Cory's Corner: The Bar For Aaron Rodgers

How good does he have to be to stay in 2022?

Many have already written Aaron Rodgers' exit following this season. 

Salary cap guru Ken Ingalls said this on Twitter on March 17, "If a NFL team has a plan to move on from a player next year; the team would likely not extend, guarantee future money, or restructure more dead cap into the future of the player's contract to hinder their opportunity to move on from the player."

I agree 100 percent with what he's saying. If the Packers don't restructure Rodgers' deal, they are in effect devising an exit strategy. Rodgers' cap hit this season is slated to be $37.5 million and that number balloons to $39.8 million in 2022. Rodgers has the No. 1 cap hit in 2021 followed by Russell Wilson, Kirk Cousins and Ryan Tannehill. The only person from that group that is outfitted to win a Super Bowl is Rodgers. 

What is happening is the Packers front office is really setting themselves up to fail. Let's say Rodgers has another season with 40 touchdowns and five picks. How the heck are general manager Brian Gutekunst and Co. going to release a player like that? I understand that Rodgers is 37 and could get stung with a serious injury at any point. That's why I would place a veteran on the roster to back him up. 

Would things be made easier if Rodgers' deal were restructured? Yes, by a long shot. At the same time, don't compare Rodgers to Tom Brady, who has never earned a cap hit over $25 million in his career. 

"It’s going to be important that we continue to develop a lot of our younger guys, because there are going to be some voids that potentially could be left there," said Packers general manager Brian Gutekunst earlier this week. "And the best way to alleviate those voids is to develop your younger guys.” According to Jason Wilde of the Wisconsin State Journal, the Packers approached Rodgers about changing his contract to free up some salary cap space. 

That doesn't mean that Rodgers said no and that doesn't mean that the sides aren't close to a restructure. However, it could also mean something else. It could also mean that Gutekunst wants to have his own guy, which means that he's chomping at the bit to see Jordan Love under center. 

Which raises another important point. Even if the Packers move off Rodgers, how do they know for sure that Love can lead an NFL offense? If Rodgers puts up more MVP numbers this season, Love's shoes will feel like Shaquille O'Neal's size 23.

There are so many people that want to compare this situation to Brett Favre. However, this isn't the same because Favre wasn't this good this late in his career. Rodgers' renaissance is what is making this whole situation so much trickier. Rodgers looked confident, strong and most of all, happy last year. 

What is the bar that Rodgers needs to reach to stay on the team?




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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2 points

Comments (111)

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NickPerry's picture

March 20, 2021 at 06:45 am

I have supported Gute throughout his short time as the Packers GM, BUT I believe not extending Rodgers was a mistake. Earlier in week I mentioned I'd wish Rodgers would take a pay cut. The obvious and easiest way to do that was to add a year or two at a much smaller number...LIKE Brady has in both NE and in TB.

Now maybe Gute didn't offer such a thing which is ON Gute. If an extension was offered or a change to Rodgers contract as suggested then that's ON Rodgers. IMO this should have been priority one this offseason for Gute and dissapointment is creeping in. I feel like I'm in 2012 again and Thompson is doing nothing to improve a team which is SO close.

There ARE things the Packers can still do including extending Rodgers. I mean the dude was the MVP last season. He threw 45 TD's to a WR corps who most feel is comprised of a #1 and a couple 3's and 4's at best. Even when Adams was injured it didn't slow them down. I get it, MLF scheme deserves much of the credit. BUT other teams run the same type scheme and don't get NEARLY the production from their QB's.

I don't know what else he needs to do. BUT I'm going to be really pissed if the Packers crap all over this year and don't get the needed help on a team SO close so they can plan for 2024 and 2025... That's just BS!

8 points
Turophile's picture

March 20, 2021 at 07:13 am

You wish Rodgers would take a pay cut ?
So you are not satisfied with his performance last year ?
Or you don't think he is worth his salary ?
Maybe you don't think he is entitled to ask what the market will stand ?

Just be grateful the Packers are not trying to roll with a Mitch Trubisky or a Christian Ponder, enjoy having possibly the best QB ever to play while he still does.

As for Rodgers going in 2022, well, that could be extended to 2023, where Love, if he is good enough to take over, would have the huge benefit of three years learning all the finer nuances of top level QB play. Beyond 2023, you really have to either start Love or let him go to some other team.

6 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:37 am

Nick didn't write that he is:
Not satisfied with AR's 2020 performance;
Doesn't think AR is worth his salary.

As for Jordan Love, I will take him into serious consideration when I see progress from him on the field. For now, he just a guy on the roster who has shown nothing even if that isn't his fault due to covid/no preseason.

7 points
Turophile's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:29 am

Then why ask for a pay cut ? What we are getting is terrific QB play..............don't be trying to lowball the guy that gives you that at an awesome level.

Agreee about Love................that book remains to be written.

For me, the most likely scenario for Rodgers staying on into 2023 and beyond is if Love shows nothing, and the Packers try for a Rodgers replacement again.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 21, 2021 at 04:18 am

That's fair. The MVP shouldn't have to allow a pay cut. Now, a long-time veteran who has made a ton of money and is concerned about his legacy might consider taking a pay cut to win another super bowl. IDK. He is a hall of famer and has one ring. Perhaps that's enough.

3 points
NickPerry's picture

March 21, 2021 at 06:38 am

Thank you TGR...That's exactly what I meant too. Obviously after drafting Love last year creates some issues. BUT when you have 3 time MVP coming off his best or 2nd best season of his career, LOVES GB and his teammates, and HAS made tons and tons of money, perhaps a year or two added on at a much lower number. (That's your area not mine TGR...Could it work?)

Rodgers could also look like the biggest HERO ever to put on the Packers jersey. Here, let me take a few years at $20 million with not much guaranteed to help the Packers get say Adoree Jackson, Richard Sherman, or whoever it is you'd like them to sign. Right now Rodgers has THE HIGHEST CAP HIT of ANY NFL player for the 2021 season.

That's a sore spot for me. Especially with how close they've been. Especially in a cap crunched year.

2 points
Spock's picture

March 20, 2021 at 07:15 am

Nick, Tom Brady has NEVER taken a pay cut. He has restructured his contract. That is ALWAYS to the players advantage as they get up front money but don't lose a dime. Agents love to claim that their clients are doing the team a big favor but the fact is that the player is more than happy to get his money ahead of time, Vic Ketchman [forgive me TGR, I know you can't stand him] calls it "getting paid to mow the lawn for next year". It's great insurance for the player as the converted signing bonus gets the player paid even if they get injured. It is an absolute myth that Tom Brady has ever taken a "pay cut", he's just restructured his contract and gotten paid sooner. TGR would be better at explaining that, but everything I've read about the salary cap says the restructure to a larger signing bonus is a big, big, plus for the player. QB 12 is not going to ask for a pay cut. That is something you can, "Book it", as so many on here like to say. I suspect Rodgers wants an extension (who can blame him?) and the Packers FO just want a restructure (if Love is really the plan) and that may be why we've seen nothing on the Rodgers/FO restructure front.

