The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Rams vs Packers

Aaron gives out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly from the Green Bay Packers Week 15 win over the Los Angeles Rams.




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5 points

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TaakuninJapan's picture

December 20, 2022 at 12:48 am

Great:Nixon's return is special!

7 points
Kevin Carpenter's picture

December 20, 2022 at 01:54 am

The good:
- A win is a win, even if it was ugly and our playoff hopes are still alive
- The running game, Dillon, Jones and even Taylor were hitting the hole with purpose
- Kenny Clark looked like a man reborn and was terrorizing the LOS
- Quay Walker was flying all over the field today and made some great plays
- The return game, my God what a breath of fresh air Nixon has been, if only the coaching staff could've figured out how to properly use their players earlier this season...
- Watson didn't have a huge day but man he is a baller and had some killer blocks to complement some nice catches today
- Welcome back Romeo Doubs! Solid game from him
- The 21 "half" stretch without an opening drive TD was finally snapped, I never thought that would've been an issue
- The pass rush showed up and Kingsley Enegbare had himself a game tonight

The bad:
- Both of those turnovers were atrocious. Lazard stopped mid run even though he would win that catch matchup 8/10 times and Aaron Jones had the game in his hands but coughed it up.
- The offensive line played well for the first quarter and did not hold up passed that. I still can't believe they got as much pressure on Rodgers with 3 guys at the end of the half as they did. Inexcusable
- I know the theme of this game was to run the ball, but the < 300 yard streak continues for Rodgers
- Tackling was suspect at best for most of the game. They had guys dead to rights a few times in the backfield and just couldn't bring them down
- Devondre Campbell and Rasul Douglas. The guys just doesn't seem to have it this year. Campbell misses 1/3 of the tackles that come his way and he always finds himself out of position. Douglas is constantly out of position and too often gets lost on the back end. Hopefully they weren't both just 1-hit-wonders

The ugly:
- The referees were blind as a bat on some very obvious calls and called penalties for really ticky-tack plays. It makes me wonder if they're just bad or if they are actually escaped lab experiments grown from the cells of Stevie Wonder. It's been terrible lately
- Run defense was putrid again
- Soft zone coverage will end this season. How many times do we have to see a barrier formed at the goal line from 10 yards out only to watch a short throw over the middle go uncontested into the waiting arms of a receiver for an easy TD. Same thing goes for 3rd and long. Begs the question, what are they wantching in that film room...
- More stupid penalties and shooting themselves in the foot. As soon as one great play happens, this team immediately finds a way to nullify it on the following play. Sack leading to second and long? Ensuing penalty resulting in a first down. Long kick return? Penalty bringing the ball back inside the 20. Turnover? 3 plays later there's another to give it right back to the other team. It's mind boggling.

Like I said, a win is a win. Even if it was ugly, our playoff hopes are still very much alive.

On to the next one!

6 points
bjkdad44's picture

December 20, 2022 at 03:10 am

Excellent commentary!

3 points
Since&#039;61's picture

December 20, 2022 at 09:15 am

Sorry Doof but I respectfully disagree on the Packers run defense. The Packers allowed 72 yards on the ground and only 13 first downs. I think that's a pretty solid performance especially compared against the Eagles game when the defense allowed nearly 300 more yards on the ground. Thanks, Since '61

4 points
mbpacker's picture

December 20, 2022 at 05:27 pm

You said everything I was going to say, thanks!

0 points
mvprzy's picture

December 20, 2022 at 06:15 pm

Yes - I second most of this, except I don't think AR12 is too worried about pass yardage stats.
Ws are priority.
re: the Referees... "are actually escaped lab experiments grown from the cells of Stevie Wonder." Huh?

0 points
packerbackerjim's picture

December 20, 2022 at 05:03 am

Good: Two long drives in the cold.
Bad: Officials swallowing their whistle on the “fumble” by Jones. Contributed to the chippieness of the game.
Ugly: The Lateral. Ford’s unnecessary roughness waaaaay out of bounds.

3 points
Lphill's picture

December 20, 2022 at 05:13 am

The good is a win but the bad Joe Barry and his 2 down lineman and zone coverage like it was Joe Montana instead of Mayfield, just ugly .

