Matt LaFleur Has the First Real Opportunity to Shine as a Protagonist Offensive Mind

Packers head coach has a challenging transition ahead

During a five-episode series of The Athletic's podcast "The Playcallers," it became evident how Green Bay Packers head coach Matt LaFleur has long been respected and praised around the NFL. However, he often found himself in the shadows of fellow coaching rising stars, like Kyle Shanahan and Sean McVay. Throughout his career, LaFleur has been working alongside these renowned figures in Washington, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. While his coaching prowess was recognized, he didn't have the same opportunities to be the true protagonist.

It wasn't until 2018, when LaFleur got his first chance at playcalling with the Tennessee Titans, that he could showcase his offensive acumen. Circumstances forced him to rely heavily on the running game, led by Derrick Henry, due to the limitations of the passing offense around Marcus Mariota.

Since taking over in Green Bay in 2019, LaFleur has undoubtedly done a valuable job. Nevertheless, his accomplishments often appeared overshadowed, again, this time by the presence of Aaron Rodgers. When the team lost, the blame fell on LaFleur, the defense, or special teams. But when they won, and they have won a lot, it was inevitably attributed to having a future Hall of Fame quarterback.

This dynamic sparked discussions regarding the extent of LaFleur's impact versus what Rodgers is able to do. The quarterback, however, had been playing below his usual standards for a couple of years before LaFleur's arrival. Under LaFleur's guidance, Rodgers went on to claim two more NFL MVP awards. Now, with Jordan Love stepping in as the Packers starting quarterback, LaFleur has an unprecedented opportunity to fully shape the narrative of what Green Bay's offense will be.

While LaFleur himself argued more than once that the offense will always require adaptation, and it won't be different with Love under center, it's evident that in the past, LaFleur had to tailor his offensive philosophy significantly to align with what Rodgers preferred. This led to some initial tension in 2019, and even last year Rodgers expressed a need to "simplify" the offense when things weren't going smoothly. 

"Simpler. Simpler. Simplify some things. All of it," Rodgers said. "A lot of it is simple mistakes. If we're making simple mistakes on complex plays, to me we need to simplify some things."

Throughout the last couple of seasons, Rodgers has also voiced his dislike for motions and shifts, as they interfere with his ability to read the opposing defense. However, motions are a fundamental aspect of LaFleur's coaching philosophy.

With Jordan Love at the helm, a player drafted by the Packers when LaFleur was already in charge, the coach has more freedom to build an offense that aligns with his vision. If this approach proves successful, it will demonstrate LaFleur's true value as an elite offensive mind, independent of Rodgers' presence.

So far, LaFleur has shown great ability to manage the Packers when things weren't working that well. This is something Sean McVay himself praised during last year, when both the Rams and the Packers were having tough seasons.

"I've been so impressed with just watching the consistency and the steadiness at which he's handled things," McVay mentioned. "I think it's reflected with the way that they've responded and in a lot of good instances based on some of the things that they’ve gone through as well."

This season holds transformative potential for the Packers as a whole. For Matt LaFleur, it's an especially crucial moment to emerge as a respected and accomplished offensive mind, entirely on his own merits.



Wendell Ferreira covers the Green Bay Packers for Zone Coverage and Cheesehead TV. He is a Brazilian journalist with over a decade of experience covering the NFL, soccer, NBA, and MMA. Follow him on twitter at @wendellfp  




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8 points

Comments (69)

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Bearmeat's picture

July 25, 2023 at 11:25 am

You can dog MLF for making boneheaded starting decisions in big games. Even if that was coming from deferring to his diva QB, he's the boss. Make Rodgers eat it and who cares if he quits? Generally, he deferred FAR too much to Rodgers in 21 and 22. You can dog MLF for hiring Joe Barry and keeping much of Pettine's staff.

But you can't dog MLF for his offensive acumen, nor too much for his game management.

I am excited as hell to watch the PACKERS this year. With MLF as coach. 12 is FINALLY gone! WOOHOOO! I'm scared about the defense and Joe Barry. But the offense? All excitement. Speed bumps and all.


4 points
ricky's picture

July 25, 2023 at 02:30 pm

There is one flaw that is obvious in games, especially the playoffs. When the Packers game plan is not working, because the opposing defense made adjustments, it always seemed that LaFleur had no "Plan B". Maybe he did and Rodgers simply refused to implement it, but that would just be speculation, and doing more Rodgers bashing. Because Rodgers is the reason this team was so successful for so many years. To cheer his departure is simply mind boggling. Personally, I'm very curious as to what Love can do. But I can also appreciate the greatness of Rodgers.

5 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

July 25, 2023 at 04:37 pm

How do you make in game adjustments when the qb isnt listening?