7 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:01 am

Perhaps. I think GB has more leverage than you think they do. For example, let's assume that GB needs AR's agreement to restructure his deal to generate cap space and AR said no. A leak would hurt AR's image if the restructure like most restructures doesn't reduce AR's pay and actually merely guarantees more money.

The standard contract used to in practice always includes a provision giving the team the right to automatically convert roster bonuses and base salary to a signing bonus. That was prohibited in rookie deals in 2018 under the CBA. Such language is the subject of negotiation for 2nd and 3rd contracts. Such clauses are often still in the contracts of veterans because they almost always benefit the veteran so why seek that concession from the team?

I don't care whether Brady took a real pay cut.

5 points
Spock's picture

March 20, 2021 at 03:10 pm

Thanks for the clarification, TGR! That information on the standard contract provision is the first I've heard of it. Always learn something from your contract/cap analyses'. I don't care whether TB took a real pay cut either (what I've read is that he "may" have not asked for as large a contract as his status would seem to insure). It's just that I so often see posters (not trying to knock you Nick P.) state that Brady took pay cuts as if it is an established fact and, to my knowledge, it's more of an "urban myth" than reality. :)

0 points
NickPerry's picture

March 21, 2021 at 06:51 am

None taken Spock... I guess what I'm trying to say is look at Brady's salaries through the years, just once has he made over $28 million (2020).

Now unless I'm reading this wrong, Brady's cap hits have been pretty minimal compared to most.

The Packers added voidable years to Billy Turners contract. Could the same be done to Rodgers? Again, this is TGR's area but Dang... $37.5 million, about 20% of the cap for Rodgers in 2021, well crap!

1 points
justjan's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:59 am

In case you missed this
According to Jason Wilde of the Wisconsin State Journal, the Packers approached Rodgers about changing his contract to free up some salary cap space.

So............. don't put it on Gute. And if Rodgers doesn't want a restructure? That is his prerogative.

1 points
hodge555's picture

March 20, 2021 at 06:48 am

Personally speaking if AR12 is playing at the level to be even in the MVP discussion then you don't move on from him as he's just too good.
Last year the Packers obviously thought Rodgers was on the decline and so started the hunt for his replacement and took a punt on Jordan Love who they knew would take some time to develop. Considering speculation that Love would be a top 10 pick had he come to the draft this year then the pick seems like value.
QBs are a tricky selection however, just ask the Bears (LOL), and at this point we have no real idea whether Jordan Love is going to be any good at all so painting him in as the starter in a year or so seems premature.

7 points
Spock's picture

March 20, 2021 at 07:20 am

Well said. An axiom in the NFL is, "The time to draft a QB is when you DON'T need one. Ron Wolf always drafted a QB every year just in case and I think Gute is more of a Wolf disciple than a TT one.

1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:06 am

I submit that it's a stupid maxim. Teams can't pay two quarterbacks. If you have two QBs, most of the time you don't have a QB. I understand if people think Ron Wolf is a better authority than I am.

I love Ken Ingalls. Don't let an accountant run your business. If that's what you want, GB should have hired Russ Ball as GM. By all means, know what the numbers are and what future numerical trends look like, but football executives have to make the football decisions.

1 points
Oppy's picture

March 21, 2021 at 02:50 pm

QBs on rookie deals aren't getting paid NFL starter salaries.

I think most teams have a pretty good idea of what they've got in a young QB after 3-4 years.

I don't see the issue.

-1 points
NickPerry's picture

March 20, 2021 at 07:08 am

Just saying... HAD Gute done an extension with Rodgers (Deserved), Z Smith (Deserved), or Adams (No-Brainer) perhaps the Packers could have signed CB Desmond King for $3 million he got from the (cough, cough) Texans or Levi Wallace who resigned with the Bills for $1.75 million.

There's been some GOOD deals being signed the last 2 days. Lets hope we're still not waiting for a CB signing 3 weeks from now. King might be the ONLY one left!

0 points
Jonathan Spader's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:42 am

Kyle Fuller who the Packers tried to sign before got cut hoping the Packers rejoin him with Amos.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:58 am

King for 1.5M as a safety, maybe.

2 points
stockholder's picture

March 20, 2021 at 02:07 pm

Arron Rodgers can't win. Gute decided Last year he needed to go. The Front office has decided ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE. So trade RODGERS. ( While you can. ) I hope they fire Gute. Gute never went all in. You only have to look where the Defense has been ranked. The DL. The ILBs. The special Teams. Even his Kizer trade/trades. We didn't advance in the playoffs because Gute wanted his signature on the roster. His ego got in the way. He's missed on his evaluations. And he's missed with Jordan Love. Why? It doesn't take a #1 pick to win the Super-Bowl. Gute has gone against Packer History. Bart Starr, The Great defense of Lombardi. The winning attitude to get it right the first time. Gute is Status Que. If you don't succeed, try and try again. And his Timing is off when he extends players. The kick the can down the road has been the recipe for failure. And it never worked through our history. As long as he has Rodgers, They will ALL live on his shirt tales. No matter how much they hate it.

-8 points
Savage57's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:15 am

The history of the league is littered with GM's who went "All in", and embraced Navin Johnson's philosophy of team building.

"All I need is this Edge Rusher. That's it, just this Edge Rusher. And this Cornerback, that's it. This Edge Rusher and this Cornerback, that's all I need. And this Tight End. That's all I need. This Edge Rusher, this Cornerback and this Tight End."

Having a first ballot HOF lock under center has its upsides and its downsides when it comes to having everything you want, and more.

3 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:48 am

Just this ashtray, and this paddle game, the ashtray and the paddle game and that’s all I need. And this remote control. The ashtray, the paddle game, and the remote control, and that’s all I need. And these matches. The ashtray, and these matches, and the remote control and the paddle ball, that's all i need. And this lamp. The ashtray, this paddle game and the remote control and the lamp and that’s all I need. That’s all I need.

4 points
justjan's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:07 am


0 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:40 am

...for the handful of people who actually get the reference.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

March 21, 2021 at 07:44 am

you Jerk...

1 points
PF4L's picture

March 21, 2021 at 08:46 am

dobber isn't a jerk...maybe a tad misguided.

Plus....look at that awesome kool-aid pitcher!
How cute is that?
It's a shame it's not Packer green kool aid.

Stay thirsty my friend!

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:11 am

Of course, the converse is also true, and there are exponentially more examples of the converse.

The history of the NFL is littered with GMs who did not go all-in and never won a super bowl.

There's a helluva lot more of the latter than the former.

