The Lass Word: Were They Talking About The Same Team?

Two very different perspectives.

Thoughts after watching those Wednesday media sessions: 


Aaron Rodgers and Brian Gutekunst painted very different pictures of the culture and atmosphere of the franchise.  Rodgers depicted the front office as a heartless, cold-blooded machine that treats its aging players without respect or appreciation.  He added that the reason players want to come to Green Bay was for the opportunity to play with him.  Asked if every personnel move the team makes will now be a distraction, Rodgers replied no, because he doesn’t expect to be involved in those decisions.  In other words, he doesn’t expect the culture to change, though he did say that he would always be optimistic.   

For a guy who reiterated several times how much he loved the Packers, it seemed to me he was throwing the team under the bus for the 2022 season, clearly implying that, once he is gone, why would anyone else want to come here? 


He further implied that, for that matter, why would any of the current players whose contracts run out at the end of the season want to stay?  He specifically mentioned Davante Adams, MVS and Robert Tonyan.  My impression was that he was issuing a subtle ultimatum to the front office, saying in effect, “if you don't give me what I want and decide to trade me, I’m taking all the other free agents with me, and I’ll make sure nobody else wants to come here.”   


By contrast, Gutekunst made a point of stating “I will push back by saying that there’s a perception out there that somehow we don’t treat our players well.  That couldn’t be further from the truth.  I think we’ve always treated our players well here.  I think we have a lot of players that have been here and nowhere else.....we always put those guys first.”  


•  Rodgers claimed that all he ever wanted was a voice, input.  But his offers to help were rebuffed, or at best, ignored and disregarded.  Gutekunst stated that Rodgers has always had a voice, but that it’s a matter of “incorporation”.  That seems to say the team listened to what Aaron had to say on various matters, but seldom, if ever, did what he wanted.   


That approach would certainly seem to be changing with the head-scratching trade for Randall Cobb.  This is clearly a move to appease Rodgers, but I’m concerned it could backfire if Cobb doesn’t get the playing time Rodgers feels he deserves.  I also wonder if Rodgers will force the ball to Cobb in an attempt to justify the acquisition. 


•  ESPN’s Adam Schefter repeated in several reports earlier this week that the key to Rodgers’ new deal is that the three time MVP “gains control over where he will play in 2022.”  Yet both Rodgers and Gutekunst made it clear that is not the case.  The team retains the right to trade him or keep him after the current season.  To me, that is the bottom line.  All this talk of “revisiting his situation” at the end of the season, and “mechanisms” being put in place to address his concerns, amount to nothing.  Green Bay still controls what happens with QB12.  Schefter was dead wrong.  


•  A beat reporter, I believe it was Tom Silverstein, posed a question that involved pointing out that, in retrospect, Rodgers would have been wrong in having the team keep certain players he liked, as they went on to fail elsewhere.  Probably a reference to folks like Jordy Nelson and Jake Kumerow.  Rodgers responded by saying it would have been different if he had been throwing passes to them.    


•  Rodgers may be the most well-spoken athlete I have ever heard.  He expresses himself eloquently, and successfully portrayed himself as a well-meaning team player, who only wants what’s best for his teammates and the fans.  He emphasized that he is not a victim, that he has been paid plenty of money, and been given a unique opportunity to be the quarterback of a legendary organization.  The national media ate it up.  Rodgers had the opportunity here to mend fences and cast himself and the franchise in a positive light as training camp begins.  Instead he unloaded on the front office.  True, he was answering a question, and being honest and forthcoming about his feelings.  The media loves that.  It’s great copy.  As a fan, it makes me wince. 


•  Davante Adams followed Rodgers with what came off as a bit of a resentful soliloquy about the team failing to make him the highest paid receiver in the game.  He said the time for negotiation has passed for now because he has to focus on getting the young and new receivers ready to play.  I guess the coaches can’t get that done to his satisfaction. 


(Sigh) I guess I have been spoiled by Giannis Antetokounmpo.  A superstar who remains humble, grateful and loyal to the franchise that gave him a chance.    No doubt the Bucks had to do some roster reshuffling last year to prove to Giannis they were serious about winning a title, and get him to re-sign, but at least the Greek Freak didn’t insist on handling personnel decisions, and never publicly casts his franchise in a negative light. 


Certain Packers should take note. 






Ken Lass is a former Green Bay television sports anchor and 43 year media veteran, a lifelong Packers fan, and a shareholder.


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23 points

Comments (148)

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packer132's picture

July 29, 2021 at 03:30 pm

I hope Rodgers will play like he did last year and not refuse to run some plays that LaFleur calls. We will not know, though he obviously thinks he knows more than anyone. Despite being a great quarterback, I hope this is his last year. Management threw him a bone by acquiring an older, expensive, slower, former player. How did Rodgers show his appreciation? He said players come to Green Bay to play with him, and future free agents will not want to come. Silverstein made a great point about Kumerow and Aaron dismissed it. Jake had 1 catch for 22 yards last year. Sad how his ego has gotten out of control.

26 points
Bearmeat's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:34 pm

He is a sick sick man.

4 points
NickPerry's picture

July 30, 2021 at 06:04 am

Funny thing is it was, it was widely thought Rodgers wanted Josh McDaniels hired, not MLF. That started after Brady said Rodgers would throw for 7000 yards in McDaniels offense.

Just a thought....

What in the hell does Rodgers think the 49ers, his childhood team did with Montana, Lott, and Jerry Rice at the end of their careers...They did the EXACT same thing, ALL those players finished their careers somewhere else. It's a business which Rodgers alluded to several times. I guess it's a "Business" for everyone except Rodgers and his buddies. Then it's disrespect.

7 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:36 pm

The more I look at the statements the more I’m struck by the fact that everything is focused on his performance last year, with no credit being given to LaFleur and the revitalized offensive system in which he played or to the vast majority cast of characters around him.

Does anyone believe that he has that good a season in the old MM. offense last year, or with a roster like the one he had in his first season with LaFleur? Undoubtedly Rodgers upped his game from prior seasons, but the result surely also reflected a dramatically improved offensive design and a maturing roster.

Football is a team game in the end. Montana is the classic example over a career where he never won a Super Bowl. Players come to teams for a variety of reasons, money first in the cap era, but while a QB is a secondary draw, so is the coach and LaFleur seems to be well thought of. Rodgers is a factor (or was) but neither determining nor the only one. Again, all focused on him.

The throw away response to Silverstein about cut players not having him throwing to them is again partially true, but suggests that he was the reason for their success and the corollaries of that are both that they were less than their stats/achievements and that, ironically, they were both overrated/paid and more easily replaceable. An odd argument for one seeking to assert that they should have been retained.

Overall, the whole thing appears to be what the British would term a curate’s egg: something that looks good on the outside but is actually bad on the inside. I know that’s not what a large number of readers and commentators want to hear, but the words are out there to read and consider. Well crafted and delivered, if not actually scrutinized it sounds honest and candid. Ironically, two facets that become concerning once one actually considers the content and its implications. I hope he can settle, but I fear this is a most unstable cohabitation with both his team and some team mates if those attitudes surface.

5 points
Bearmeat's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:10 am

He is very unstable and not a safe person. If I were a teammate, I'd not trust him as far as I could throw him, and I very much think that implosion is a possibility on the 21 Packers team. Because of the quarterback.