0 points
Bearmeat's picture

July 25, 2023 at 06:03 pm


1 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 06:09 pm

A bazillion percent, Bearmeat.

I’m tired of hearing how Matt LaFleur can’t do anything right as a HC when a malcontent narcissist who refused to run LaFleur’s plays was mandated upon him by Murphy.

Said in the simplest terms TBSH! Well put.

-1 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 06:32 pm

Payton Manning and others have pointed out that "half-time adjustments" are a pretty big myth. With the exception of the Super Bowl and its 30 min half-time music concert, most half-times are about 12 minutes long, including time spent walking on and off the field. It might be more appropriate to say the coaching staff tries to minimally tweak the game plan and make a point or two of emphasis/re-emphasis but there is not enough time for a lot of major changes to the game plan. Teams playing better/worse after the half is pretty much just players/coaches doing their job better/worse than they did in the first half.

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 07:25 am

Ricky, I'll agree that AR12 bashing is fashionable here. I guess everybody here already had ample time to appreciate his contributions, which were unique in many ways that are best of class. I don't see JL10 as needing to compete with any of that; he's got his own strengths. Regardless of what anybody expects and I expect him to not be too shabby at worst, he'll have to prove everything.

What's not at all obvious yet is what was going on with our offense when things didn't work, especially last year. Injuries (plural, thumb and ribs everyone overlooks) without being in the huddle we just don't know what was called vs what AR12 did vs what MLF would have preferred to call vs what last minute adjustments were actually beneficial.

This year maybe we'll get some answers about that, assuming the plays called get run. But we still don't even know if MLF will be calling the plays, do we? And even if he does, this is a new year; we have no idea how different it might be.

Not only are comparisons hard to make, they're besides the point. What matters is winning games, one play at a time. Can MLF adjust in games when it's needed? For whatever reasons we haven't seen that, and don't know what he might do including improving. He's done well when plan A works. Promoting Rich Bisaccia to assistant HC might partly be due to scheming a plan B on the fly? There are a lot of other coaches on this staff, how they work together could become a massive team strength. Training camp is a chance for those relationships to form, and this is stuff that we just don't see during games.

Then all that needs to interact with the players to get the best out of everyone. I'm a LOT more interested in that because this is the stuff that wins championships, it takes more than just talented players. Clearly that's on the roster already! Hopefully few weaknesses exist but we will find out ...

1 points
Since'61's picture

July 25, 2023 at 11:27 am

I believe that these comments from Mark Murphy yesterday are totally unfair to Jordan Love just before his first TC as the Packers starting QB.

President Mark Murphy said "Love has half a season to prove to the team he’s the future of the Packers at quarterback." Murphy said "that’s how long it took the Packers to know Aaron Rodgers was the guy to lead the team long-term after Brett Favre. If Love isn’t proving his worth by midseason, the Packers need to come up with a plan to land another quarterback."

IMO Jordan should have at least 2 seasons to prove that he can be "the guy" long term. To lay this on Love and LaFleur at this point is just not fair to the player, the HC or the team for that matter because Love will not be playing by himself. Love probably will not even have all of MLFs playbook available to him by the seasons' halfway mark.

This is yet another "We're not idiots" moment for Murphy. I wish that he would just step away and let Gute and MLF do their jobs. We haven't even started TC yet and I have a bad taste in my mouth because of Murphy. Retire already.

As for MLFs offensive acumen it remains to be seen and proven. With all of the youth on offense , especially in the receiving corps, it will take time for the offense to run on all cylinders. Injuries will be a factor as well. Bottom line, Love, the offense and MLF need time to get his offense running smoothly. It make take one or two seasons. Take one game and one play at a time. Thanks, Since '61

14 points
Johnblood27's picture

July 25, 2023 at 11:31 am


MM needs to GO GO.

I will pay his full tuition if he enrolls at STFU.

11 points
stockholder's picture

July 25, 2023 at 11:55 am

MM was right on the money-
You saw the QB carousal up to #4.
If a guy doesn't have it. Dump him.
To many other careers are on the line.

-8 points
Since'61's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:32 pm

MM may have been on the money but it was unnecessary to make his thoughts public. None of his comment helps either Love or the team. That was my point.

Beyond that both Favre and Rodgers needed 2 seasons for the game to slow down for them and both of them stated that at the time. Love deserves no less of a chance or amount of time than anyone else. In fact Favre and Rodgers becomes starters with more experienced players than Love has at this time.