4 points
justjan's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:05 am

YAWN. Ok. We get it. You have been saying "trade Rodgers" for weeks. No one cares what you want.

-2 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 12:02 pm

"You have been saying "trade Rodgers" for weeks."

Actually, it's been a couple years now, but no one's keeping track...

0 points
Gman1976's picture

March 20, 2021 at 06:16 pm

Fire Gute??!! If you don’t like a GM that gives us 13-3 seasons and shots at getting to Superbowls, what kind of GM do you want?

-3 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 07:06 pm

I'll play!!...I'll play!!....

The kind that puts together a team that can get to a Super Bowl?

I'm just spit balling here. I didn't read anywhere where anyone said fire Gute.
Lets try to stay sober ok, we don't need anyone here seeing psychedelic images, gremlins, or refrigerators chasing each other through a field.

Woodstock is over friend.

-2 points
Guam's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:03 am

The Packers must do some more cap work to develop the additional $10 million they will need to sign their draft class and have some flexibility next season to sign injury replacements. In other words, the Packers will have to do something with Rodgers or Adams or Z's contracts - they just haven't done it yet. If they can free up enough cap space to do all of the above and add some mid-level free agents, all the better.

Bargains rarely happen during the first week of free agency and I suspect Gute is waiting until free agent signings don't count against compensatory draft picks before he signs anyone. And given the cap hits every team is taking, there will be quality players available. In the mean time, he has about three weeks to redo one of the top earner's contracts. Have some patience, Gute isn't done.

14 points
PatrickGB's picture

March 20, 2021 at 01:10 pm

Good post ☝️

0 points
egbertsouse's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:17 am

If he plays at an MVP level, trade him. Reportedly, the Bears were offering three 1sts for Wilson. Take it and rebuild. Don't do a Favre and wait until all you can get is a conditional 2nd rounder for him.

-3 points
canadapacker's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:39 am

Dont you dare to compare AR to #4 - even #4 has said that he could have handled his last few years with the Pack better. I am going to retire - I am not going to retire. The drama was way too much. The team moved on especially when they KNEW what they had in AR. Now I dont know what AR is like in the GM's office and around his teammates. But nothing bad seems to be coming out. I think that may his stoic silence is kind of telling Gutey that he is not happy especially with all of the noise surrounding not picking up some help in the first round last year. And this stuff is going around the League with the Texans, with the Lions, with Seattle - a lot of unhappiness being expressed by the franchise QB's. So we got what we could for #4 and unfortunately he came back to haunt us even though it was 1 year later. I would hope that AR stays 4 more years - I would hope that Love develops and gets traded. Even Love develops that is not a guarantee that he becomes THE guy. Just look at Jimmy G. So we all need to take a deep breath and as AR would say R E L A X

11 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:51 am

AR doesn't make a lot of public statements and measures his words carefully. He has been known for his "stoic silence" in the off-season year after year. It's all kinda nice, but people like to try to use it to read between lines that just might not have actually been drawn.

2 points
Guam's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:21 am

Regarding the bar for Rodgers - that is also tied to a bar for Love. The Packers have yet to see Jordan Love play in a single NFL game. They will need to see him in preseason and maybe some garbage time in regular season this year to get a better idea of what they have. You don't discard a HOF QB unless you are certain of his replacement and the Packers can't be sure of Love yet. This article might be appropriate for next year, but I find it entirely premature this year. Rodgers is the reigning MVP and Love is a guy who has yet to play in the league. Let's give this decision some time before jumping to conclusions about what must be done this year.

11 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:24 am

Cory....they wouldn’t release him, they would trade him. There’s a difference.

This isn’t about Rodgers, or how good he has to be to stay on the team. It’s about the future of the organization. Rodgers is not the future.

4 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:22 am

"It’s about the future of the organization." - Leatherhead
This may seem shocking.

But the future is now!!

You just went to two straight NFCCG and you possess the leagues best QB, a HOF QB, a QB who has won the SB.
And you want to build for.....(cough)....the future?
Let me tell you what the future holds without Rodgers....5-11.

5 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:52 am

PF4L....I’m getting closer to just ignoring you because you spout nonsense.

The present is now, not the future. I had that explained to me when I was about 5. Saying the “future is now” doesn’t make it truth, it makes it nonsense.

5-11? It’s always nice to talk to people who can predict the future. Should I sell my shares in Garmin?

People said Favre was worth 5 wins all by himself, and then we went 4-12. I guess without him, we’d have been -1-17?

Rodgers inherited a 13-3 team. He went 6-10.

I was a Packer fan before Rodgers was born, and I’ll be a fan long after he’s gone. And yeah, I prepare for the future. You don’t?

1 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:28 am

Ignore me?
NO....not that!!!

Listen cabbage head....nobody ignores me.

My comments are truth based, informative, and at the same time...entertaining.

Tell us again how Favre went from back up, to starter in Green Bay.
Wait, you better not, i don't want to have to correct you again on your false facts.
(That nonsense?)

Please, in the future....don't threaten me. I don't negotiate with terrorist.

-3 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:43 am

"Let me tell you what the future holds without Rodgers....5-11." - PF4L

Cabbage's called a metaphor. (a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.)

Metaphor's were explained to me when i was 4 1/2.

Thank you for understanding.

-4 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:51 am

"Metaphor's were explained to me when i was 4 1/2."

When is your lesson on apostrophes?

5 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 12:57 pm

I think you missed the point dobber. But that's fine, i'm getting used to it in here.

But i'd be remiss not so say, i think you'd make a damn good Grammar Cop for this website. I don't think they'd give you a gun to tote around, but how about one of those little plastic badges. How cool would that be right?

Keep up the good work. If somebody misses a comma, punctuation mark, or a period. Give em hell my friend!!

-1 points
Oppy's picture

March 21, 2021 at 02:58 pm

I hate to break this to you, but that sentence isn't a metaphor.
You may want to track down whoever taught you about metaphors at 4 1/2 and ask for a refresher course or a refund.

1 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:57 am

Leatherhead....I'm going to give you something to ponder, something to think about.

Do we have a better chance of winning a Super Bowl with Rodgers and a handful of Pro Bowlers now?

Or do we have a better chance of winning a Super Bowl in 2 or 3 years when/if Jordan Love becomes the starting QB?

I get it, i get need to thank me.

You're welcome.

0 points
PF4L's picture

March 21, 2021 at 08:37 am

I guess at least 3 people seem to think we'd have a better chance at winning a SB with Jordan Love.

Interesting.....That answers a lot of the questions i had about some Packer fans in here.

Carry on Comrades.

0 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:48 am

My Wednesday this week felt like about (-1)-17....

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:06 am

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near"--Morrison.

4 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:53 am


0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:18 am

"Rodgers is not the future."

The NFL = Not For Long.

In the NFL, the future is 3 years. Or is it 10 years? AR looks to me like he ought to be the QB for the next three years. He won't be for the next 10 years. 3 years is about as long as I think a team can meaningfully plan for.