4 points
PackfanNY's picture

December 20, 2022 at 07:07 am

The Good: The running game and Nixon on returns. It was exciting to watch someone who can bust one at any minute.

The Bad: The officiating. This crew is terrible. I could point out multiple mistakes but why bother it never changes.

The Ugly: The “lateral” by Douglas. So unnecessary and dangerous. Lucky Amos was alert.

6 points
edp1959's picture

December 20, 2022 at 07:13 am

Good: The haters get to watch #12 start the game in Miami next week.
Bad: Reading all the pissing and bitching from the haters that Love should be starting.
Ugly: Having a bunch of "couch potato" haters who obviously know very little about this game try to pick apart and complain about Rodgers performance. RDS is very sad isn't it?

-1 points
BAMABADGER's picture

December 20, 2022 at 10:15 am

I'm feeling a strong man crush in the air and a sufferer of LDS. Merry Christmas!

3 points
Packerpasty's picture

December 20, 2022 at 10:16 am

I know!! The haters must be pissed off after this game, not much to whine about from 12....

-3 points
tommynak's picture

December 20, 2022 at 02:19 pm

Your confusing reality as being a hater. No one hates AR & hopes we lose with him at QB, no real Packers fan would do that. It's just the time has come to move on from him if we can make that happen hopefully by trade and get out from under his contract as much as possible. The future is now not the present.

2 points
pantz_bURp's picture

December 20, 2022 at 03:46 pm

tommy-gun-nak...careful, you are making way too much sense. You are taking away their ability to spew out "#12 haters syndrome" without acknowledging that some people are concerned or wanting to prepare for the future.

2 points
Eric Zenk's picture

December 20, 2022 at 02:27 pm

The Bad: The Rodgers cheer leading squad wearing the green and gold sun glasses weekly, while ignoring the fact that this team is not a playoff caliber squad. 'You are what your record says you are.' In this case 6-8 is NOT good folks. And miracle wins and or help from other teams to potentially get into the playoffs will not hide the flaws this team has shown this season. That outcome will only delay the rebuild that eventually has to occur b/c of the 'old' players currently on the roster, and the Packers terrible salary cap situation.

The Good: The Packers supporters who are realist and understand this team won't get back to the Super Bowl without changes by 12, taking what the defense gives him, throw the ball away instead of taking a sack, stop screaming at Lazard and the other receivers for running the wrong routes when QB 12 needs to adjust the throw instead or throw to other receivers open as he did to Dillon and Big Dog, which Naggs points out weekly in the post game comments. Play Love once the Packers are eliminated so we can see if he's a wasted pick, trade bait, or could actually take over as Q1 for the Packers in 2024. The realists also pointing out that MLF needs to hold players accountable, Ford's late hit out of bounds or Douglas lateral by benching them for a series or two or a game. There appears to be no accountability b/c this same crap has occurred all season. The realists pointing out that MLF better fire Barry at the end of this year, and hire Leonard or Fangio to run this defense. Either of those guys can do much better with this defense and the talent they have than Barry has to this point of the season. Gutekunst, get Rodgers an explosive TE and WR in this draft to help Rodgers assuming he returns for one more year. Realists who would like Rodgers last year in Green Bay (2023) to end in a Super Bowl win, and ride off to retirement in sunny California.

Santa that's what realists want for this team and Packers Nation. :)

-3 points
Rick5952's picture

December 20, 2022 at 04:29 pm

Good: running game
Bad: this team’s inconsistency
Ugly: having to read your self righteous comments.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 20, 2022 at 08:23 am

The good: the showing from the young players. Doubs caught everything thrown at him and just has quickness and agility on a different level to the vets. Wyatt, Walker, Enagbare all showing that they belong. Nixon is our best returner in forever, probably since young Cobb. Hollins is looking like a good pick up. Dillon getting hard yards.

The bad: I almost feel sorry for the Rams. That was a team missing almost everyone who makes a difference on both sides of the ball. Rodgers was up and down again. He’s not himself in terms of accuracy.

The ugly: continuing reluctance to give rookies more playing time, the highly cautious offensive plan, a D in soft mode against an impotent offense and killing our own drives so often. Against that D, we came away having looked a scoring gift horse in the mouth and rejected it. The notion that barely beating two horrendous teams makes everything better. If anything the Rams were worse than the Bears due to attrition. They still played harder than we did too.