I can't wait to trade him.

0 points
Bure9620's picture

July 30, 2021 at 10:46 am

Really could not agree more Coldworld. Well stated.

0 points
THESZOTMAN1's picture

July 29, 2021 at 03:28 pm

Glad you're back, BUT.......
when its press conference time, just tell 'em you're not in the right "headspace," put your helmet on, and go back to practice.
The Szotman

8 points
Savage57's picture

July 30, 2021 at 04:45 am

Reminded me a little bit of Lynch talkin' about 'takin' care y'all mentals, takin' care your chicken'.

Ken hit on a lot of points that bubbled up as I watched AR's Festivus celebration, the Airing of Grievances.

What bugs me about this is how self-centered and arrogant it came off. There was a lot of double-talk, contradiction and passive-aggressive packed into 30 minutes. He is, as Ken noted, perhaps the most cerebral and eloquent athlete when speaking, but a lot of his headspace real estate is shared with his two best friends, 'Me', and, 'I'.

The last thing I struggle with is what happens when the opinions are considered, but met with a, "Thanks, but no", outcome? Mature acceptance or a snit, leading to Beautiful Mystery, ver. 2.0?

3 points
Sapgooey's picture

July 29, 2021 at 03:28 pm

I loved hearing Randall Cobb talk about how happy he was to be back on a well run team and how happy his wife was to be coming back to Green Bay. He painted a very different picture than Rogers did of both the team and the city (Rogers saying "No one goes there for Vacation" or something like that). GO PACK GO!

12 points
marpag1's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:46 pm

How could Cobb NOT be happy? He's the only real winner in this story. lol

The Texans just traded for his replacement, he probably would have been cut, he might even have been out of football, and now he's back to getting millions. And probably, he'll get those millions for doing not much more than giving ARod a high five and a bro hug while walking off the field.

5 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:09 pm

The Packers aided the Houston Texans in getting out from under a bad contract. This is all that was accomplished....

3 points
dobber's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:32 am

The Texans are paying enough of Cobb's 2021salary to make him acceptable to the Packers. That tells you all you need to know.

0 points
Lphill's picture

July 29, 2021 at 03:43 pm

What Rodgers meant was he was a good recruiting tool for players that want to win , many players are turned off by the cold and small town atmosphere and tax laws , his comment was taken out of context.

-6 points
LeotisHarris's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:13 pm

Lp, are you a Certified Rodgers Interpreter? I ask because I listened to his presser, too, and I heard no mention of climate, population or Wisconsin tax laws. Was his saying "players come to Green Bay to play with me" a statement to be interpreted that he was "a good recruiting tool?" To me, he came off as just a tool.

22 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:11 pm

Is it true, though? Have players come to GB to play with Favre and Rodgers? Reggie White said he did (while pocketing the largest free agency deal to date). Looks like we might find out. One should be careful what they wish for.

4 points
LeotisHarris's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:57 pm

I appreciate your perspective, TGR, I really do, but didn't God tell Reggie to come to Green Bay? Seriously, I recall the Almighty playing *the* key role in his decision. Also, Ron Wolf telling 92 if he came to Green Bay he'd be a legend.

So, yes, I'm certain free agents have signed with the Packers because of other players on the team, and the opportunity to be part of a winning culture with a chance at a Super Bowl. If we go deep enough back into Durkee's Mailbag we can probably find Mike Michalske's chest-thumping of the when he brought two blue-chippers over from the Pottsville Maroons after the 1929 season.

Rodgers' presser performance was not my favorite. I am glad he's here.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:19 am

At the time it was stated that there were 3 factors, overall money, the fact that that the Packers were willing to give him a significant amount front loaded (9 million dollars in year one with about a third guaranteed before he hit the field) and Holmgren. At the time, Favre was just starting to ascend.

White’s agent was pretty candid about who was the deciding factor after the financial aspect: "But if I had to pick one thing he liked most about Green Bay, Holmgren was it." Holmgren sold him on the unique character of GB but also realized that White valued relationships. Those two formed one and that not only sealed the deal but endured.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

July 30, 2021 at 07:08 pm

Rodgers is a good recruiting tool, but he’s not the only tool in the box. I’d like to be more generous, but he really kind of sounded like he thought he was a big deal.

This organization has put good people around him from the HC on down to Dexter Williams. It’ll put good people around Love, too.

-1 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:02 pm

"They come to play with me"

What was the context of the statement?

Do you feel player/GM comes off as very modest and rational here??

6 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:12 pm

Modest? No.
Rational: Yes.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:24 pm

I wish I could find rationality in that.

0 points
Archie's picture

July 29, 2021 at 03:56 pm

Bottom-line: Rodgers is a malcontent. I don't see how this ends well.

23 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:21 pm

Who can blame him? And Fav-re was all golly gee ain't it great Moss is bagging a record number of TDs from Brady.

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:09 pm

Who has Rodgers ever shilled for? Only his pals - that almost to a man have had full and rich NFL careers - that have retired in comfort and with financial independence. I cannot remember once when he ever advocated (or befriended) an NFL journey man, UDFA or practice squad grunt. Perhaps the only exception is Jake Kumerow (although I believe that their relationship was more cosmetic than intellectual). When Rodgers speaks of a positive culture - he's really talking about creating a frat house - consisting of all his rich pals - within the GBP organization - "Alpha Krappa Rodgers".

An "elitist" thinks they are better than everyone.”
― A.E. Samaan

12 points
SanLobo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:15 pm

…and Lazard.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:35 am

The guy Gute poached from the Jags PS? I don’t think I’d credit Rodgers for him. Gute saw his potential and his ability to make it through waivers and back (one day) at the start of the next season to get a player on in season IR. Rodgers may have liked him but Lazard is a Gute find.

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:28 pm

Then he would have drafted him day one.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:02 pm

We rolled the dice for one more season. This could just as easily implode as succeed. Rodgers is living in a fantasy in which he is the only reasonable and perceptive one out there and knows it really is all about him, based upon yesterday. Cobb may be worth it because he knows what Houston is like and appreciates the team here. Rodgers really looked like he’s honest but self-absorbed and has lost touch with reality. I bet that played horribly in every GMs office around the league.

19 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:30 pm

I do feel GMs will have to think about acquiring player/GM in March for a ton of draft capital. In Player/GM's mind, he is in control and running the Packers.

1 points
Bearmeat's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:17 pm

Simple answer to these two different pictures:

One is accurate, if a little cold (the front office) and one is frigging butt hurt and crazy (12). With Adams falling in line.

The sooner they're gone for big draft capital, the better.

19 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:53 pm

Yeah bear meat and then we can go 5-12 and then finally the management can get fired, and our team can suck for years.. I feel bad for mlf he’ll probably be the scapegoat and he’s a great coach .. If you honestly don’t think the gm and president haven’t made tons of mistakes I believe you’re the crazy one.. Rodgers contributes to wins and is far more valuable than Murphy and Gute, he wanted security and respect, I guess that’s too much to ask for… Riiiiiiggghhhttt ha

-15 points
dobber's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:30 am

ARod is gone at some point. Whether it would've been after 2021 or 2023. At this stage, there's been a churn on defense and on offense at key positions and other young players have been re-upped to form the nucleus of the next run. There are holes, yes, but ARod is the commodity that provides the draft capital to fill those holes.