I suspect this is one of our fundamental disagreements. Always fun butting heads with you, LH.

6 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:36 am

Fun? I wish it was

When i talk football with LH, i almost feel guilty.
It's like running a 40 yard dash against someone from the Special Olympics.
It just doesn't seem fair.

Oh well.

-6 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:59 am

So let’s keep him three years, then. Love can leave in FA after we exercise our 5th year option. We won’t have money to be players in free agency.

It is a fundamental disagreement, but I can read the writing on the wall. It’s not a question of having a better QB; it’s a question of having a better team.

We moved on from Favre after we went 13-3. Three years later we won the Super Bowl.

2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 21, 2021 at 04:35 am

I'll give that a thumbs up, even though I detected some sarcasm.

Love might be Brian Brohm and this whole thing might be a non-issue. If he shows progress, time to re-assess. Don't make moves that can't be undone that locks the team into Love before he has shown diddly squat.

No, I don't value the seamless transition as highly as you do. I can be a fan of a team doing a major rebuild.

2 points
Since'61's picture

March 21, 2021 at 10:22 am

Excellent point TGR. I agree completely about moving forward with Love and not having a feasible contingency
plan. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Lphill's picture

March 20, 2021 at 08:42 am

No other team in NFL history has wasted the careers of two hall of fame quarterbacks like the Packers have , maybe it boils down to not having an owner with the desire to win rather than a comittee that just measures success by making the playoffs.

-2 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:22 am

Brees got one title. Marino, none. Peyton Manning won one title in his time with the Colts.

Last year, Brady, Brees, Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Wilson, and Mahomes....all HOF quality QBs...were in the league. Are they all supposed to win multiple titles?

Favre would have more titles if he didn’t throw the ball away in the clutch so often. Rodgers would have more titles if he put a few more points on the board in some of these playoff losses. Don’t blame this on his teammates, coaches, or the organization.

3 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:30 am

So...according to Leatherhead....

The reason the Packers didn't win more than two SB's in 3 decades, is actually the fault of two HOF QB's?

It's no fault of the defense's, coaches or the organization, they are exempt from fault.......according to Leatherhead.

Man....i love coming in here, i learn so much :)


1 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:14 am


I'm going to tell you something so shocking, you might want to sit down for this.

It takes more than 1 player, to win a Super Bowl.
Take your time, absorb it, let that sink in.

Some even takes everyone, from the Team President, down to the equipment guys.
Sound foolish?
What say you?

-2 points
PF4L's picture

March 21, 2021 at 08:42 am

What say you?

Nothing?........that's shocking!

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:20 am

So what I am inferring is that you think AR has great talent but comes up short when the pressure is on.

0 points
PeteK's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:07 am

All true LH, except we would have been in the SB if a player didn't badly play an onside kick.

3 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:56 am

Let's not revisit that fiasco...

2 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 01:07 pm

Or, more recently...if a cornerback didn't play like it was his first NFL game coming out of a Division 3 college team.

3 points
PF4L's picture

March 22, 2021 at 05:54 pm

I see one person didn't watch the NFCCG.

Or maybe he was hosting a party and was too busy making cucumber finger sandwiches for his "stop husband abuse" support group..

0 points
Packer_Fan's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:30 am

This is a second article from you guys suggesting an exit plan for Rodgers. And as early as next year. Other sites are doing the same thing. Is this just follow the leader or is there a real story here? I believe it is the latter. So, the Packers will have to restructure and/or extend Adams and/or Rodgers. And we won't know who or what until they are ready to sign a FA. For them to do that, it gives the player leverage to ask for more. I think, and I have as much knowledge as anyone else, and I don't have any, is that we will hear the next restructure or extension when the next FA player is signed.

4 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:11 am

The CAP will be moving up , significantly.

0 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:01 am

How good does Rodgers need to be? That is the wrong question. We know how good Rodgers is. He is a 3 time league MVP and a first ballot HOFer. How well he plays in 2021 is irrelevant if the FO has decided to move on from Rodgers.

IMO moving on from Rodgers would be among the stupidest moves I have ever seen in the history of professional sports, especially if Rodgers continues to play at an MVP level. AR has thrown 11 picks including the playoffs in the last 3 seasons. Why do we want to screw that up????

The idea that Rodgers is not the future is literally idiocy in motion since the future is 2021 and only 2021 if we believe that we should be playing to win now. As for 2022 and beyond if Rodgers remains healthy he gives the Packers their best opportunity to win in 2022 and 2023 at least and maybe a year or 2 beyond that.

Now let's look at the implications of Rodgers leaving after a successful 2021 season. First we'll assume Rodgers has another good/great season in 2021. He could win another MVP award and he could win the SB. Again, why would you release a player like that.
But let's also assume the apparent stupidity at 1265 and they do release him?!?!?!/!!!

It means we literally have no one to play QB in 2022 who has ever taken a snap in an actual NFL game since if Rodgers has won an MVP and/or the SB Love has not seen the field in 2021. That means we are at least 2 seasons from returning to the playoffs and probably at least 3 seasons from reaching an SB. So if Rodgers is not the future then our future after 2021 looks very prohibitive until about 2024 -25. This is assuming that Love can actually play QB. By then who is left on the team. Jones and Adams will be gone. Bak, Clark, the Smiths and Amos are probably gone. And we have wasted the best seasons of Alexander, Jenkins, Gary and a few others. And BTW, no amount of draft picks or FA signings are going to make up for the loss of Rodgers while Love is spinning wheels for a few seasons trying to figure out which way to handoff the ball or how to read NFL defenses. This concept that because the Packers drafted him Love will become another Mahomes or even a Josh Allen is based on wishing and hoping. And hope is not a plan. If Love goes bust, Gute and MLF will be gone by 2023-24 and we start over with a new a new GM and HC who will be telling us, guess what???, we're building for the future. And the beat goes on. Meanwhile Rodgers is winning SBs with his new team.

So if we want to win an SB or 2 in the next few seasons it's literally Rodgers or bust. Letting Rodgers go virtually eliminates our chances for an SB in the foreseeable future after 2021. It goes against every principle of putting your best players on the field who give your team the best chance to win. Again, if you keep building for the future you will still be building for the future for a long time. 2021 will be our 11th season of building for the future, how much longer will the building go on for?

Imagine if Lombardi took the approach of building for the future instead of the we're going to win now approach. It took one season(1959) for Lombardi to take a 1-10-1 team into the NFL championship game for 3 consecutive seasons 1960 - 1962 and then return again in by 1965-67 for the epic 3 peat culminating in the ICE Bowl and then victory in SB 2.

