Who is the Greatest Cheesehead 2008?

Greatest Cheesehead 2008. Man that has a nice ring to it.

The nominees are:

Packer Bikini Girls

Packer Bikini Girls

Packer Bikini Girls

photo above: (from left) Jen, Liz and Ashley

Who are the Bikini Girls? (Girls- you need a website to link to)

Ok - I know it's redundant. Start with a host of Packer bloggers writing about them, from opening contact, being wanted by Maxim, and then telling Maxim where to put it. Add a plethora of media outlets including mainstream media blogs, Larry McCarren's Locker Room Show, radio and TV and these girls are officially a Packer Media Frenzy. (btw- Girls- I hope this guy is paying you licensing for using your pic to sell e-harmony) They are a true Packer phenomena and one that at least one of us at Cheesehead TV would like to see consistently maintained as a tradition.

They have been doing this for 6 years because they love the Pack. But the powderkeg wasn't lit until the NFC Championship Game where they continued the trend at the coldest game the majority of people in that stadium (Corey, included) had ever attended in their lives.

From that point it's been non-stop Packer Bikini Girls. And thank goodness...I am so sick of hearing about nothing news like how many blogs can say they are not talking about Corey Williams.
The other thing that's great about the girls is that their whole operation is a family affair and all done with love for the Greatest Team in the History of the Earth. What started as "Let's see if we can get on TV" has become a fad. We hope it doesn't go away. Here's hoping for a new Packer tradition in the spirit of the Lambeau Leap.

Door County Gulf Coast Relief

When I first saw the HBO "Inside the NFL" segment about these guys (which unfortunately is not on itunes) I thought the whole charity over the bye week in Mississippi a cool thing to do. But when you read the real story of what this group led by Pete D'Amico did (20 rebuilding trips in 26 months for starters) you really see it's not about a condensed 4 minute snapshot all the time. Sometimes what's behind the staging and storyline is a real story about one group of people helping another group of people all the time, not just during a frivolous bye-week.

The video (below) has some edits of the Inside The NFL piece. We salute you Door County Relief Fund. This is per the article at Packersnews.com "For information on how to make a tax deductible donation, or to volunteer, contact D'Amico at (920) 421-1466."

Wayne Scullino & Family

Once in a Lifetime Fan

From Packer Implant to Packer Transplant. Wayne Scullino made his dream happen. Bold, even bolder when you think about the season he choose to be huge part of. By now you know the story: 30 year old Australian Telephone Salesman quits job, sells house, moves wife and 2 kids to sunny Green Bay, Wisconsin so he can follow the Greatest Team in the History of the Earth. (there's a theme here people) We see him as a first. A pioneer. He didn't just make his dream happen, he made it happen with Web 2.0 skillz. He turned his dream; to follow the Pack like any other Brown County Cheesehead, into a blog: onceinalifetimefan.com, a video podcast (see below), a host of media (links here) from Radio to Television to Print to HBO and a book in the works. When you add the frequency of NFC Championships the Green Bay Packers have been in most of our lifetimes, it really focuses how special this experience was. Here's my question: What happens when he or his wife get a TV or Radio deal to work in the US? Twiceinalifetimefan.com :) Here's hoping Wayne & Family decide to come back to watch the Pack go 19-0 this year.

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