Give Love a chance. As President of the organization Murphy should understand that as well as anyone.
Thanks, Since '61

12 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 25, 2023 at 03:08 pm

Love would be best served with a complete overhaul of this front office. These clowns had six years to get the Gold with a HOF QB. Murphy comes off as an arrogant prick in many ways which has been substantiated by many of the fans interactions with this guy. Fumbling through the Farve fiasco and bribe scheme to failing to pull the trigger on moving Rodgers earlier to Denver. His crew brought Love onboard in lieu of maximizing the acquisition of a Playmaking WR. There should be zero ambivalence. This guy needs to get the nickel-plated watch and hit the 19th hole.

3 points
stockholder's picture

July 25, 2023 at 03:30 pm

The difference was both showed it.
They then, we're allowed to improve.
If Love can't. After the coaching. He must go.
The Pick; still remains the most controversial since 2010.
Brett Favre showed he was over Majik.
Rodgers was ready! I hadn't heard that about Love.
Thats the difference!
What we're hearing is curb your expectations.
Translation- IMO. -MM has shown the rift at the top.

-1 points
Johnblood27's picture

July 25, 2023 at 07:12 pm

You are so myopic it hurts.

Favre did NOT show anything better than Majik.

When Majik was healthy Favre sat the bench. Only after Majik sustained a career ending and life altering injury did Favre play. He somehow stayed ahead of Brunell on the depth chart, but if he would have been sat down, I believe that Brunell would have brought more than one measly SB Championship to GB.

Rodgers showed SOME promise, much like Love has. Favres antics caused team management to want to be done with him and his Hamlet (to retire or not retire, that is the question) annual routine wore too thin.

Rodgers was good, but he did not set the NFL on fire until year 3, and then he had the best stable of 5 receivers that ever were together on an NFL roster.

You exaggerate in favor of your favorites waaaaay too much, I try to ignore and I do for the most part, but sometimes the feces you spread just cannot go unanswered with truth.

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 09:05 pm

Favre DID show more than the Majik Man, though. Its why Ron Wolf sent a 1st round draft pick to get him from Atlanta. He also showed that boozing was more important than playing and I think thats why he sat. Holmgren wasnt gonna give the keys to a young booze hound (and possibly blow his only shot at being a head coach) till he sobered up and took his job more seriously when he had a pro like Majik on the roster. JLove looked good at Philly and sounds like he took a big leap with Clements helping but Arod did show more. QB's could be pin point accurate or they could be mobile but nobody was showing what Arod showed which was being mobile and pin point accurate at the same time but doing it at practice isnt the same as doing it in the game so yes it took a bit for fans to realize that was Arods thing.
Calling other packers fans opinions feces is a bit weird. Packer fans hating each other is pretty stupid when its just a difference of opinions, i mean there are plenty of things to shit on like idk the bears or the fact that used cars have more titles than the Vikings... People need to disagree and share their point of view but leave the mud slinging out of it...what are we???? packers fans or politicians???

3 points
Packerpasty's picture

July 26, 2023 at 09:24 am

oh no, dont you dare disagree with 4 or 5 of these constant commenting dudes here on will be shit on and vilified as a terrible Packer fan and stupid to boot...CHTV is mostly a cult for a favored few...

1 points
Packers0808's picture

July 25, 2023 at 09:29 pm

Stockholder is the ASS of the Jack!

-1 points
Tundraboy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 07:21 pm

Out of the calm before the season , especially this season when nothing needed to be said, the moron had to make it about him. All I want to see is what the new players have to offer and what we have with this years roster, and I think that's all anyone wanted.

His comments do nothing but create something that did not need to be an issue.

4 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

July 25, 2023 at 10:03 pm

Regardless of the fact it took #4 and #12 more than one season for the game to slow down has nothing to do with what they want to see from Love. Even in season one when he was nowhere near his best, they could see the potential with Rodgers. That’s all Murph is saying. He is in year 4 in the NFL. If he’s not showing he belongs (win or lose) by mid-season they owe it to the franchise to look for a guy that does belong.

-1 points
Guam's picture

July 25, 2023 at 10:38 pm

It's fine if Murphy thinks that, but he never should publicly say it. You don't put that pressure on your new quarterback, telling him he has just eight games to prove himself. That is asinine and unproductive management of key human resources. You always publicly support your people - Human Resources 101.

4 points
T7Steve's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:29 pm

I think it was gaming and a smoke screen. Love has already proved it to the team. They just aren't going to let anyone else find out till it's too late.

-2 points
CJ Bauckham's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:30 pm

Though I agree with your sentiment in a vacuum, I think the draft capital we have available (provided Rodgers plays 9 games) to potentially move up and take a Drake Maye or Caleb Williams in next year's draft effectively shortens the time table to assess Love to just this year. Unless, of course, that can of opportunity can be kicked down the road with some savvy pick trading.