Letting Rodgers go after 2021 means at best a 3-5 year window before returning to an SB level team and at worst it means we go back to the 70s. Give me Rodgers for the next 3-4 seasons or give me NFL obscurity (paraphrase of Patrick Henry). Thanks, Since '61

15 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:25 am


I wrote some of this in replies above only to scroll down and see it laid out here. Yeah, moving on from AR would be the stupidest move in the history of sports.

If GB does have to move on from AR, that has to develop organically: that is, one season AR comes out and has lost his arm. Moving on from AR regardless of his level of play sounds to me like a 5-year plan imposed by some bean-counter who lives a thousand miles away from Green Bay, Wisconsin.

5 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2021 at 02:19 pm

TGR, I’m not going to “ butt heads” with you anymore. It’s obvious that I have no idea what I’m talking about. Hell, I don’t even know the difference between past, present, and future. See, I think 2021 is the present, but apparently it’s the future, and the future is the present.

We should hang onto Rodgers until the future is the past. It’s our only hope. He’s bigger than the team.

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 21, 2021 at 05:42 am

I didn't mean to offend you, LH, and not butting heads is no fun. I am not so certain that I know the difference between the past, present, and the future. Past and future are easier to define, but the present lasts just a split second by one definition and quite a bit longer in other definitions and colloquially.

Strictly speaking, the 2021 regular season starts in a little over 5 months in the future. To be sure, the 2021 NFL league year started 4 days ago and is 365 days long, so arguably that's the present. I am not so sure that it would be inappropriate to consider 2021 and 2022 to be the present in the NFL in some ways.

Gute made a decision to pay AR's roster bonus yesterday, so that is now in the history books. GB can never get that potential $4.4M in additional 2021 cap space back. OTOH, it means even more potential dead money has not dumped into 2022 and 2023. Mind, it is potential dead money because it only becomes dead when the player no longer plays for the team.

At any rate, Gute will make some decisions in the near future (like selecting players in the draft and generating enough additional cap space to pay for them) that will affect the present if that is the 2021 NFL league year.

3 points
Demon's picture

March 21, 2021 at 01:31 pm

It’s obvious that I have no idea what I’m talking about.

You see, we can agree about something. I even gave you a thumbs up for the first time.

1 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 03:09 pm

TGR here's the thing. If I were consulting for the Packers at this point and I shouldn't because I know nothing about being an NFL GM, but even so if I had the chance to consult with Gute and he told me that his plan was to release or trade Rodgers after 2021 and make Love the starter in 2022 the first question I would ask him is; "OK, what is your exit strategy." Meaning that if you make Love the starter in 2022 and by the middle or end of 2023 it's obvious he cannot be an effective NFL QB, what are you going to do? Give him another, year? OK, then what?

His answer to that question would tell me everything I need to know about how well he has considered his decision to prematurely replaced Rodgers with Love. Why? Because good planning requires, actually it demands, planning for the worst case scenario. It's like having a HOF, MVP QB delivering the #1 offense in the league play with a defense that can't get off the field until the give up a score. Oh wait! LOL.

Seriously, I would hope that Gute's answer would include signing a veteran backup with some of the Rodgers cap savings to be able to bail out Love and save at least one or 2 seasons until another QB can be drafted. And if that is his answer, my next question would be, then why move on from Rodgers? Isn't that just a waste of seasons and money while you could be winning with Rodgers?

My point is if the plan is Love after 2021gute is not only gambling with his and MLFs future but he is gambling with the franchise because if Love flops Gute and MLF are gone and if the team has several .500 or losing seasons
FAs are not going to want to come to GB because winning is a long way off in yet another rebuild. Then we get into the cycle of trying and waiting for another Favre/Rodgers to come along and we already know from the 70s/80s what that is like.

Ultimately, my advice to Gute would be, stick with Rodgers and keep building the defense and add 2 legit NFL WRs. One to eventually replace Adams and the other to be the eventual #2. Keep the OL solid as well. For the short term (1-2 seasons) and medium term (2-5) seasons I'd rather sacrifice Love than Rodgers and a legit shot at 1 or 2 SBs. Moving to Love after 2021 does not give us that opportunity for another 3-5 years at best.
Thanks, Since '61

4 points
Crankbait's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:08 am

That's not going to happen.... it has not happened since they wasted another Hall of Famer's career, why would it start now?
Hell there was a long period after Rogers won our Super Bowl, when they weren't even serious about fielding a decent offensive line and it almost cost Rogers an early exit from his career. And don't even get me started on the special teams.
There's no sign at this time, of the Packers organization is serious about defense. (Super Bowl serious I am referring to.)

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:53 am

Preach Since '61.

I wish I could give this 10 thumbs up!!

3 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:42 pm

Appreciate 13Time. I hope that you are doing well. Stay safe. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
canadapacker's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:34 am

Everything that you wrote is perfect - the only thing that could change that in my opinion is if AR ( and he has not shown that even during the years that he was injured) - is if becomes bigger than the TEAM. If there was one thing that I admired about Brady - is that he did not at least in the public or in leaks from the locker room become bigger than the team. Maybe that is Bill B - but maybe not. Now Brady moved on because he wanted to show the world that it wasnt just Bill B that made him 7 time SB winner - ( maybe it was the other way around) and he proved that this year. Hopefully getting married and having success will allow him to finish his career in GB - no matter if Love appears to be great or not.

3 points
PF4L's picture

March 20, 2021 at 01:24 pm

Many....and i mean, many, many people in here could learn from Since'61.
Even Letterhead, if someone explains it to him.

They you for educating the masses.

You, without a doubt have a firm hold on being the 2nd most valuable commenter on this website.

We (you) have Since'61, not unlike Rodgers......appreciate what you have.

-1 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:44 pm

Your generous comments are appreciated PF4L. Stay safe. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
PF4L's picture

March 21, 2021 at 08:27 am

What can i say my friend, when it's deserved, it's deserved.

I'm a giver :)

1 points
PF4L's picture

March 22, 2021 at 05:45 pm

Two thumbs down for being nice and complimenting another Packer fan.

What is wrong with you people?

0 points
Fabio's picture

March 20, 2021 at 01:39 pm

Since '61 you are becoming my idol !! Finally a person who definitively clarifies how unlikely it is to talk about the future with Love (not for the single player, but for the set of factors that will occur in 3 years Adams, Back, Clark, Z, JA, AJ ....)
I add only one thing.
Can anyone explain to me why the gaps that seem obvious to everyone are NEVER EVER NEVER uncovered? One answer may be that we mere fans don't understand enough and that what seems to us to be gaps in reality are not. But then why do the years go by, the players change, the coaches change, but the gaps are always the same ????
Once we could try to see if by covering them we can win ??? At least the result would not change !!
Can we try please ???
Greetings from Italy
Go Pack Go

PS: Given Brady's longevity, I wonder why Rodgers couldn't be our Q for another 5/6 years?

