What Is In The Proposed CBA?

A look at what the league is proposing in the new Collective Bargaining Agreement

Here's what was released from the league last night. (For an excellent breakdown of these and other deal points, be sure to check out Andrew Brandt's post over at National Football Post)


  • The fixed term of the agreement covers the 2011 through 2020 seasons and includes the 2021 draft.


  • Immediate implementation of changes to promote player health and safety by:
  1. Reducing the off-season program by five weeks, reducing OTAs from 14 to 10;
  2. Limiting on-field practice time and contact;
  3. Limiting full-contact practices in the preseason and regular season;
  4. Increasing number of days off for players.
  5. Opportunity for current players to remain in the player medical plan for life.
  6. An enhanced injury protection benefit of up to $1 million of a player’s salary for the contract year after his injury and up to $500,000 in the second year after his injury.
  7. No change to the 16-4 season format until at least 2013; any subsequent increase in the number of regular-season games must be made by agreement with the NFL Players Association.
  8. $50 million per year joint fund for medical research, healthcare programs, and NFL Charities, including NFLPA-related charities.


  • Over the next 10 years, additional funding for retiree benefits of between $900 million and $1 billion. The largest single amount, $620 million, will be used for a new "Legacy Fund," which will be devoted to increasing pensions for pre-1993 retirees.
  • Other improvements will be made to post-career medical options, the disability plan, the 88 Plan, career transition and degree completion programs, and the Player Care Plan.


  • An annual Draft of seven rounds plus compensatory picks for teams which lose free agents.
  • Unrestricted free agency for players after four accrued seasons; restricted free agency for players with three accrued seasons.
  • Free agency exceptions (franchise and transition players).


  • New entry-level compensation system including the following elements:
  1. All drafted players sign four-year contracts.
  2. Undrafted free agents sign three-year contracts.
  3. Maximum total compensation per draft class.
  4. Limited contract terms.
  5. Strong anti-holdout rules.
  6. Clubs have option to extend the contract of a first-round draftee for a fifth year, based on agreed-upon tender amounts.
  7. Creation of new fund to redistribute, beginning in 2012, savings from new rookie pay system to current and retired player benefits and a veteran player performance pool.


  • Salary cap plus benefits of $142.4 million per club in 2011 ($120.375 million for salary and bonus) and at least that amount in 2012 and 2013.
  • Beginning in 2012, salary cap to be set based on a combined share of “all revenue,” a new model differentiated by revenue source with no expense reductions. Players will receive 55 percent of national media revenue, 45 percent of NFL Ventures revenue, and 40 percent of local club revenue.
  • Beginning in 2012, annual "true up" to reflect revenue increases or decreases versus projections.
  • Clubs receive credit for actual stadium investment and up to 1.5 percent of revenue each year.
  • Player share must average at least 47 percent for the 10-year term of the agreement.
  • League-wide commitment to cash spending of 99 percent of the cap in 2011 and 2012.
  • For the 2013-2016 seasons, and again for the 2017-2020 seasons, the clubs collectively will commit to cash spending of at least 95 percent of the cap.
  • Each club committed to cash spending of 89 percent of the cap from 2013-2016 and 2017-2020.
  • Increases to minimum salaries of 10 percent in Year 1 with continuing increases each year of the agreement.


  • Special transition rules to protect veteran players in 2011. All teams will have approximately $3.5 million in what would otherwise be performance-based pay available to fund veteran player salaries.
  • Each club may "borrow" up to $3 million in cap room from a future year, which may be used to support veteran player costs.
  • In 2012, each club may "borrow" up to $1.5 million in cap room from a future year. Both these amounts would be repaid in future years.


  • No judicial oversight of the agreement. Neutral arbitrators jointly appointed by the NFL and NFLPA will resolve disputes as appropriate.
  • Settlement of all pending litigation.




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Comments (11)

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Blake's picture

July 22, 2011 at 10:09 am

Sounds good to me.

0 points
MarkinMadison's picture

July 22, 2011 at 10:28 am

What is the "stadium credit" a credit against?

Forcing teams like Cincy and Buffalo to spend money this year will make it harder for GB to retain its free agents this year. Cullen Jenkins in Bengals stripes or wearing Buffalo red, white, and blue. Unless he decides that he's got enough money already.

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Packer Hank's picture

July 22, 2011 at 10:31 am

Great information but what I really read was, "blah, blah, blah....millions go here, millions go there...blah blah blah."

I do look forward to the thought of 10yrs of labor peace before this crap has to be gone over again.

The main thing that I care about is that the 2011-2012 season will begin on time. Oh yeah. Am I ready for some football? Hell yeah!!

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jeremy's picture

July 22, 2011 at 11:25 am

Does anyone know what the "fast one" the owners tried to pull actually is?

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PackerAaron's picture

July 22, 2011 at 12:06 pm

No - because I'm pretty sure they didn't. I am also pretty sure this is all a set up for De Smith to look like a hero.

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Ceallaigh's picture

July 22, 2011 at 12:48 pm

Is the "fast one," so to speak, the rider at the, Thou Shall Recertify no later than next Wednesday and have 1/2 of the players sign their union cards lest we revert your glass coach into the pumpkin it was before all this mess started?


Or is this all a shell game to make De Smith look like a hero?

He only has a small window of time to play the NFLPA victim card before things turn really sour.

In other words, I'm confused and will be waiting for Crabtree to start squeeing on Twitter that this long, national nightmare is over.

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PackerAaron's picture

July 22, 2011 at 01:07 pm

I just don't see how De and Roger were on the phone for hours and hours without this coming up. I really do think its a shell game to make De look like he's some great consensus builder.

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Ceallaigh's picture

July 22, 2011 at 01:26 pm

then again if you're a lawyer and your one weapon is litigation, don't be surprised if actual negotiation is further down on the To Do list. Just wish D would stop acting like a posturing lawyer, stop grandstanding and remember who is supposed to be advocating for.

At this point I think is biggest weapon is whipping the players into a panic and you get the emotion we saw lasting with them popping off everywhere. He sure isn't doing his side any favors at this point with his drama.


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jeremy's picture

July 22, 2011 at 02:05 pm

@ Ceallaigh

"He sure isn’t doing his side any favors at this point with his drama."

Whipping up this kind of drama is what got him into a position of leadership with the players. They feed off of this kind of stuff.

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brian's picture

July 23, 2011 at 05:28 pm

Does anyone know how many padded practices MM normally runs? I know he doesn't have the team in pads as much as some other coaches, but was wondering how much (if at all) the limit of 14 padded practices during the season would affect MM's routine.

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PackerAaron's picture

July 23, 2011 at 07:12 pm

He rarely if ever has them in pads during the season - he has done padded two-a-days to open camp the last few years, but that's about to change due to the new rules.

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