That being said, I also wish Murphy would stop playing the fool by opening his mouth. 🙄

6 points
Coldworld's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:59 pm

If it’s not unfair it’s definitely extremely unhelpful. Another example of Murphy putting his foot squarely in his mouth. Apart from the fact that the timescale is at best questionably short, it’s media fodder that will only increase pressure. I can see no gain for saying it. Thus a remark that no President should be uttering.

On the other hand, liberated from Rodgers’ influence, real or imagined, I’d say LaFleur should have about that window to show us that he can win the strategic and tactical battle, game manage and handle player and coaching personnel effectively. If he can’t after this many years, he is never likely to. Let’s see what he comes up with. That’s what Murphy should be concentrating on first at mid season when determining key off season strategy.

9 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 02:39 pm

The ONLY thing Mark Murphy should be concentrating on is giving Brian Gutekunst whatever funds he requires to secure extensions /FA acquisitions for the remainder of the season.

He’s proven himself an untrustworthy detriment to team goals in any public forums.

I agree with LeotisHarris, and think Murphy should at the very least undergo post concussion syndrome & TBI testing. For the good of the team.

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 06:58 pm

If Murphy has to speak to the media he needs a script. MM is the albatross that is hanging around the GBP football operations....

4 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 07:48 am

CW, while I like your logic there's just way too much that's new and way too much potential to consider throwing it all away after 9 games.

If anything, our DC could prove he's incompetent in that time. Personally, I'm not rooting for that; I hope this defense is clearly in the top 5, establishes itself early, and maintains that relentlessly. Even if JB is incompetent. There are other people at every position that could cover his mistakes if he makes them.

Nobody's taken a rep in pads yet.

1 points
LeotisHarris's picture

July 25, 2023 at 02:19 pm

Murphy continues to disappoint. Yesterday's comments *should* have been scripted for him. It's not like someone stuck a microphone in front of his face on the Tailgate Tour or at the WI High School Basketball Tournament. Embarrassing to say the least.

All the head shots he took as a player surely scrambled his marbles. Maybe it's time for Mark to spend more time with his family. It's not a good look having him out front.

9 points
lou's picture

July 25, 2023 at 05:12 pm

I was totally taken aback by Murphy's statements as I am sure most of the players were. My first thought was how can he make that kind of statement when as we sit today the backup QB's on the roster have not thrown a single
NFL pass, what is Murphy's plan at mid season then if Love does not meet his standard, they certainly have no contingency QB plan and the fans would revolt if they let Love continue and basically say they are tanking the season. For a man in his position to say "we are not IDIOTS" I will take the poll numbers that say just the opposite.

8 points
TKWorldWide's picture

July 25, 2023 at 05:55 pm

MM is the next guy who won’t be missed.

4 points
bjkdad44's picture

July 25, 2023 at 10:24 pm

Typical idiotic MM talk!

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 07:36 am


I couldn't agree more. That was an idiotic thing for MM to say. And I have no bias about our FO, I just don't know that much about it.

JL10 is ONE player. There are WAY too many variables for any such blanket statement to possibly be appropriate. IF the O line gives perfect protection and JL10 bumbles through 9 games wasting every opportunity? Well that's a hypothetical I don't want to entertain and personally do not believe will happen. First of all, our O line will not create perfect protection through 9 games. Nobody does.

Something less extreme that includes ups and downs? Yeah that's called being human. Seems like MM trying to kneecap the whole team by attacking the QB. I have to wonder if MM has dementia.

0 points
davekenya's picture

July 25, 2023 at 11:49 am

Agreed. AR inherited a more experienced WR group that he had several years of OTA and pre-season snaps with. Love? Not so much. Even if for some misguided reason MM was actually only going to give Love 1/2 season to prove himself, why the h e double toothpicks would you publicly say it? It just layers on unnecessary pressure on Love. It also (continues to) make MM look stupid. If there are several key offensive injuries during the first 8 games impacting Love's ability to guide the offense, MM will have to eat his words and backtrack. I thought he played football and understood that unforeseen things can happen impacting a team's success that have nothing to do with the QB.

10 points
PackfanNY's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:12 pm

I think I look at this differently. Sure you need to be a little creative. That’s great.

However, I am more concerned with getting Love acclimated to the speed and pace of the NFL game while limiting came changing turnovers and mistakes. Quietly, I think. the Packers have done a good job so that Love doesn’t have to play hero ball. The Packers have a solid Oline, two solid backs, a few promising receivers and two big newly drafted and somewhat fast TE relief valves. This team needs to establish the run first and take what the defense gives them through the air. If that means dumping it off to the TE’s so be it. I think those young guys (Musgrave and Kraft) could have a real impact. The receiving corps especially Watson and Doubs will make plays. Obviously, though, we can’t have Love forcing the throws.

10 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 02:12 pm

Bravo. I love what you've said here, PackfanNY. Rock solid.

