office sold the soul of this franchise to keep 12 and his selfish bs around for the mirage of another super bowl. Thanks alot Mark Murphy. Your mandatory retirement age cant come soon enough. This is what you get when you kneel to a whiny, entitled, diva who lacks any accountability to anyone. With that being said, I will be refraining from watching this team anymore until 12 is gone. Cant do it anymore. He doesnt deserve another second of my time or your's. Godbless you all and hopefully I'll see ya next year.

1 points
MainePackFan's picture

October 17, 2022 at 10:18 am

You can join Bearmeat and Jurp...oh, never mind:)

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

October 17, 2022 at 12:37 am

As journalists I can see being kind in your remarks
But in a few weeks it will be time for the guys covering the team to speak out about the coaching and GM change we need.
This is a 6-11 team and it’s coached that way

0 points
tymann7's picture

October 17, 2022 at 06:48 am

Just like we all did when we lost in high school....everybody do laps..... around Green Bay, until we tell you to stop!!!
where's the passion? where's the pride??

2 points
Fubared's picture

October 17, 2022 at 08:35 am

The real problem with this team has nothing to do with play. We can all criticize offense/defense this or that but the real problem is money.
The Minnesota Wild look as bad as the packers this year. Why? They had to let talent go in the off season because they gave a ton of money to two players on ten year contracts.
Those two players are now on other teams but, the Wild have two more years to pay these guys so instead of going out and getting talent they got bums from other teams that were cheap - aka Douglas, Amos, others.
Rodgers is flat out eating up any chance of improving this team. Your not getting any help and he aint leaving any time soon when he is getting 50 mil. No to mention no one would want him now.
He is the problem along with Bak getting a big payday too and us losing good players we couldnt afford.

0 points
High_stick69's picture

October 17, 2022 at 11:23 pm

Pretty sad how all these fans are shoveling dirt on the team. Keep in mind the coaching staff got raided, the team just travelled to Europe, and they’ve got some young players. Yes it looked bad and they haven’t scored a lot of points. The defense was out there way too long the last few weeks and got gashed. There’s still a lot of season left to learn and gel. I hope all of you complaining and asking for heads to roll can have a little patience. Seems pretty knee jerk to me. Get some perspective.

-1 points