The bottom line is that it's always something with #12. Eventually, he "won" the battle with MM and got a new contract. You'd think that he'd be happy with that. Just because they might clear out the front office to placate him (and he would "win" again"), doesn't mean he'll be happy. He'll be butting heads with whomever is over him, and doing it while eating large chunks of cap. There's only one solution to the ARod problem, and it isn't firing front office personnel.

1 points
flackcatcher's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:52 pm

I have come to believe that a large part of the Brian Gutekunst hire was to clean up the Cap situation that Mark Murphy put the Packers in. And a large part of that was Aaron Rodger's contract. I see no other reason for the way Gute was hired, or how former Packer President Bob Harlan steamrolled Mark Murphy to get Gutekunst hired. The other part is at some point the Executive Committee had to know they lost control over the front office and player relations with the Tyler Dunn story. Otherwise, why give Gute what amounts to total control over all football wide operations. In any case Rodgers had to go, he has become too expensive (in many ways) for the team to carry him beyond this year.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 01:27 pm

Murphy has control over Gute. Gute doesn’t even have contract authority or control over LaFleur. No clue where this comes from and this off season only supports that, in my view, incorrect state of affairs.

-1 points
flackcatcher's picture

July 30, 2021 at 05:46 pm

Just like Pettine, you and I will butt heads over this. The evidence is in the public record that both Harlan and Gutekunst talk about his hiring. The Executive Committee's stripping of Murphy's authority in pro football operations was made clear by a series of public announcements ending with Murphy 'stepping away' from football operations in early 2019. All of this was covered by the local beat reporters during this period. It's all on the public record. So, if you think I am wrong, then make your case. Otherwise... (do I have to say it)

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 06:15 pm

Yes, we have a very different understanding of how the current structure functions. We have been over it with materials and since there is no change I think there’s enough arguments going on at present. Let’s save this one for less interesting times.

0 points
Oppy's picture

July 31, 2021 at 02:42 am

Damn, Dobber. I didn’t know you felt that way about Rodgers.
I mean, I thought you held a more optimistic viewpoint on the situation.

0 points
HarryHodag's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:35 pm

Things to remember:
1)Salary cap. I didn't hear Rodgers offer to give some of his money back so the Packers could have some salary cap relief. Going into 2022 they are in a bind as I read it. If Rodgers leaves it would help a bit.

2)Adams wants to be the highest paid receiver in the NFL. I agree. But maybe it should be with Aaron and his new team in 2022. They would have to cut a few starters to give Adams what he wants. Tonyan is also a free agent. They also need money to pay Alexander.

3) Rodgers basically threatened the front office if they don't give in to him. In a family sense, junior tells mom and dad what the rules are. Sound like a great leader to you? Rodgers estrangement with his own family is worth noting.

4)The Packers have an outstanding roster, one that many teams would love to have. If the front office is so lousy, how did that happen?

I'm going to cheer the Packers as always, but I sincerely hope the Packers next season send their malcontent to the new NFL franchise in Outer Mongolia.

23 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

July 29, 2021 at 10:41 pm

Hypothetically speaking - should Rodgers be retained for the '22 season and Adams receive his 27m/yr. demand - off the top of my head - these 2 players would take up approximately 40% of the team's salary cap - leaving 60% (approx.) for the other 54 players. Good common and business sense dictates that this should not be so.

13 points
Todd's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:43 pm

Exactly Alberta. Then thrown in they’ve paid Bakhtiari, Jones, Smith brothers, there’s even less left for the other 50 players. Well, unless they are all rookies or players on first year contracts.

5 points
dobber's picture

July 30, 2021 at 01:37 pm

There are going to have to be changes with these players even if ARod leaves.

1 points
fastmoving's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:33 pm

Jones is the coolest Aaron on the Packers roster. Thats for sure........

14 points
JQ's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:56 pm

A thoughtful, well-written editorial usual. Thanks!

13 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

July 29, 2021 at 04:57 pm

Man I don't jive with what you said at all. I thought Rodgers came off as honestly telling what it is like to be on the player side of difficult management decisions and that not only the decisions, but the communication of those decisions have been questionable in the past. I can't argue with that. I do think he's earned a right to be heard given that they are building a roster he is supposed to be leading. He's the one out there winning games, not Gutey or Russ Ball or Mark Murphy. I think they should do what it takes to allow the fans to see his mastery for as long as possible and then start over. He has a generational talent and should be treated differently than other players. He is one of the smartest guys in any room and it would be ridiculous not to include him in discussions and make at least some decisions that relied heavily on his input.

The fact that he interviewed players that had left GB about their experiences tells me he has information that doesn't place the front office in a good light. They should have handled some things differently and can do better going forward.

-8 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:25 pm

Rodgers puts the deep state chill in a red hat's mind; whatever is left of them.

5 points
Vjwa's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:08 pm

Fans like you are why he feels he can behave like this. I am a Packer fan and will cheer for the members on the this team even the big headed one. Like I said I am a fan of the Green Bay Packers period.

4 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:31 pm

Player/GM is not

3 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:04 pm

So hire his friends if he threatens them if they don't?

All 32 teams have a department within the personnel department called pro player personnel. This department is made up of scouts whose sole responsibility it is to assess current players on all 32 active rosters, practice squads and free agents. Is Player/GM the smartest person in that room too? Does Player/GM get input from these scouts? I guarantee he does not. I guarantee none of them went to Gute to aquire Cobb. I don't see the other 31 teams banging down Kumerow's door to sign him, he caught on the Bills PS and had 1 catch. Gute moved on from Jordy at the right time, he was in decline, Gute was right, player/gm, wrong. So far I see Player/Gm's input as terrible. Had Player/Gms input been taken into consideration this roster would be considerably weaker than it is now.

10 points
Bear's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:42 pm

Did Rodgers interview players from other teams on how they were treated when they left? NO…….

His career is coming to a close and he’s not handling it well!

10 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:55 pm

He should head up the HR department as well and conduct exit interviews. QB/play caller/OC/GM/pro player personnel director/HR Director

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:00 am

How disrespectful you are! The full title is: QB/play caller/HC/OC/DC/GM/pro player personnel director/HR Director/Packers President.

Not less than that. And in the future he will replace Rodger Godell! (do you see the connection? - Aaron RODGERs RODGER Godell)

2 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:29 am

Q: Did it feel good to be cut or not offered a new contract?
A: No


2 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:02 pm

Right there with ya west coast, the Rodgers hate is so weird, Rodgers is not my hero but he is the best player on this team and it isn’t close.. I honestly thought Adam’s came off like more of an elitist wanting to be the highest paid receiver.. But this site has become so unbalanced and strange in the fo favor it’s baffling..

-10 points
Since'61's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:39 pm

Agree Nate-1980. I watch sports to watch the players. I am a Packers fan of the Packers players. I don't want to waste a second watching Gute or Murphy sitting in the box during the game talking on their phones, eating a sandwich or sleeping. If that was the case there would be no TV deals.