It will be interesting to see how they work moving forward. I looked back at LaFleur's two previous stints as OC, at LAR and TEN, and he gave his RBs 30-40 carries collectively on numerous occasions.

The 4 games our RBs had >30 carries in 2022, we were 4-0. The Packers only had 1 game in 2021 where our RBs split >30 carries, v. ARI in a win.

I want that 30 carries dedicated to RBs to be a minimum figure in 2023. That will help Jordan Love in so many ways in his first season as QB1.

1 points
PackfanNY's picture

July 25, 2023 at 03:14 pm

Hey, greengold it all sounds great on paper. Let’s just hope LaFleur sticks to the formula. I left out I think we have some players on defense. Of course, it has to show up as a “unit”. No soft off the receiver nonsense. They need to have faith and turn these guys loose. I’ll remain optimistic and looking forward to the season. All the best.

4 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 04:51 pm

I’m right with you. It’s on paper, and this is the last day we get to talk like this!!! I don’t mind projecting here having researched the bejesus out of all of our additions: Jordan Love is going to light it the F up, and our D will be Top 10.

You know what else will be Top 10? That Jets conditional we own.

1 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:27 pm

Matt LaFleur thought bubble: "Oh, I'll simplify some things alright... hold my beer!"

In all seriousness, 2021's "Last Dance" BS was the icing on that BON VOYAGE cake. Throwing to no one but a double & triple covered Davante Adams exclusively for 3 entire QUARTERS spelled non-compliance doom.

That turned his 2022 into a complete and total lame duck season, in which Rodgers' Offense severely underperformed. His own veteran receiving targets were responsible for more drops than the rookies.

Aaron Rodgers' "greatness" left in 2017. He became a petulant prick to everyone in authority after they let Jordy Nelson walk. 2018's spitefulness helped lead GB to a 6-9-1 team result, and Mike McCarthy's firing.

Rodgers got HIS stats, and had quite a remarkable year passing. Who suffers then? When QB1 is solely concerned with his own passing stats and winning MVPs? Our running backs. 334 combined rushing attempts for Aaron Jones & Jamal Williams in 2018. AR nearly doubled that in passing attempts with 597.

If you look back on it in all seriousness, little changed with AR thereafter. Yet, playing QB at an optimal level in the NFL is not about personal achievement. It's about leading a TEAM, as a part of that TEAM, with first & foremost, one goal: WINNING THE LOMBARDI TROPHY.

___ Now we can focus on JUST THAT!!! Looks to me like the TEAM is ALL-IN, with TC beginning tomorrow!

Matt LaFleur and his staff have got to be about as excited & motivated as can be to lead his team to the highest level of success the NFL's youngest team can possibly achieve. They know they all have to show out. Coaches & players alike. But, MAN ARE THEY LOADED with young talents at EVERY position LaFleur could want.

He's got Watson, Melton, Reed & Deguara to utilize in Jet concepts. 3 of the four run 4.3 forty's. Both Musgrave & Kraft are size-speed mismatches, as is Watson.

If LaFleur wants to help Jordan Love in 2023, he'll need to take some of the pass rushing heat off his young QB1 by implementing more of a power running attack. In 2018 with LaFleur calling plays, the Titans rushed 456 times for 2,027 yds, 15 TDs, and 106 1Ds.

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 07:11 pm

You contradict yourself. You say that Rodgers good passing stats are BS because the team didn't win the Lombardi and then try to prove that point by highlighting LaFluer's time with the Titans where they didn't win the Lombardi but had really good stats in the running game.... Truth is that LaFluer played to his strengths in both places. Arod throwing the ball in GB and Derrick Henry running the ball in Tennessee. Playing as a team is indeed good and needed but coaches and players also make a point to emphasize that you need "Difference Makers" HOF/All-Pro types on that team. The two best difference makers on GB and Tennessee were ARod and Derrick Henry.

3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

July 25, 2023 at 10:12 pm

Maybe if they had invested in WR and TE beyond 5th rounders like MVS and UDFAs like Tonyan and Lazard, Rodgers would have been looking for other outlets. You know like he did when they actually had talented guys like Jennings, Jones, Driver, Jordy, Finley or a youthful Cobb?No they wait until he is halfway out the door to invest in an early round WR and after he leaves they finally draft two promising TEs. Rodgers has been playing with Adams and a bunch of nobodies and turning in 13 win seasons. Last year they lost Adams and it finally caught up to them. He was hurt and couldn’t overcome the lack of talent. And the underperforming defense.

1 points
Packerpasty's picture

July 26, 2023 at 09:26 am


1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 26, 2023 at 01:31 pm

They can't handle the Truth. Players, not Plays ( Thanks, Vic).