0 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:50 pm

Fabio, thank you for your kind words. There are many fine posters here who have been asking the same questions about the same gaps on the Packers since at least the 2010 SB. I don't think we've had an actual MLB since Ray Nitschke. It took years to get decent safeties again and about 7 years to find a TE after Finley went down in 2013.

Some of it is a function of the salary cap era, some a function of poor draft picks and injuries and some a combination of all of the above. It's a cyclical thing with the Packers from one position group to another.

Be well. Ciao! Thanks, Since '61

0 points
Demon's picture

March 21, 2021 at 01:29 pm

Finally someone who understands that QBs of ARs calibre do not come walking down the street every day.

I personally did not like the Love pick. I thought it was a year at minimum too early. Where Love was drafted historically is not great for franchise QBs.

There is a greater chance becomes the newest Hundley/Kizer QB, than the new Mahomes. People who dont believe that dont know what they are talking about.

Green bay got very very lucky to have back to back HOF QB play. Assuming just because Love was drafted by GB automatically means he is the next franchise is in a word, foolish.

1 points
Pacrat88's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:37 am

Many journalists and commentators are mentioning the Packers' needs. Our biggest need is an experienced Quarterback. If Rodgers goes down, we are no longer a contender. I would have trusted Boyle over Love at this stage of the game. I truly believe management has moved too early in Rodgers' career. Time will tell. Let us hope and pray Rodgers stays healthy. Go Pack Go !

3 points
dobber's picture

March 20, 2021 at 12:00 pm

If Rodgers gets hurt and misses half a dozen games, yes, I think they're sunk. But I will say this: I have higher hopes for LaF coming up with game plans that put his green QB in a position to game-manage his way to a couple wins than I ever did for MM.

6 points
Swisch's picture

March 20, 2021 at 12:22 pm

So Aaron Rodgers makes an astounding $37 million or so this season out of a salary cap of about $183 million -- in other words, he takes up almost one-fifth of the salary (20%) for all of the players.
Rodgers makes 37 times more than a player making $1 million, and 74 times more than a players making $500,000.
For that kind of loot, Rodgers better be not only a spectacular passer but a spectacular leader and a spectacular teammate.
He better set the tone for the whole team by being totally coachable.
He better find a way to win Super Bowls, no excuses about the defense or special teams or anything else.
He better find a way to get the ball in the end zone against the Bucs when it's first down and only eight yards away. If he can't do that in three plays, then as a head coach I'd also kick the field goal on fourth down.
He better not have any excuses about the lack of help from teammates we can't afford because of his humongous contract.
Gaudy statistics and MVPs and celebrity credentials don't win the big games, don't lead a team to its fullest potential.
Rodgers better be a model person as well as a magnificent player, or it's time to go to Jordan Love, or someone else.
For $37 million per season, Rodgers has to give the Packers more than his arm; he has to give his heart.

-4 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 02:44 pm

Swisch - so you want Rodgers to be a spectacular passer, what more can he do than throw 50 TD passes against only 5 interceptions, at a 71% completion rate, with a 121+ passer rating, second only to his own record of 122 in NFL history. I think he has the spectacular passer question settled. You want him to be a spectacular leader and a spectacular teammate. Find me someone who says he's not. And besides who among us is qualified to make that assessment and what are the criteria? What more can he do for his team than play at an MVP level. Doesn't that make him a great team mate.

You want to blame him for the loss to the Bucs because the Packers did not score from the 8 yard line? Really!!??!?? I guess it was Rodgers fault that King gave up 2 long TDs on simple go routes that Pettine and King should have been prepared for. Maybe Rodgers should play CB as well. I guess it was Rodgers fault that Sheppard dropped a sure pick off Brady before the TD pass at the end of first half. Again maybe Rodgers should have made that pick. He can probably catch better than Sheppard anyway. I know, maybe Rodgers should block for himself and then he wouldn't get sacked 5 times and take 8 QB hits. I guess Rodgers should have thrown and caught the TD pass that Adams dropped in the first quarter or recovered Jones fumble on the first drive in the 2nd half. Would that make him a better passer, teammate and leader in your eyes.

You want Rodgers to be the one who plays better, only Rodgers but yet you complain about the $$$ he is paid. Yes, that makes sense in some parallel universe maybe. As I have posted before, why don't you want/expect the other players on the team to play better. Shouldn't King play better? Or Z. Smith, or Preston Smith? Based on your logic why did we just sign Aaron Jones to a big contract after fumbling 2X against the Bucs? Why are we considering extending Adams after costing us 2 TDs with an end zone drop and failing to get his feet down on another TD. Why did our defense allow 21 points in the first half all from 20 yards or more from the end zone? Why aren't you asking or expecting the rest of the team to play better? What game were you watching that day?

You talk about playing like a team yet, you blame the losses on only one player, thereby contradicting yourself. You speculate about Rodgers not being a good teammate or getting along with his HC when there is not one credible shred of evidence to support your accusations. You're disappointed the Packers did not win as are the rest us. But for you Rodgers is the easy scapegoat because of his salary. Rodgers salary has nothing to do with the lack of pregame preparation, the poor coaching decisions and poor execution by the offense and the defense at key points in the game. Those are the reasons for the loss to Tampa. Not Rodgers by himself, but quite frankly a set of controllable factors that a championship coaching staff would never allow to happen either before or during the game. End of story. Go back and look at the Lombardi Packers. In an era with nothing but verbal communications, no replays, no sideline laptops, did you ever see those mistakes happen? You didn't? Then ask yourself why? Better coaching, better preparation and quite frankly better players at nearly every position except the QB. 12 HOFers on the Lombardi Packers. Only one on the current Packers and his name is Rodgers. Case closed.
Thanks, Since '61

3 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:39 pm

61 on top of his game....

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

March 20, 2021 at 02:39 pm

Mahomes, Prescott, Watson, Wilson and Goff all make more. Cousins and Wentz make about the same. Ryan and Tannehill are right behind him. Rodgers has more MVPs than all the others combined. Please explain how he is in any way overpaid in today's NFL. Either you want an elite, franchise QB or settle for a Trubisky or Dalton who make way less. Can't have it both ways.

Stop acting like this a unique situation with the Packers. That argument is getting really old.

6 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:55 pm

Well said 13TimeChamps. Thanks, Since '61

1 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:54 pm

Your 100% right, the issue now isn't overpaid, it's his cap hit from pushing money out is over his value. Cap % and salary are 2 different things. It's why when people say the Packers aren't all in they are wrong. They pushed so much of his cap hits out to obtain/keep talent that now its starting to flip to not being worth it. He is the #1 Cap% in the NFL and not much better next year. that's why the packers aren't restructuring, it would be stupid. Why have the best QB when you would have to cut your good players to keep him. I want AR in GB next year too. Just no one who understands the cap and player value like you do should complain about not now having cap space for FAs. You aren't but so many still do when they should know better.