The players are the game and the revenue source and that's what matters. The players are what we pay our money for, who we remember when we look back on the great games and the great plays. The FO guys come and go but the teams and players go on, at least for now. I couldn't care less about Gute. GMs are a dime a dozen but a player like Aaron Rodgers is a once in a generation and maybe even a once in a lifetime type of player. But here we are. Thanks, Since '61

-6 points
Bure9620's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:13 am

"The FO guys come and go but the teams and players, GMs are a dime a dozen"

Since '61, you most of all know this isn't true. Mismanaged rosters set teams back years. The Packers in 70s and 80s were terribly managed. Coaches involved in personnel, scouts ignored, the Hadl trade, terrible drafts, bad coaching, missing out on countless hall of famers like Montana and Aikmen early in drafts. I could go on and on. This side show was all changed by a GM. Ron Wolf.

10 points
Dr.Rodgers's picture

July 30, 2021 at 10:36 am

And Ron Wolf was another once in a generation type of person. He had both organizational and player appraisal skills which indeed set the franchise on a good course. As far as Aikman goes, didn't he say he wouldn't go to Green Bay if he was drafted? As far as the 70's and 80's go, the weather alone was enough to drive prospective draft choices away from Green Bay.

0 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:28 pm

Bure9620 thank you for your feedback. The Packers mismanagement ended thanks to Bob Harlan who hired Ron Wolf as the GM during the 1991 season. Wolf was a great GM for the Packers and helped change the direction of the team. I have no complaints about Ron Wolf.

TT did a good job overall but he left money in the salary cap account every season. Why? That money should have been used to sign another player or two who may have put us over the hump in a few of those seasons after the 2010 SB.

Now we're in the Gute era and I think that Gute has done a good job of rebuilding the roster since 2018. In fact I'm in the minority of posters here who have supported his selection of Rashan Gary with the #12 pick in 2019. I still believe that Gary will justify his selection and become a force for the Packers defense if he gets the chance to play most of the defensive snaps in 2021.

However all of that does not mean that the FO has not made mistakes or that they do not share culpability in the current situation with Rodgers. He has a dispute with management over his security with the team. It happens every day in every organization. We wouldn't even know about if Shefter did not release his hearsay report. Rodgers would report to camp and the tema would announce that Rodgers contract was restructured.

Bottom line it was badly handled by both sides. The question which remains is will the Packers become a side show again after Rodgers is gone in 2021? If yes, how long will the current FO last. Stay well. Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
Turophile's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:44 am

You are talking about what you see (the players), while giving insufficient weight to what you don't see (coaches and front office).

Without a good front office the players on the field aren't good enough to compete at the top level. Without a good head coach (and coaching staff generally) you don't get the best out of the players you do have.

What matters is having quality in all three phases, front office, coaches and players.

Just because you don't value coaches and front office, doesn't mean they are not important.

GMs are indeed a dime a dozen........................but good ones are not. Same with head coaches.

7 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:06 am

And same with QBs. Dime and dozen with exception of excellent ones.

Especially when Diva QB forgot who helped him to become one of the best QBs in NFL. How bad he was playing when he was drafted and how much work was invested in his development.

Can he ever pay those people who helped him to become what he is? Of course not! Because you need to be humble and honest to yourself. It is more important when you are on the top than when you are down.

Packers diva QB will never understand that!

2 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 06:14 pm

Turophile, I appreciate your comment as always. As a Vince Lombardi fan I do value and support the coaching staff for the most part. And I have been a strong and consistent supporter of MLF and MM and Mike Holmgren before MLF. You have read enough of my posts over the years to know that.

I have been critical of Capers and Pettine and I concede that. As for Barry, I’m in a wait and see mode. I separate the coaches from the FO because the coaches are on the field and part of the game.

As for the FO I think Gute and his staff have done a good job in rebuilding the current roster. However, I also believe that they have mishandled Rodgers. Rodgers has fault in this situation as well but this what occurs when you have poor communication with any member of your organization.

I believe that better efforts to communicate with Rodgers could have prevented the current dilemma. If management doesn’t manage their people proactively they will find themselves reacting to the actions of their best people. That’s what happened in this situation with Rodgers. Should have never reached this point. Thanks, Since ‘61

0 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 30, 2021 at 05:17 pm

Since61 you’ve always had great posts and I’m glad you’re not just going with the herd mentality and speaking your mind as you see it… The players and plays are what we watch for, they’re the ones putting their health on the line even though we’ll compensated.. Yeah it takes all three phases to make a team work and win, I agree.. But I know anyone on this site can’t say that any front office person is/was as elite as favre or Rodgers in their skill.. Yes they traded for and drafted those two guys and get all the credit for that, but otherwise we’re mostly average with drafts and fa acquisitions.. Those two qbs contributed more to the success, championships, and wins then they did period..

2 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:12 pm

Nate-1980 I appreciate your comments. I'm not going along with the herd mentality because the herd wants to treat Aaron Rodgers like a criminal even though he hasn't come close to committing anything like a crime.

He had a dispute with management which happens between workers and management every day in every corporation. More importantly if Shefter never publishes wants amounts to a hearsay report we would never know any of this took place until Rodgers reported to camp and the story came out that he had restructured his contract with the team. End of story.

Overall the front office has down a good job since Bob Harlan took over back in the early '90s. But they have also made their share of mistakes and numerous posters here have berated the FO including Gute over the years for not signing various FAs or not drafting one player over someone the Packers did select. Rashan Gary being the most recent example of complaining about Gute and the FO for selecting him with the #12 pick in 2019. However the FO is all good in this situation and Rodgers is all wrong. That is almost never the reality in any situation. The reality is somewhere in the middle and both share culpability. I've posted that from the beginning. I've also posted from the beginning that Rodgers wants some guarantee of security from the team for his last few seasons with the Packers. That has proven to be exactly the case.

Essentially Rodgers issue is that loyalty should be a two way street. In the NFL that's not the case. When the team wants you gone you're gone no matter how well you have played, how loyal you have been to the team or how much they have paid the player.

Rodgers is done in Green Bay after 2021, he knows it and its obvious that he has trouble dealing with it. That's where we're at. Stay well.
Thanks, Since '61

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 31, 2021 at 04:18 pm

The Lakota used to let the Herd run themselves over a cliff--easy hunting.

1 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 31, 2021 at 05:59 pm

Jannes haha..:)

0 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 31, 2021 at 05:58 pm

Exactly how I see it since61, I know that the packers have to plan for the future and one of these years Rodgers will decline in skill, but they pulled the trigger years early and with a 1st and 4th..I just believe Rodgers has at least three years left being elite or top ten, then he could even change his game to more of a “Brady style” after that using his mind and dinking and dunking down the field.. It’s just a shame he’ll be doing that most likely for another team.. I think he’ll probably be gone next year, but still have some hope it could be one more year because we’ve been so close to winning it all, guess we’ll have to wait and see.. You stay well too brother..:)

0 points
dobber's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:05 pm

" I think they should do what it takes to allow the fans to see his mastery for as long as possible and then start over."

That perspective implies that seeing him play is more important than winning games, and that his motives and goals are ultimately in line with team motives and goals. I don't know that this is the case.

At this stage, his contract (and the contracts around him) are making it very difficult to keep a roster around that will be competitive for a title year after year. He's made it clear in the past (and even now) that he sees compensation as a form of respect, so his contract will always be an issue. ARod is a piece of that rebuilding process...but not as a player. It's the circle of life in athletics.