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:02 am

GG -

"He's got Watson, Melton, Reed & Deguara to utilize in Jet concepts. 3 of the four run 4.3 forty's. "

Jeff Cotton also clocked in with 4.3x. (4.38 I think?) Even though he's out of action now due to injury, hopefully that's slight and immaterial.

And what about CC, the 11th WR?

The "formula" I'm looking to see is excellent situational football. #33 is an incredible talent. #28 is a near perfect complement. I see TEs as more than just safety valves, they're perfectly valid options for the QB to get rid of the ball quickly and securely, which in turn helps the O line. Those plays can reliably produce 5 - 15 yards.

There's SO much that can go right before even needing to look at a WR. And then of course JL10 has a cannon.

1 points
GoldZone's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:05 am

Thank you Green and Gold, you truly understand the heartbeat of the GBP, and I truly enjoy reading your commentary. You are so right in regards to Rodgers greatness being lost in 2017. The biggest problem over the past 5 years has been the high amount of 3 and outs compared to 1st downs per series. This was all do to hero ball and the buddy system. And it all lied on Rodgers actions. Rodgers was great when he released the ball immediately and played as the play was drawn up. The Packers should have had 2=3 superbowl victories in the last 4 years, and I see Rodgers as the main reason we did not win at least 3. Lafleur did make some bad decisions but not nearly as many as Aaron over the course of the last 5 years. It sucks cause Gute has built a great team and part of me thinks Aaron screwed his teammates and fans due to his dislike for Gute. Or was it he just lost his skills. Thanks again Green and Gold for the good reads.

Gold Zone.

-2 points
Packerpasty's picture

July 26, 2023 at 09:27 am

Pure bullshit..

0 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 26, 2023 at 07:25 pm

Absolutely pure bullshit...but don't take my word for it. There are countless NFL players and coaches who arent just respectful of ARod but make a point to say, in one way or another, that he is That Good. You dont have to like Arod's personality (I dont know him, he could be a raging asshole for all i know) but in terms of what he provided the GBP on the field you cant deny it without being in denial. Go to youtube and check out Rasul Douglas talking to Darius Slay about Rodgers a few days ago or go back a few years ago and watch Bill Belichek talking about Arod. They didnt have to say the things they said about him. They could have kept it short and respectful but they didnt cause they respect what the man does on the field.

1 points
TarynsEyes's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:30 pm

It would have been better, and smarter, to have said 'You'll see what we thought when drafted, by the season's half-time'. However, that might exude a higher confidence that doesn't really exist.

6 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:45 pm

"That really rolls off the tongue!" was not my first thought.


Hey, all that matters is the coaching staff & the players right now. Confidence in the players' own abilities to win a job, a spot on the Packers 53 man roster, learning the right way to be a Pro, and nothing more.

The Packers are widely known to draft their players years in advance of expected return. Anything they get before that is gravy. Jordan Love is right on schedule. I really do think that confidence you're talking about will only begin in the preseason games/joint practices, after making some big plays vs. live action. That should only grow with more successes stacked as the season progresses. Look what Watson did last year.


3 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:05 am

GG -

"Hey, all that matters is the coaching staff & the players right now."

I hope so. Does anybody really know the organizational structure? Can anybody curtail MM from doing foolish things? (Even though nobody can stop him from saying foolish things, apparently)

1 points
vin0770's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:33 pm

“…great ability to manage things when not going well “

Huh? I don’t believe that for a second. Great ability to keep doing and saying the same thing over and over…he’s a one trick pony and if this season goes off the tracks he won’t be able to fix it doing the same thing over and over.

I think we’ll find out if he’s a strong leader this challenging year and I hope I’m way wrong being a Packer fan first and not wanting them to suck. I’m hopeful but not optimistic😢

7 points
mnbadger's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Wendell, thank you for an unpolished piece on mlf. I think he's on the hottest seat of anybody in this organization. I also think he's got a fantastic opportunity in front of him.
Potential playmakers up and down the roster, all pulling in the same direction, hopefully picking each other up during the hard times instead of degrading a teammate's poor performance on any given play.
8 weeks?: I'm trying to give MM the benefit of the doubt, but I can't find a valid reason that a team president would make that particular comment?
JLove and MLF know exactly how much pressure they're under. Every nfl coach and player are but a few weeks removed from the street at all times. Piling on unnecessarily doesn't change a thing no matter what the circumstance.
Hopefully that's the last time he's in front of a microphone until the draft.
Let's start TC and move on to the good stuff.

10 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:47 pm

FREAKING SPOT ON, mnbadger!!!

4 points
T7Steve's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:47 pm

We'll know what we have in coaching and players from the first game on. From the first possession, even.

