Extra Pressure On Barnett This Week

While a lot of people are focusing on the defensive line and the task they'll have this week trying to contain Minnesota's rookie phenom Adrian Peterson, I submit that this week, more than any other, is one in which Nick Barnett must play a flawless game. No doubt having the best season of his carreer so far, Barnett is still prone to occasionally overrunning plays and flying around a bit too recklessly. Not this week. The Packers simply can't afford it. One slip, and Peterson will be off to the races on one of those 50+ yard runs for a touchdown. Barnett and his fellow 'backers MUST stay disciplined in pursuit and not give a sliver of daylight to a cutback lane.

This may seem melodramatic, and I will admit I am, occasionally, given to exaggeration. But I assure you, dear readers, if Barnett overruns even one play, Peterson will be gone, as in G-O-N-E.




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