3 points
jurp's picture

July 30, 2021 at 03:26 pm

I'd love to see Rodgers play in a different colored jersey.

0 points
jurp's picture

July 30, 2021 at 03:25 pm

Aaron, is this you?

0 points
mbpacker's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:12 pm

There were some flecks of positive in Rodger's presser. However, I am troubled by much of it. I won't pile on what others have said here already but agree. Seldom is everything black or white but shades of gray. I can't believe the culture and atmosphere is how Aaron painted it, not perfect but that bad? For someone who wanted to keep the negotiation talks private and in house, he had no trouble unloading for all to see and hear. He could have crafted less inflammatory answers to the questions, but he knew what he was doing. I would wager that the Green Bay Convention & Tourism community and surrounding area, i.e., Sturgeon Bay, were less than thrilled how he painted the area. Sorry Aaron, fans will continue to trek up there for all the old and new amenities long after you are retired and into your next phase of life. I will continue to root for you while you QB our team, but a measure of respect is tarnished. I certainly hope the producers of Jeopardy are watching this and he isn't selected as the next host; he wasn't the best one so far. I won't harbor ill-will, for you have done many good things for Green Bay, many wins and big throws, but you were not perfect either. We all reap what we sow. Thanks for your article Ken.
Go Pack Go.

19 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:17 pm


-3 points
Crankbait's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:57 pm

Sheesh it's football for crying out loud. Aaron Rodgers doesn't owe anyone squat.

-2 points
mbpacker's picture

July 30, 2021 at 11:38 am

Guess Aaron has a weird way of showing how "the People" are so important. What about his fans who buy his jersey and memorabilia, the kids who have his poster in their rooms, ticket holders who help pay his salary. Don't agree that he doesn't owe jack to anyone. He likes to be the face of the franchise, is suppose to be so smart, his legacy was so important to him. Well, there will be some who don't care what he does just win, that fine. Others who still will support him because he is our QB, but just like Farve, will have tarnished some of his image to others which I am one. I do agree with you you it's just a game, but I feel it's more than that to many.

5 points
stockholder's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:10 pm

I told you guys that Rodgers was going to express his discontent at the press conferences. It was enjoyable! Rodgers was a union rep. With it comes power. Meeting with management under those terms, makes him an equal. But with that comes a strength of power. Several players in the past have been a player rep. They were quickly shown the door. And yes Nelson comes to mind. But the notice on the wall never makes sense when you've performed magnificently. As Rodgers found out. Rodger's is correct. Players came to Green Bay to be with a winner. To be champions. And when disagreements make a great QB into a loser. Players will leave! You can look at any way you want. But reading between the lines. Tells me the FO was in the wrong and they knew it. Or he wouldn't be here.

-6 points
SanLobo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 05:32 pm

The take by those in this forum versus that of most outside analysts couldn’t be more different. To those outside of this forum, Rodgers came across as highly sympathetic, mature and precise. They stated Gutenkunst contradicted himself and came across as arrogant and disconnected from the players.
There is a lot of emotion influencing folks thoughts here. Even the language in this article was pejorative. Taking sides is not going to help our team. Demanding the leaders involved get over themselves and their differences for the good of our team should be our clarion call. This is Murphy’s opportunity to improve our team. I am confident he is up to the challenge.

1 points
Oppy's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:18 pm

Most of the media doesn't follow the Packers as closely as the average CHTV reader / commenter.

Most of the media doesn't really know a damn thing about the NFL teams in general. Maybe the one they cover if they are a beat reporter. Otherwise? They're hacks, generally, who don't even scratch the surface.

11 points
SanLobo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:37 pm

This is the emotion I was referring to in my comments.

-1 points
Coldworld's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:25 pm

I think that is what’s known as a difference of opinion, not emotion

5 points
SanLobo's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:48 am

Using profanity is indicative of emotion.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:59 pm

Perhaps we’re we in a seminary, the use of the word “damn” might be considered a profanity for more than historical reasons. For the rest of us it has become little more than a common idiomatic form of emphasis unless used to express the view that a person should be dragged down into the fiery pit. That’s a pretty thin argument for finding emotion in anything these days.

“ Damn you, Bo. First time you ever give me reason to... cuss you. ” John Wayne in True Grit (1969) to his dead horse that has fallen atop him.

1 points
Oppy's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:19 pm

That's not emotion, that's facts.

And it's true for the die-hard fan base of every other team in the NFL as well.

The core fan base knows far more about the daily ins and outs and understands the nuances of their team far more than any national media sportswriters- they don't know jack-, and typically only the local beat writers know the team with and real depth. All the rest of the local area sports talking heads in a given state are clueless.

6 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:40 pm

Correct. The National media pundits
believe the Packers would be the Jets if not for Player/GM and would be this completely irrelevant small market joke.

4 points
Since'61's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:38 pm

Bure if we're honest that description was accurate for the 70s/80s until Favre/Rodgers arrived. Once Rodgers is gone we can very easily end up on the QB/HC/GM carousel again. It's a mistake to underestimate how good Rodgers has been. Even if Love evolves onto a good a good QB it will still be a significant drop off in the level of play that Rodgers has provided since 2008. Thanks, Since '61

-1 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:14 am

OH, but who brought Favre and Rodgers and Davante and Jordy and Jaire and Aaron Jones and so on on the team?

Favre and Rodgers? Rodgers did not want to come to Green Bay, he was hoping Niners will pick him. He became as player what he is because of Packers. Packers are not what they are because (only of) of Rodgers...

-3 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:02 pm

Croat I have been here for 60 years and I would be here with or without Rodgers and I will be here after Rodgers is gone. But let's be honest, we have seen what the Packers were when Rodgers was injured and it wasn't pretty. Hopefully our roster will be better prepared when Rodgers leaves permanently. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:53 am

Since 61, you have the cart before the horse. The result is your point is completely backwards. Favre didn’t appear in GB by magic, nor did Reggie White. The human factor in those seminal acquisitions was a GM and HC respectively.

Rodgers himself was a function of a GM, as was Charles Woodson. In fact I can’t think of one Super Bowl clinching or Franchise defining player who came here primarily because of Rodgers or Favre, even if money is discounted.

GMs and HCs have been the primary difference makers not the fleeting and inconsequential figures you claim. They drove the resurgence and maintained it.

2 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:56 pm

Actually Coldworld, Reggie White decided to come to Green Bay specifically because of Brett Favre. After playing against Favre while Reggie was still with the Eagles in 1992, Reggie commented that Favre is the type of QB who will win a Super Bowl. Now granted the FO had to make him an offer but Favre was a factor in his decision.

Woodsen did not want to come to Green Bay. However the Packers were the only team that made him an offer and he wanted to continue playing so he signed with the Packers.

The FO took plenty of heat for drafting Rodgers while Favre was still here and they took plenty of heat for moving on from Favre. So it's not like the fans were joyous over those decisions either. Plenty of posters here also complained when Kuhn was not resigned or when Woodsen or Jordy were allowed to walk in FA. In fact its rarely all honky-dory here over any FO decisions. I'm in the minority here in terms of supporting Gute's selection of Gary with the #12 pick in 2019. I still support the pick to this day. So it's like I'm against everything that the FO does.