We at CHTV will have decided by then (even with any injuries) who should be the best starting 5 linemen by the Chicago game.

Remember the shock with the starting line that came out for the Vikings game? Couldn't even find out who picked those five starters. Hopefully that was the last time we started the regular season with our last preseason game.

I believe we'll be able to tell, even if we start the game on defense.

It all comes down to the trenches. If you dominate there, all the rest will flow. If you don't, it won't matter who the "skill players" are.

3 points
vin0770's picture

July 25, 2023 at 05:18 pm

Vikings last was hard to watch their best player running around wide open like he had Covid! He would have scored if it was one handed touch! Then the opener the year before on a neutral field vs the Saints and they were reading the hype and were going to win by showing up 🤪

MLF…we’re watching you this year dude! You actually going to have them ready game one in Chicago? The Bears would love to stick it to you and show the world the “New Bears”

2 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:09 am

Steve -

"We'll know what we have in coaching and players from the first game on. From the first possession, even."

Only if everything goes right and no changes are needed.

I expect this team to continue to gel until at least next season. Do everything right and contend for a Lombardi by 2025.

Seasons are not determined by one play.

2 points
T7Steve's picture

July 26, 2023 at 10:33 am

There are always changes needed.

We'll know about the coaches if they don't make them.

The team will be competing even before 2025 in my opinion. Maybe if they aren't making the changes, the coaches will be different.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

July 25, 2023 at 12:50 pm

He better shine or his stint as a HC in GB will be over very quickly...

4 points
greengold's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:11 pm

Ha! Just saw a bIRDOGUNI! Welcome back.

Absolutely. LaFleur knows the stakes are high. They all do. They've been ready for this, anxiously awaiting this, for years. Imagine that for a moment...

I wouldn't be surprised to see Jordan Love become the darling of the NFL this year. Not one bit. LaFleur and his staff will have everybody coached up to the very best of their abilities in 2023. I'm confident in that.

All these years prior, the man had to have been bashing his head against a wall.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:38 pm

I have no doubts about 10's ability. The only thing I question is our HC and his ability to put him a position to succeed. I think Love could execute just about any offense, but MaLF's play calling and innovation will determine if Love succeeds. If MaLF can throw away all his BS tendencies, I think our Offense could be flying high by midseason...

7 points
splitpea1's picture

July 25, 2023 at 01:09 pm

We might be getting a little ahead of ourselves here, at least in the short term. MLF has indicated he's going to be taking a "fluid" approach with Love, making sure he's playing loosely, doing things that are comfortable at first, and not wanting him to overthink. That makes sense.

I would say that MLF has his first real opportunity to firmly stamp his identity as the leader on the team now that Rodgers is gone. There's obviously more to being a successful head coach than being an offensive mastermind (see McDaniel/Raiders). Equally as important is his selection of assistant and position coaches who will play a key role in the development of the young players as well as maintaining or improving the play from the veterans. You can be confident in very experienced coaches like Clements and Bisaccia, but we'll have to see about some of the newer and younger ones. So we want to be singing their praises as well when players like Musgrave and Kraft begin to make an impact.

6 points
Packer_Fan's picture

July 25, 2023 at 02:59 pm

Will this year be a repeat of the Titans by relying on the running game or will it be Lafleur's offense opening up.

It will all depend on Love's progression as a QB. There has been several articles showing Love's progress through video. I keep going back to Tom Clements comment about watching the feet. It seems to me that when Love throws in rhythm and has good footwork he is successful. And when he is pressured or in trouble, his left leg turns out and accuracy drops. Perhaps a bad habit from years past.

I will be watching Love and his mechanics. If he can keep his mechanics under pressure, then we may have ourselves an interesting season. I hope so

3 points
jannes bjornson's picture

July 25, 2023 at 03:18 pm

That will be the key.

0 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:13 am

PF -

"Will this year be a repeat of the Titans by relying on the running game or will it be Lafleur's offense opening up."





At least I hope so. There are situations for both. Can MLF spot them?

1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

July 25, 2023 at 04:40 pm

Man I cant wait till we can actually analyze real football and not hang on every word said by people off the field. I dont care what Murphy said. I dont care what Gute or MLF said. I dont care what the media says or what Bakhtiari says or what any other person has to say. None of this shit matters. Just win baby.

6 points
ko40489's picture

July 25, 2023 at 05:29 pm

No excuses anymore. MLF has had enough time as head coach to learn the job. There's no longer any influence from number 12. It's now MLF's team. Will he flourish or has he hit his ceiling? I truly don't know--but we'll soon find out.