The Great: this draft. Yes, it’s way too early, but despite the obstacles put in the way of playing time for many, they already look better than their older alternatives. Rhyan and the untried Ford and Walker notwithstanding, this draft already looks far better than we had any right to hope for and there’s much room for further growth. There’s a great platform for a couple of years hence if this continues.

2 points
mrtundra's picture

December 20, 2022 at 08:53 am

Good: Our O line with Tom and Nijman as anchors. Our Defense with Clark, Wyatt, Enagbare, Quay, Amos and Hollins playing well. A big win for a team that hasn't seen many, this season. Watson and Doubs on the field together. Dillon, Jones and Taylor as our RBs. NIXON!!! Crosby tying Brent Favor's record, and kicking well, is a plus.
Bad: Soft Defense on 3rd downs. The officiating will get someone hurt, by not blowing their whistles. The officiating, by blowing their whistles. What was that holding call on Campbell? He had his hand on the Rams' player's shoulder. Did not look like holding to me. Ford getting pushy out of bounds. A sure flag, every time. Lazard not running out the play, resulting in Rodgers getting intercepted. Stupid mistakes by a team that needs to win out, to advance.
Ugly: Rasul lateraling the freaking ball after intercepting it was STOOOOOPID! Injury to Dillon. I hope he tests negative for a concussion. We need him, In December!

1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

December 20, 2022 at 09:19 am

The Good: OL, Jones, Dillon, Doubs, Watson. Rodgers, Clark, Walker, Engabare, P. Smith and Nixon. Finally an actual return game for the STs.

The Bad: Lazard, Nijman, Ford penalty.

The Ugly: Douglas lateral. Officiating was terrible. They missed obvious calls and unnecessarily exposed vulnerable players to numerous additional hits.

On to Miami! Thanks, Since '61

3 points
Madfan's picture

December 20, 2022 at 10:39 am

A good! I can't remember a game this season with fewer long passes by Rodgers. Rodgers seemed content to work the medium distance passes, including those over the middle. All season long I was hoping to see fewer long passes and more taking what is available medium and middle. Of course, this has a lot to do with the Rams broken down defense.

Another good! Doubs was very productive in his 23 snaps. An awfully good WR4.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 20, 2022 at 08:48 pm

Not the #4 guy.

0 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

December 20, 2022 at 11:37 am

Better: Pass Rush *Walker
Worse: Crowd noise when on Offense. ( drunk and/or stubbornly stupid)
Ugliest: Aaron Jones cold weather ball security. Jones loses the ball too easily when going to the ground. He’s done this forever, so why can’t he break that habit? I don’t get it, and he’s one of my faves.)

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 20, 2022 at 08:50 pm

He is not a bell cow, power back and should not be used as one. He's a tailback. Taylor should be getting way more carries.

0 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 20, 2022 at 12:46 pm

Good- not having a former first round WR pick taking up meaningful snaps
Bad- not seeing more Touree in the lineup. Can’t improve sitting on the bench.
Ugly- some of the LDS and RDS here. Hope against hope this is a lost season. There will not be a playoff run. Yet the QB of the future as a starter or trade bait continues to carry the clipboard.
Really Ugly- a near 500 record leaving the team in draft middlingland and giving terrifying hope that the front office sees promise in Joe Barry’s scheme…

-2 points
Fubared's picture

December 20, 2022 at 04:42 pm

The Ugly, keeping Amari rodgers for three seasons to justify Gutts piss poor pick. Yea he have a special teams guy now.
The Bad: seeing a SB team decimated from the previous year. Yes they have a ton of injuries but its funny when your winning like they did last year they didnt have so many but start losing and everyone finds an injury to claim.
The Good, The positive attitude and spirit of the packers. they played to win and played good. No real dropsies by the receivers and they looked good along with the run game. O line and pass rush.
I get the feeling that Barry was instructed on how they want him to use the defense and get aggressive or ELSE

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

0 points
4thand10's picture

December 20, 2022 at 11:47 pm

He’s a receiver…not a PR. Poor coaching. A good coach would have taken him off PR and use him what he was drafted for…the slot

0 points