Yes the Packers have been fortunate to have continuity at their GM position. However, they still are not the reason why we watch the games. And it also does not mean that they have not made their share of mistakes over the years or that they don't share culpability with Rodgers for the current situation. Also if the Packers were turning over their FO every 3 years wouldn't we still be following the team? In these situations it's very rarely all one side or the other. It's usually somewhere in the middle and that's all that I have been saying since the beginning of this episode. My comment about FOs coming and going was a general comment about sports not just the Packers. Through all the comings and goings fans continue to watch the games for the players whether the FOs are good or bad.

In the end this doesn't matter. Rodgers is gone after 2021. Time to focus on the team and season. Be well. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:11 pm

Gute's job is to be completely dispassionate about players. His job is build the best roster possible under the cap. How exactly did Gutekunst contradict himself??

Aaron Rodgers literally talked about how he thought he should be approached for an extension and in the same sentence talked about how he was very displeased with letting guys out the door.....

6 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:10 pm

Gute is an arrogant person and I’d say more than Rodgers he talked like a politician and didn’t answer any questions that could make him look bad, just dances around all of them.. The blind can’t see on this blog, that’s for sure, Gutes ego will never let him admit a single mistake, just watch..

-6 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:21 pm

Rodgers is in charge and running the Packers.

0 points
Vjwa's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:37 pm

All those guys and Rodger is talking about was dismissed by Ted Thompson none of them was cut by the current GM, look at the team Gute have put together. By the way is Ted Thompson was still the GM we wouldn't have a 13-3 record and he would have shipped Rogers out of here faster than you could could say Discount Double Check. Real goats are not afraid of competition. Remember this is the same man that put down all his receivers with Jordy left. Aaron Rodgers does not play defense and when the defense got the ball back three time he only had tunnel vision for adams, Aaron Rodgers do not play on special team so he is not the sole reason the Packers have won games, also; Aaron Rodgers messes up the game plan By ignoring what the coach tells him to do and the bottom line is Aaron Rodgers is not Tom Brady ,he never will be, he is just a petulant child

3 points
Coldworld's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:32 pm

For years we used to complain that TT was too loyal to his players. The current discussion reminds me of the frustration that evoked and makes the irony of the current one stand out.

6 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:16 pm

Rodgers or Rodger’s?

-4 points
SanLobo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:35 pm


0 points
YouAskedForThis's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:54 pm

"Players came to Green Bay to be with a winner"

For 100 years. 13 X WORLD CHAMPIONS

"Tells me the FO was in the wrong and they knew it. Or he wouldn't be here."

He's here cause he's under contract. Makes more sense to unload him next year.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:00 pm

You still don't get it, n'est pas?

1 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 01:24 pm

The use of a different language to suggest erudition is really not trendy these days: cave unus post latebras incomprehensibilis est verbis. (Beware the one hiding behind incomprehensible language).

But, if you want to be snooty: désolé, mais malheureusement, je pense vraiment que c'est toi qui ne vois pas les choses clairement.
(sorry, but unfortunately, i really think that you are the one who is not seeing things clearly).

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:27 pm

I have taken a bit of French,German , Vietnamese and Thai, so what?

0 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 30, 2021 at 05:33 pm

You have to realize that cold world is the smartest man on this blog or apc, just ask him..Very much like Rodgers, maybe that’s why he hates him so much, doesn’t like the world being a mirror ha..

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 07:05 pm

Lol, you are Diesel. Enough said. No need to interact here either.

1 points
Nate-1980's picture

July 31, 2021 at 06:13 pm

Nope that’s not me but I read both blogs and have the same handle on both, you don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth, I’ve just had trouble logging into apc and haven’t reset my password .. I do like the back and forth you two have and usually agree with him more(on Rodgers).. Honestly I used to like your analysis of packer football for the most part (you do know football well)until the Rodgers situation.. I can tell you’re a smart dude, but that doesn’t change the fact that a lot of time you come off as angry and arrogant.. But I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t at least admit that a lot of my post have anger to them as well..At least we can both agree that football is almost here yay..:)

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 07:03 pm

condescension can invite similar responses

0 points
Swisch's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:02 pm

To follow up on other of my comments, it seems most of the players mentioned by Aaron Rodgers as supposedly mistreated by the front office were gone before Brian Gutekunst became GM in 2018
If I'm not mistaken, one of the first things Gute did was to sign a somewhat struggling Rodgers to a contract extension of four years with more than $98 million guaranteed.
Since then, Gute has re-signed Bakh and Clark and Jones to stay with the Packers.
In the Era of Gute, a team that was 6-9-1 in his first season as GM has astoundingly achieved 13-3 in the following two seasons, with a playoff win and a trip to the NFC Championship Game each time. A lot of the credit goes to head coach Matt LaFleur, who was hired by Gute.
It seems Rodgers would be glad and grateful to Gute for reviving his sagging career and the fortunes of the team.
Indeed, it seemed as though the Packers were perhaps the favorite for winning the Super Bowl this upcoming season of 2022 -- until Rodgers unexpectedly went into a funk of self-absorbed holding out -- letting down teammates and fans.
He thus threatened to ruin everything under a grand delusion of being oppressed. Adam Schefter was basically right in his reporting, after all.
When he finally came back this week, he had a great opportunity to smooth things over and to get training camp off to a sunny and breezy start. He could have said something like it was a learning and growing experience for both sides. He's still hoping to have more discussions with the front office about his concerns, but mainly he's thrilled to be back with an opportunity to lead a team packed with talent.
Instead, Rodgers had to rain on the Packers parade by sticking it to the front office as a cold and calculating meanie that he can barely tolerate -- with him only able to have a professional relationship with this remote and remorseless entity of evil.
His claim to be excited to be back with the Pack was rather uninspiring.
Now we as fans are left to glumly wonder if Rodgers can really be the leader we need to put us over the top in the NFL.
If I'm pretty much on target in this assessment, perhaps the only big mistake made by the front office of late was a stubbornness in not trading this guy.

9 points
Vjwa's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:16 pm

Very well spoken

3 points
SanLobo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:39 pm

No, it’s not. It is hyperbolic and leads to nothing helpful.

-6 points
LeotisHarris's picture

July 29, 2021 at 10:10 pm

Wait, SL, you mean after reading allllllll those words you aren't left glumly wondering by a remote and remorseless entity of evil?

3 points
Oppy's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:21 pm

If i'm not mistaken- and I Could be - but I thought one of the players I heard Rodgers refer to in his list of abused, disrespected former players was a certain John Kuhn.

I wonder what John Kuhn thought about that, considering he's currently employed by the Packers.

My first guess is, Kuhn might be telling Rodgers to keep his name out of his mouth.

9 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:43 pm

Not to mention, the Packers moving on from Kuhn was the right call. He was clearly was done with the Saints and his snaps dwindled. Imagine how bad the roster would be if Rodgers had gotten his way all along.....ahem ..Player/GM

9 points
flackcatcher's picture

July 30, 2021 at 01:06 pm

Small correction Swisch. Mark Murphy handled the Rodgers contract which was done in late 2017, and signed in 2018.

3 points
Swisch's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:26 pm

Thanks, flackcatcher, for the kind correction, which is significant.
I think I read that Rodgers signed the contract in August 2018, so I thought Gute must have been the guy involved from the front office.
I'm always glad to get the story straight with the help of other fans.