2 points
packerfanroy's picture

July 25, 2023 at 08:27 pm

When Arod was traded LaFluer said “A lot of people have been rewarded, quite frankly, because of his ability to go out there and play and play at such a high level.” I think this was a shot at the front office in reminding them that a big part of the front office's (Gute, MM) success was because of Aaron Rodgers success on the field. MM seems to me ( I could be wrong, i dont really know) to be pretty egotistical and convinced that the GBP are successful soley because of MM and nothing and nobody else much like a lot of other CEO's who believe their success is due only to how great they are and nothing and nobody else. What MM said about JLove was a shot back at LaFluer. JLove has to be playing like Arod was his 1st year half way through the season and possibly sniffing around the playoff hunt (not in the hunt necessarily but close) by the end of the year or LaFluer is gonna be gone.
You see, Arod wasnt special, MM is special cause he makes Arod's and Jlove's who they are. but none of the fans or media give MM this credit and he needs to remind people of how the world really works... sarcasm alert, btw. Things MM says and MM's behavior make a lot more sense when you realize he has an over-inflated ego and sense of his contributions and under appreciation for the other professionals (players or coaches)
Matt Lafluer hasnt been a great coach but he has not been bad. MM paying cheap for D and ST coaches (they fixed that with ST after the media got involved with the ST coach salary) screwed this team in the playoffs when weak links get exposed.

-1 points
SicSemperTyrannis's picture

July 26, 2023 at 08:18 am


if MM is an egomaniac that would make a lot of sense out of everything. Why should "team President" of the only publicly owned NFL team insert himself into football operations? Why should there be mystery and confusion in roles of coaches GM and others when there's a clear structure that works throughout the league?

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

July 26, 2023 at 02:33 am

What I learned in my life is that if somebody accuse you of something, that means he is the one being that or doing that. That is pretty accurate if the accuser has inflated ego. The accuser believes that everyone functioning as he does.

Saying this does not mean that person(s) with inflated ego(s) are not successful in some business or social issues or projects. Everybody can be successful in one or more fields, but no one can cover successfuly every aspects of life or business. There are always teams behind successful organizations. Anyone who places himself as final decision maker has to understand that he has to respect the work and suggestions of his subordinates he chose for specific part of job to do. If he believes he is better than others and makes decisions by himself and how he sees things, that is the path to catastrophy.

When that high ego person makes wrong decision, has no valid arguments to support that decision, but quickly recognize decision is not good after the decision was implemented, what he will do. 2 things! First, he will use plural (we) instead of singular (I) and, second, he will accuse others how stupid they are not to recognize how excellent that decision is by using phrases like "We are not idiots".

What is the goal of that "act defence". To tell everybody who are pointing out how stupid that decision was - "You are idiots" and to justify the decision by passive-agressive "what else we were able to do".

I do not know for sure, but pure logic tells me that MLF, BG and RB was for trade FPQB to Broncos. Mark "we are not idiots" was against and his decision and order to his subordinate was that make possible, no matter what price is, to gave new contract to FPQB.

After last season, MM quietly pull out himself from decision about FPQB future and left his "team" to make deal and change at the position.

I know how stupid will sound next, but all MM statements after the act (decision made by FPQB to play for Jets) leans towards hope to justify his decision to keep FPQB another season (probably till the end of MM tenure) and ruin the job of his "team" in their try to make transition as smooth as possible.

Now, I'm not talking about other aspects of MM job, because I do not know anything about it. He was/is, obviously successful in building titletown, bringing draft to Green Bay and other things, but knowing what he did to structure of the FO tells me that his idea is to be remembered at the level of Bob Harland if not better than Harland was.

My take is that he overcalculated himself and that he will be remembered by his FO move mistake.

I was not talking about his statement regarding Jordan Love. Many posters here said all what was needed to be told and I agree with them. I want to add one thing to the discussion. My take from MM statement is that this was his another blunder that will explode to his legacy. Jordan Love is young, but very good person, confident in himself and his abilities. Pathetic statement from "We are not idiots" person will not disturb him. For me, his talent, that is the main trait Jordan has that will lead him to success in NFL.

1 points
vin0770's picture

July 26, 2023 at 10:34 am

Opie Taylor is the CEO of a storied franchise and is supposed to be able to see around corners to and avoid problems. He’s awful and is the most reactionary leader in an extreme power position out there. Good at making money so make him CFO then and move on. I know it’s hard to tell…I’m NOT in the MM fan club.

0 points
Boneman's picture

July 26, 2023 at 06:01 am

It is silly to think that MLF will suddenly 'blossom' and prove to the world that he is a good coach. Anybody that knows football already knows he is that already. All the nitpickers and clickbait artists in the world can't change what he has accomplished already. This guy is a winner with a quiet but forceful leadership style that puts his players first. Yes, he will shine this year and for many years to come. The Packers have a good one and it will be a great moment when he hoists a Lombardi Trophy.

1 points