0 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:54 pm

Your 100% right, the issue now isn't overpaid, it's his cap hit from pushing money out is over his value. Cap % and salary are 2 different things. It's why when people say the Packers aren't all in they are wrong. They pushed so much of his cap hits out to obtain/keep talent that now its starting to flip to not being worth it. He is the #1 Cap% in the NFL and not much better next year. that's why the packers aren't restructuring, it would be stupid. Why have the best QB when you would have to cut your good players to keep him. I want AR in GB next year too. Just no one who understands the cap and player value like you do should complain about not now having cap space for FAs. You aren't but so many still do when they should know better.

0 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 23, 2021 at 01:52 am

Fair enough.

He is the MVP, so being #1 in cap hit is congruent.

Issue is that due to unforeseeable circumstances, the cap contracted. That means AR's percentage of the cap skyrocketed. AR's cap number would have to be about $31M of a $210M (where I think the cap would be absent covid) to be at the proverbial 15% or less of cap for a QB in order for a team to win a Super Bowl.

0 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:48 pm

Swish your logic starts out Ok but then you go off the deep end. For that Money Rodgers better make a massive impact and he does. He is human and has weaknesses like all the greats and not so greats but he certainly earned his Salary the last 2 years. The issue is you can only add so much more talent with him making so much. OMO he has been worth it. he has stumbled in big games and did as well against TB, but it wasn't his fault they lost. He didn't have one of his best games but TB is a SB team and its not easy. Add that your playing behind a banged up line, its near impossible. He/they did alot better than KC. AR should of made a few more plays and it might of been enough. he also was the biggest reason they went 13-3 and had home field advantage.

Unfortunately AR legacy if viewed fairly will be an all time great QB/HOF but didn't always play his best in the biggest games. (Remember the biggest games by definition means against the best teams so it always more difficult). Hopefully he can go out on top and solidify his Legacy.

0 points
Fabio's picture

March 20, 2021 at 01:55 pm

Since '61 you are becoming my idol !! Finally a person who definitively clarifies how unlikely it is to talk about the future with Love (not for the single player, but for the set of factors that will occur in 3 years Adams, Back, Clark, Z, JA, AJ ....)
I add only one thing.
Can anyone explain to me why the gaps that seem obvious to everyone are NEVER EVER NEVER uncovered? One answer may be that we mere fans don't understand enough and that what seems to us to be gaps in reality are not. But then why do the years go by, the players change, the coaches change, but the gaps are always the same ????
Once we could try to see if by covering them we can win ??? At least the result would not change !!
Can we try please ???
Greetings from Italy
Go Pack Go

PS: Given Brady's longevity, I wonder why Rodgers couldn't be our Q for another 5/6 years?

-1 points
PhantomII's picture

March 20, 2021 at 02:16 pm

The biggest problems with the cap have been huge contracts. Bak could have been replaced by Jenkins saving 20 Million. Clark signed instead of replaced by 2- above average FA DL for 8-10 Million a piece shoring up our front. Signing a good FA CB 8-12 Million w/ Bak money. Sign FA #2 WR 8-10 Million. Cut P. Smith and start Gary save 8-12 Million. Extend Adams and lower cap hit. Extend Rodgers 2 years at 25 Million per if he's willing to go all in next few years and if not leave it as is. Draft move up to get the best CB/ILB or WR available and then depth. A high move up in RD one would eliminate The FA CB or FA #2 WR signing money. If Jones is not retained then the move up would be RB- Entiene Clemson.

2 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 03:12 pm

News flash!!! We've resigned Jones about a week ago. Thanks, Since '61

0 points
PhantomII's picture

March 20, 2021 at 03:43 pm

The theme was large contracts signed and alternatives. I like Jones. I provided an alternate approach on multiple contracts with Jones being signed or an alternative scenario Clemson RB who is electric player like jones but faster. The idea was Gute signings that have burdened the team with huge cap restraints and what I believe should have been done to address the scenarios of large money contracts. If jones is signed (which he was), sign FA CB or FA #2 WR but not both, move up and get either CB or WR, whichever you did not sign as a FA. If Jones were to not been signed, FA CB and FA WR and move up and draft similar RB Entiene.

2 points
Since'61's picture

March 20, 2021 at 09:58 pm

PhantomII, thanks for the clarification. My bad, I did not pick up on the theme in your original post. Since '61

1 points
J_brooks's picture

March 21, 2021 at 05:49 pm


Can you please identify the guard and/or center we would need to sign to replace Jenkins after he replaces Bahk? I think one could argue that Jenkins’ versatility allows the Packers to play the best 5 across the entire line. What does that do to the versatility of the oline now that Jenkins is locked in at LT and can’t pitch in somewhere else? Who is the backup tackle on the roster in case Jenkins or Turner go down (besides the all-pro Yosh of course)? So that probably means we need to sign a swing tackle. What is the cost of these two to three NFL starting caliber lineman that we need to sign that you assume are just sitting there without any other suitors? Funny how things fall apart once you think through the chain of events caused trying to save $20 mil/yr by not resigning the best LT in the game.

Can you please identify the 2 “above average” dlineman and their cost to replace Clark?

Can you please identify who our 3rd and 4th edge rushers would be if we cut Smith? We don’t play two edge rushers on 100% of the snaps all year. You need at least a top three rotation. What happens if Gary or Z get hurt?

Who is this magic WR that we need in FA that will elevate the #1 offense in the NFL to the... well... hmm... that’s funny. What’s better than the #1 offense?

How can you guarantee that we can find the right trade partner and terms to trade up to exactly the right position to take that player in the draft who will absolutely pan out and be able to contribute from day 1 and be an all-pro?

I look forward to all your answers.

0 points
CoachDino's picture

March 20, 2021 at 10:20 pm

My Guy, I agree "the packers are really setting themselves up for failure". I don't see stated, what I would consider to be, the reason. The Dreaded ALL IN. If the packers didn't push out all these contracts to try and make a run this year then they would be in a better position to handle AR massive cap hit and most likely future salary requirements.

So it seems you believe by pushing of cap money to the future "They are really setting themselves up for failure".
Agreed, by its very nature going all in "setting yourself up for future failure"?

Whether ARod has another MVP season or not, if the cap doesn't go up dramatically, keeping him, at the expense of other very high level players is not a SB formula. We have seen that he needs this level of a roster or better to be SB worthy. Arod with a lesser roster is not SB worthy. It's really that simple. hence the call for FA moves NOW.
So they other option, that you haven't tried is a Better Roster with a Lesser QB.
Love is no sure shot anything, be it Great, Avg, Bust but if you are trying to win, He is the logical option over one you already know won't.

