Packers Calendar: Throwback Weekend Autographs

Former Packers players Paul Hornung, Gilbert Brown, Rich McGeorge and Ken Ellis will all make various appearances in Green Bay on Saturday.

Those in town for the Cheesehead TV sponsored Throwback Weekend in Green Bay on Saturday have ample opportunities to get some autographs from former Green Bay Packers players.

First, Pro Football Hall of Famer and running back Paul Hornung will appear at Texas Roadhouse in Green Bay from noon until 2:00 p.m.:

Then you can go directly from Texas Roadhouse to the Packers Pro Shop at Lambeau Field for an appearance by tight end Rich McGeorge and safety Ken Ellis.

They'll be signing autographs from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Finally, stop by Throwback Weekend at the Green Bay Distillery on Saturday evening for an event featuring defensive lineman "The Gravedigger" Gilbert Brown.

Brown will appear at 8:00 p.m., but the festivities for Throwback Weekend will continue all night long.

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