All Entries Tagged With: "Brett Favre"

I will admit, when he was hired, I said "Who? Oh, the guy who used to be the offensive coordinator for the Saints." when I heard that Mike McCarthy...

As we wait for word on the final roster, I wanted to share a few observations about last night's game and the preseason in general.

Far be it from me to unearth the obvious, but something that has not been getting a lot of play in the Wisconsin (or, God-forbid, national) media...

With 13 days to go until opening Sunday, here's what we know, or think we know:

This just makes me sick. The idea that the Green Bay Packers organization is asking Brett freekin' Favre to play the game not-to-lose, to manage...

according to (whoever that is) "Brett Favre Needs to Call it Quits". I had to post this...if only to get peeps riled up.

I, as much as anyone, am guilty of much hyperbole and gnashing of teeth when it comes to the dearth of playmakers provided to the offense by GM Ted...

Interesting post from the stat obsessed geeks over at Football Outsiders. (And I use 'geek' in the best possible way).