0 points
Vjwa's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:01 pm

Can we trade this guy already, so sick of this whiney man-child. All he is trying to do is take the Packers down. He is worse than that farve clown. Please take your circus to another team. I rather lose with Love than give this selfish person anymore credit. He has the audacity to believe that he is greater then the team. If I was Love I would not resign we hen my contract is up. Remember how he put down every wide receiver on this team other than Adam's, in fact his forcing the ball to Adam's help Tampa win. One other thing, this is what happens when you worship a person as that person is a god. Yes he is a great player but he will never be the last great player the Green Bay Packers will ever have. So if we do not win the super bowl this year will he accept blame or put it off on someone else. I really wish we would have traded this clown

9 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:14 pm


-3 points
Don-Donaldo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 06:39 pm

Packers swallowed a very large poison pill!

1 points
marpag1's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:01 pm

When people see that the time of their employment is coming to an end, they feel empowered to unleash all of the crap that they’ve been keeping quiet for years.

The article says ARod is “well-spoken” and that he “successfully portrayed himself as a well-meaning team player.” I agree with the first thing, as long as “well-spoken” means “able to speak persuasively in a way that almost makes people oblivious to the complete BS that you are saying.” I most certainly did NOT get the impression that ARod “successfully portrayed himself as a well-meaning team player.” How is that even possible when the dude is practically flat-out saying, “People only come to this shithole of a place because of me, and everyone will leave if I go, so therefore…. bow down, kiss my ass and do what I say.”

Do we think that teammates don’t hear it? Heck, it was only about a month ago that the unnamed former NFL general manager told Fansided, “The guy’s selfish. Teammates don’t like him. Coaches don’t like him. It’s all about Aaron. They all deal with him, because he’s a superstar. He helps guys make money and put food on the table for their kids, and people respect him for that.”

Deep down I think we all know that there is truth in this statement. The only real question is how deep and how widespread is the resentment?

Greg Jennings has taken a lot of crap for leaving GB and signing with Minnesota. Of course he knew that he wouldn’t do as well with the Vikings. Dude practically sabotaged his own career, and we all know why he did it. True, maybe Jennings had some diva in him, too. But the fact that Jennings never amounted to much outside of GB is immaterial. What’s important is that he was a very good player who shot his career in the foot and left Green Bay simply because he thought that ARod is an asshole.

J. Finley said it too. Everybody blasted Finley. But do we really think that Finley was the only one who felt it? Or was he the only one who was brave/stupid enough to actually say it?

Remember the two articles written by Tyler Dunne in 2016 and 2019? And ARod says, ““This was a smear attack by a writer looking to advanced his career talking with mostly irrelevant, bitter players who all have an agenda whether they’re advancing their own careers or just trying to stir old stuff up.”

Sure. Totally fabricated. And everyone believes ARod because he can rip a football like no one else on the planet.

9 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:21 am


1 points
ricky's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:39 pm

The fans will take the side of the team over the player. Always. That there is a built in inequality, and that the team, and the league, does indeed treat the players as interchangeable parts, rather than unique human beings, is ignored. An example. A player demands to renegotiate his contract. The fans agree the guy should be paid well, but also cite the guy is just playing a game; that he is under contract and should honor said contract. Shut up and play, you signed the contract. End of story. But if the team cuts a guy two years into a four year contract, with the player getting no more money from the team, oh well. That's how things work. The Packers are a team who are more than willing to part with a player a year or two too early, rather than too late. Every player he cited was an example. There are plenty more. Just ask Reggie White's widow. But these decisions were made with the team, not the individual player in mind. And fans are OK with this. Sure, there were plenty of angry posts after the drafting of Love; but now, how does that draft pick look? Better or worse than when it happened? The Packers had a plan, and it involved keeping Rodgers around long enough for them to evaluate Love, see if he could be a viable QB under LaFleur's system, and unloading Rodgers at their convenience. However, how many fans are now clamoring for a new contract for Rodgers; finding a way to re-sign Adams, even if it means paying him a boatload of money; and trading Love, or allowing him to be the backup for the next five or six years (if Rodgers really does play into his '40's, as he's indicated)? The fans will back the team over the individual player; Favre also thought he was irreplaceable, until Rodgers showed what he could do. Get your bumper sticker now: "I'm in Love with the Packers". Available nationwide after this season.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:24 am

Well, I have one question. Why than you sign the contract if it is not what you want? Did they brought the gun and put it to your head or you found horse head in his bed in the morning?

You now felt that contract is not good for you? Oh my. But you still have obligations towards other side. It said in the paper you signed. The end of the story!

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

July 29, 2021 at 07:54 pm

Very negative article in my opinion. Most of us just want the Pack to win the Super Bowl. Not sure how this article does anything but add fuel to the fire. Rodgers spoke his mind whether you agree or not. Gute spoke his mind whether you agree or not. At the end of the day I don't give a rats ass. All I want is for everyone to move on to football. The drama ends when those who make money from drama stop creating more drama. Seriously, can we move on to Football!!

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:08 pm

It's Baseball season.

5 points
Since'61's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:42 pm

MainePackFan - Best post of the thread! Spot on and I agree! Thanks, Since '61

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:14 am

It is not just about candor. One must also consider what they said and what it means. Unfashionable perhaps, but essential to any valid assessment. In this case, the fact that Rodgers’ words likely were candid has reasons to be concerned about the viability of this rapprochement due to his mindset. It may be comforting in the sense of the ostrich with its head in the sand not to want to see what is in front of you, but it’s also not likely to help you when it hits.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:45 pm

Rodgers said two things during his presser that I think are more important than anything else covered so far.

First he said that he didn't want to come back as a lame duck QB. Yet he also said that he has no guarantees beyond 2021 which to me means that he is a lame duck QB. Some may think that is a good job by the FO to put their MVP/HOF QB in that position but is that really the situation we want our QB to be in? In fairness to Rodgers and the team they should have traded him. Keeping Rodgers without a commitment beyond 2021 is just not a good move. It's a move that tells me 2 things. Love might flop and they are covering their butts if Love flops in which case they'll keep Rodgers for 2022 and chuck Love. Second this tells me that the Packers are all in for 2021 but the team they have put together is a team that will still need to out score their defense and STs. If the offense stays healthy they should be a juggernaut but the questions remain whether the defense and the STs will do their respective parts. Once again it's all on Rodgers unless Barry legitimately improves the defense.

The other point Rodgers made was when he was about his relationship with Gute. Rodgers response was "professional". I heard at least dozens of business relationships described as 'professional" during my career. Invariably "professional" is code for we don't like each other and we will only speak to each other when we absolutely need to. I think that's where Rodgers and Gute are at, at this point. Which is fine as long as Gute stays out of Rodgers way and let's him play without getting in his way. Rodgers should speak to his coach and Gute should speak to Rodger's agent. That should work out fine.

Bottom line this situation is temporary. There is no sense disecting every word Rodgers or Gute says during the season. It's all going to be the same over and over like an MM post-game presser, "We're going to watch the film, adjust pad level and focus on the run game." and then nothing changed by the next game.
By this time next year Rodgers will be gone and Love or someone else will be the Packers QB. Regardless of what happens on the field this season I don't see Rodgers lasting beyond 2021 unless Gute is gone which I doubt, but you never know. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
zeke's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:09 am

If the reports regarding the Packers having offered him an extension with commitments beyond 2022 are true (and I haven't seen anything suggesting that they weren't, but maybe), then Rodgers' lame-duck status for 2021 is by choice. If he were genuinely interested in being in GB beyond 2021 I think it would have been a much different press conference.