Thats what packer fans (More FA/Weapons) don't want to come to grips with, they believe AR needs a better team around him to win yet ignore the fact that the team will only get worse (as they lose players to pay him) if you keep him. So if you believe he needs a better team you would agree that is impossible with him on it. So logically this group should be clamoring to curt AR and play Love. trying to improve the rest of the roster with the 17 then 35 mil in cap gains.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Arod moving on and have a few more good years. It's not about him personally it's about impact vs Cap %.

Tampa doesn't sign TBrady at 35-40mil. and win the SB.

-2 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 21, 2021 at 05:50 am

No question that if the 2022 salary cap is under $210M, heck under $215M, the Packers will likely be in a world of hurt.

0 points
PhantomII's picture

March 21, 2021 at 12:33 pm

Gute was handed a team in need of a massive amount of increased talent with several players kept too long. There was a lot of poor drafting for years and letting good players walk instead of paying them. This organization overpays contracts also. They get enamored with their quantity of draft picks and fail to make moves as it may affect the number of comp picks in a following year. Rodgers has been shown by management that they are not all in for years by TT. I can not blame him for taking more if they are not trying to improve the roster over champs of the North. It appears gute has pumped as much money into this as he could now and we came very close last year. Maybe Rodgers has a sit down with them and gives a little back in an extension and maybe it works out. I don't know, but it needs to happen or we move on from Rodgers. CB,DL and #2 WR need to be on the roster and they are not here. I don't see our WR's stepping up that far, nor CB's. Maybe Keke but that is a big gamble. If Gute turns 10 picks into a solid 3 I've mentioned we could get it done this year, but that is not his way.

0 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:21 pm

Name the guys they overpaid and hung onto too long. You'd figure there would be a few but I can't think of one. We are talking about guys who are getting paid more than Rookie contracts. If not then what's the difference, its not like it hurt them from signing others.

We already have arguable the #1 CB and 2 good/great/ascending safeties. that leaves an opening at #2 CB. How many teams have 2 pro-bowl CB ah none...They also have one of the best DL in KC. Remember the DL plays with only 2 guys the majority of snaps. Sure a better WR2 would be nice but when you have the #1 passing/offense in the NFL your issues are not at WRs.

They have been mortgaging the future for the last 2 years so they have been ALL IN.

Even under TT they were good enough to win the SB but between injuries to Rodgers, Rodgers laying an egg against NY and the onside kick debacle you have multiple seasons where they had the talent the players just didn't execute.

This isn't fantasy football. No team has studs or even good players at every position. NONE.

-1 points
PhantomII's picture

March 22, 2021 at 09:13 pm

TT Overpaid: Perry, Cobb both always hurt multiple games every year. Cobb had 1 special year and then underperformed the contract from not getting on the field. Kept too long: CM3, Cobb, Jordy 2016 was about it. GB likes for contracts to run out. Gute used the WR money on the Smiths

Gute Overpaid: P. Smith, Lowery, Clark, Bak, Graham, Kirksey. Bak wanted highest paid LT, shouldn't have been done. Clark is good also but has not lived up to contract, even leading up to the deal. He's gonna get hurt because Gute has not given him a quality guy next to him. He could be a phenom if Gute would fill the spot. 2 above average DT's would be better than 1 with no help. #2 WR is a must if Adams gets hurt, nobody else to fear as WR that drop 50% of passes. Run game get's shut down. However we get it, we need #2 CB, good DL next to Clark and #2 WR. You don't have to agree with any of it. It's obvious before and after both Championship losses. Pack still could have beat bucs but beat themselves.....again. I have never seen GB use 2-#1 picks. It's about time for it. Don't forget letting best ST coach walk from interview too cheap to pay him 1-MILL. How many games has that cost us for years.

2 points
Fabio's picture

March 21, 2021 at 01:51 pm

Dino I don't think what you say is right (it's my opinion not an absolute truth !!)
Gute had a choice, but he always chose against impending needs. You can't blame Rodgers' signing if Gute drafted LOVE last year instead of a WR which could be a starter this season without requiring AJ's re-signing which prevents us from spending on a quality CB.
These are Gute's picks.
These are holes in the roster that he did not want to cover.
All the rest are just stories ..... good for him to justify the defeats and the absence of SB .... always blaming Rodgers' money
Greetings from Italy
Go Pack Go

2 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:35 pm

paison - Hope all is well in the home country...In truth I am being a bit sarcastic with blaming Rodgers. My point is yes, you can't sign many FA's when you have the #1 Cap % player in the NFL on your roster. They have done such a good job of drafting they choose to sign their own FAs. Then they even added some High Priced guys a few years ago. So come this year and next there just isn't any cap space to make moves.So if those in the Rodgers needs more help camp, the facts are that can't happen when paying him. So then they must want to move on. Which they don't. They just want the best of both worlds and have to lay blame when they can't have it when really there is no blame.
My own opinion, keep Rodgers through his contract and try to win with the guys you have. I think they proved last year that they are good enough to do just that. So my point of Rodgers being the biggest hindrance to signing FA's doesn't mean cut him, it means he's good enough to win with who they have.

Now if he wants an extension or contract after 2023 he needs to come in at a reasonable price. No matter the salary cap # he can't take up such a extreme % of it. It's not a winning formula. On top of that he will be 40 and it would not be a prudent move to offer a huge contract to an very old QB.

I could care less about whether Love plays or not. If Rodgers plays well then its a small price to pay. I also would include that w/o Love Rodgers would have all the leverage and to be honest I doubt trust Rodgers to do anything but what's best for him. Max Contract. I'm sure if AR offered a great deal to the packers they would of taken it.


0 points
blondy45's picture

March 21, 2021 at 05:30 pm

It is all about impact vs Cap %. Absolutely spot on CoachDino!

-1 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

March 20, 2021 at 11:02 pm

Guys with the talent Rodgers has come along once in a decade, if that. I want to ride that horse until his "Gitty Up" is gone.

7 points
J_brooks's picture

March 21, 2021 at 05:20 pm

I feel a rant coming. All this talk about Gute not going “all in” and that all the Packers need is a GM “who can put together a Super Bowl roster” is just plain laughable.

This logic presumes that there are a ton of potential GMs just sitting out there who “have the right mindset” to win a Super Bowl and for whatever reason the Pack and every other NFL team refuses to hire that individual. Winning a Super Bowl is all about the GM willing it into being apparently. Who are these unnamed GMs that could get us there?

Additionally, by this logic, as there are only two teams that make the Super Bowl every year, 94% of NFL GMs lack the heart and desire to make it all the way and thus deserve to be fired. Give me a break.

Only those of Entitled Town would complain about a front office, coaching staff, and team that makes it to the NFC Championship Game two years in a row and have given us a chance to make it to the big game. What short memories you all have of the last few years of McCarthy and the state of the roster and culture Gute and LeFleur inherited. Enjoy this.

1 points
CoachDino's picture

March 22, 2021 at 06:37 pm

Thanks brother for the dose of reality. You do it well.

-1 points