6 points
Packers0808's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:22 pm

Splitting it down the middle Rodgers may be a great player, but he comes off also as great asshole!

15 points
Since'61's picture

July 29, 2021 at 08:49 pm

That is true but all that matters, at least for me, is what he does on the field. I couldn't care less how he gets along with the GM or the FO or what he thinks about the organization as long as he delivers on the field. there is no reason to take his off season antics or alleged comments as personal. In the end they don't matter as long as he is getting it done on the field. Will anyone care or even remember this summer of discontent if the Packers win the SB this season. I know that I won't. Be well. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Packers0808's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:08 pm

Most will forget but not all. Makes me know this because of what many still say about Favre! Good and bad both, but sure still a lot of negativity about Favre!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:20 am

So.... The only thing that matters is what happens ON THE FIELD?

So... Every season that doesn't result in a SB victory is a turd?

So... The QB is the only indicator of a successful NFL football team?

So... Your hero AR has strung together quite a litany of turds. (insert tears here about the defense...)

There is much more that can be taken as valuable as a sports fan than just winning. if that is your measure, a SB title, you are disappointed almost all of the time, the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass every day, no team wins a championship every year. participation trophies don't make you a winner.

The spirit of competition, sportsmanship, effort, dedication, commitment, sacrifice, leadership, being a good teammate...

I take pride in HOW my favorite team plays as much as the result of their competitions. Winning is great, I hope for victory every game and when the contest is over and the score does not favor my team I agonize over lost opportunities that could have brought victory just as much if not more than how i re-live the moments that brought victory in a win.

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing" ...sound familiar? Lombardi is credited with this quote, but if you review history many of his contemporaries relate that he agonized over the image those words created for him as that of an obsessed dictator. He revised the meaning of the quote to include the effort it takes to win as most important. That effort is what transcends just the result on the field and produces champions that can stand as successful human beings, role models and heroes.

I don't see a lot of heroism or positive role model in AR. Coincidentally, I don't see a lot of championships associated with him either.

4 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:13 pm


-1 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 01:30 pm

It certainly sounds from that that Rodgers is a hero if not the hero in your pantheon. The very way you conceive him in this post and his merits belies your statement that it is just sport for you or that you are not personally invested.

1 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:15 pm

Deleted double post.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 30, 2021 at 08:27 am

Only one thing. The last game in every season Aaron Rodgers will be able to bring Packers will be NFCCG. Why? Because he is Choker! He will choke every time when it is matter!

-3 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:18 am

Whether he wins on the field depends in part on his mindset and how it affects both his play and relationships with others. In his own words, he’s in a different place since he became MVP again. His attitude to the reasons for that accolade is as relevant as the strength of his arm.

0 points
Leatherhead's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:07 pm

He is the person who will be leading this team this year.

3 points
Leatherhead's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:06 pm

Players should play, coaches should coach, officials should officiate. Groundskeepers should manage the grounds. Security should be handled by Security. Personnel should make personnel decisions.

If everybody stays in their lane, everything goes smoothly, but when people don’t stay in their lane, accidents happen.

I’m really hoping for a best case scenario of a Super Bowl, but I’m aware there are ways this could go south .

8 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:27 pm

All true. This is the primary contributing factor to the Packers being horrible for 2 lanes.....I wasn't alive in the 70s and was just a tike in the 80s with faint memories of Majik man....Those were very rough years for Packers fans....

2 points
10ve 💚's picture

July 29, 2021 at 10:49 pm

I really hope the Packers go South... and West... all the way to the Super Bowl in SoFi stadium in California 😀😀

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 30, 2021 at 02:49 pm

Are you referring to the Fans?

-1 points
SugarCain's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:15 pm

Aaron Rodgers won over the locker room in Green Bay and across the entire wide world of sports with his working man comments standing up to management. Old white men just want players to shut up and play. Not Aaron Rodgers. Manifest Destiny!

-9 points
Bure9620's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:20 pm

"The 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable."

The us the actual textbook definition of manifest destiny.

1 points
marpag1's picture

July 29, 2021 at 09:32 pm

1) Aaron Rodgers IS an "old white man."
2) People act like Rodgers 'won.' How, exactly?
3) Manifest Destiny... LOL

5 points
13TimeChamps's picture

July 30, 2021 at 09:35 am

Aaron Rodgers. The epitome of that blue collar working man, while living in his 28 million dollar mansion in Malibu, dating movie stars and knocking down 35 mil a year, playing football 6 months a year. That's pretty funny!

4 points
Qoojo's picture

July 29, 2021 at 10:33 pm

AR is as big of a headcase as talented QB. I doubt that he is as well liked as he thinks he is. Winning is great deodorant. When he eventually leaves GB, it will be sad day, but also a relief to see all the baggage float away.

8 points
Leatherhead's picture

July 29, 2021 at 11:10 pm

The fact is that ever since Ron Wolf showed up, we’ve continued to improve as an organization and we’ve put good products on the field. Many different players, coaches, GMs have come and gone but the organization is obviously doing a good job. It’s not perfect, but it gets a lot right.

That’s an easier version for me to believe.

9 points
LayingTheLawe's picture

July 29, 2021 at 11:57 pm

Rodgers knew the 48 TD pass MVP season gave him leverage so he punished the team and made them look like fools. For what? WHat every NFL team does.... cut high priced players to save money once their performance dips. Was this a sudden realization for Rodgers after 16 years? Of course not. He just had the high profile season that let him blackmail the team. Should a team let a HOF generational talent have input on decisions - or at least a heads up. Maybe. But, even if Rodgers has a point to me he really comes across as a dick in how he did this.

12 points
FuDog42's picture

July 31, 2021 at 02:03 pm


0 points
Wrongbayfeldlman's picture

July 29, 2021 at 11:59 pm

Rodgers is a cancer. Use other players to leverage your arguments with the front office. Use players that fans loved in the past to garner support for your side of this disaster.
I wonder how his family is looking at this. I bet they know just what’s happening here. Rodgers doesn’t give a shit about any of those players. Rodgers just thinks he’s entitled to run the team, he thinks he can do everybody’s job better.
Gute has done a pretty good job building a roster, not easy to do with a cap hit like rodgers’.
I love the Green Bay Packers. I love to see them win. I was a fan thru the 70s, 80s when things were tough. I’m not sure winning is worth keep a complete asshole like Rodgers on the team though.
It seems like he’s affected Adams too. He says he loves the team and the fans and the players, I say bullshit! He loves Rodgers. He loves Green Bay but he wouldn’t go there on a vacation.
I really hate that Rodgers is the Packers QB. Winning is not worth cheering for a complete jerkoff.

5 points
Wrongbayfeldlman's picture

July 30, 2021 at 12:05 am

I’ve got to get a trade Roders to China shirt or ball cap

3 points
Since'61's picture

July 30, 2021 at 06:22 pm

I don’t think China has any draft picks or players to trade for.
Thanks, Since ‘61

0 points
Coldworld's picture

July 30, 2021 at 07:56 pm

Wait till the buy the league

2 points